Things I could not fit into separate posts:
- Self-described liberal law professor says Elena Kagan should recuse herself from Obamacare case, but ends with “Now, as to Justice Thomas …” Concern troll?
- Something so important about Newt it occupies reporters’ time. Something actually important.
- Sometimes I lose sight of the fact that there is something about which Jennifer Rubin and I agree.
- Republicans in the House roll out their own payroll tax plan, expect Harry Reid to use it as kindling.
- Someone figured out Obama’s veto threat has helped John Boehner.
- Eric Holder was grilled today — I didn’t get to watch it. Anyone have suggested links for a good, fair and balanced summary of what happened?
- “I simply don’t know where the money is“
- I recommend Elect Ad blog, which features a variety of election ads from various candidates, including the video below by Jon Huntsman going after Romney (video here at link).
- What else?
Update: A Romney Super PAC has launched an anti-Newt ad. Will it work for Romney to call Newt a flip-flopper, and can Romney help himself by attacking without being able to make the case for himself? I don’t think so, this ad says “loser” all over it, and I don’t mean Newt: (really strange, between the time I grabbed the embed code and the time I hit “update” to the post, the video was pulled at YouTube. Wonder why? — Too late, I still had it on my screen and was able to download it! I’ll post it when I figure out how.)
Here it is:
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Well, let’s see…Carol and I are dukin’ it out over the LSU/Bama game with a bet on the table. All winners here: the payoff goes to the Wounded Warrior Project!
Of course Kagan is biased and should recuse. Motive for the blog post? Without question, it’s multi-purpose. Concern trolling by a law prof.
That ad is bogus. Most, if not all, of that has been addressed several times by Newt. He may not be the most Conservative candidate, but he is more of a Conservative than Romney ever was! Newt is the one that has Obama and the left shaking in their boots; they want Romney to be the candidate so they can take him out via RomneyCare, and Romney’s unwillingness to admit MassCare was a mistake. Not to mention Romney buys into AGW (unlike Newt who testified against it in Congress, after AlGore testified for it).
This will backfire on Romney.
Is the field set? Yes. Is the candidate sure? No. However, whoever takes it to Obama, doesn’t back down on the issues, and is able to handle the toxic, poisonous MSM will get the nomination. And, at this point, that person is looking like Newt.
The first words outta my mouth upon seeing your tweet Professor?
“Derpy derpy derpy. Jesus someone thinks too highly of themselves.”
What else?
Walker is polling badly in WI, probably because the job picture there continues bad. I posted some links in the WI Recall focus thread.
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Steven Hayward compares Newt to Churchill.
He has a follow-up saying he wants Newt to explain himself though, of course, Churchill never did. Churchill *showed* his greatness after being in office.
Still, a very interesting piece from one of the best at NR.
Don’t know if you’ll think this is particularly “fair and balanced” but I do think that it is extremely important (breaking news about NEW emails that could even, according to one, cause Holder to resign as soon as tomorrow, and Obama to eventually resign which would hand it over to Hillary…)
The Examiner also has Obama stating the following:
“However many jobs might be generated by a Keystone pipeline, they’re going to be a lot fewer than the jobs that are created by extending the payroll tax cut and extending unemployment insurance.”
Which its pretty strange to hear a sitting president openly state/admit:
(despite 8.6%+ unemployment)
1 – he knows he has the means to create jobs, but just wont
2 – he is treating our job creation as an either/or instead of a “do everything possible” situation
3 – he wont do politically tough things to put people back to work, and will actually veto a tough choice like that instead
4 – he, like Pelosi, thinks paying people not to work somehow increases employment
I really think the quote pretty much sums up this disastrous presidency perfectly, and I think it is one which should be sung from the mountain tops (especially pared with that veto threat)
A citizen who works remains independent of the government and may vote for whomever he or she pleases. Can’t have that.
It upsets me to see Rubin as such a shill for Romney since she was one of the biggest cheerleaders for a Paul Ryan candidacy, which I wholeheartedly agreed with. She seems less concerned with the best man for the job than putting all her eggs in one basket. I thought she was a free thinker; apparently I was wrong.
…”Eric Holder was grilled today — I didn’t get to watch it. Anyone have suggested links for a good, fair and balanced summary of what happened?…”
Jay Sekulow, founder of the American Center for Law and Justice, has posted his 8:33 minute interview with Fox at
Mr. Sekulow has argued many cases before the Supreme Court. Well worth your time, there are also articles and radio discussion about Holder and Fast and Furious at that site.
“I simply don’t know where the money is”
The Wall Street Journal is reporting that George Soros may have “located” it. [The article requires a subscription to read it its entirety.]
MF Global moved about one and a half billion of those debt holdings before the bankruptcy declaration, but their remaining debt holdings amounted to about $4.8 billion, which holdings were put in the hands of MF Global’s bankruptcy administrator.
Though some other investors eschewed the opportunity of picking up the debt, Soros moved resources into position to be able to write a check for about $2 billion of MF Global bonds at “below market price” at the time. Others invested in the MF Global bonds as well, according to the story.
The gist seems to be that Soros, through his “family office,” may well have timed their buy right and are profiting, as evidenced most recently, for example, by the fact that the yield on Italian debt has fallen below 6%.