Ted Kennedy ran an effective attack ad campaign against Mitt Romney in 1994, leading to a 17% victory (disregard Ann Coulter every time she says how well Romney ran against Teddy, she’s just being “bombastic“).
Here was Romney’s response (via @AKaczynski1)
Look, we all understand the dynamic this time around. This time Mitt has all the money and the attack machine, so he taunts Newt about not being able to take the heat in the kitchen.
We’ll see.
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Perhaps cessation from viewing everything through a Newt prism is needed!
Obamacare will not be repealed under a President Romney. It may not be repealed under a President Gingrich, but at least there’s some chance.
Republicans had not had a majority in the House until Newt Gingrich in over 40 years. It took him 16 years to make it happen. This kind of determination and perseverance is something I can get behind so I have no doubt he will repeal Obamacare. There is NO NONE NADA evidence that Romney will do or stick to anything he says he’ll do. Name one.
Pretty soon there will be more flip flopping videos on Romney than there are of his insider Washington endorsements. I still can’t decide which is worse!
Okay, first of all? ROMNEY ISN’T AIRING ANY NEGATIVE ADS! Despite Gingrich’s conspiracy theories, Mitt isn’t behind anything the Super PACs are doing, and has, in fact, said that Super PACs should be done away with. Romney’s campaign is doing exactly what he describes in the ad you showed us: talking about his record. He hasn’t said a word about Gingrich.
Second, his point about Newt’s whining isn’t that there should always be negative ads. His point is Newt needs to be ready for much worse when the general election rolls around. And he’s right. Instead of countering the info in the ads themselves or, better yet, staying on message like Romney is, Newt is complaining and blaming Romney for not (illegally) telling the Super PACs to cut it out.
“His point is Newt needs to be ready for much worse when the general election rolls around.”
But Mittens is ready. Is that what you’re telling us?
Do me a favor. Before I answer that question, go to Romney’s campaign website, click on the video page, and watch the attack ads Romney’s campaign has been putting together for the general election since last spring. My personal favorite is the “Welcome to Chicago” video.
The “mittens” have been off for months, now.
Romney’s not a career politician, but I keep seeing political newsclips of him from 20 years ago. As Gingrich pointed out, if Romney’s not a career politician it’s only because he couldn’t get enough people to vote for him. It wasn’t for lack of trying.