EmailGate Update: Spam filtering security problems, sinking poll numbers, and more
EmailGate grows worse by the day

Hillary’s scandal woes aren’t disappearing any time soon. In fact, they’re only ballooning.
1. Spam filtering service likely had access to Hillary’s classified emails
Monday, Dvorak Uncensored pointed out that a spam filtering service had access to Hillary’s classified emails. Longtime Clinton supporter, Mark Perkel runs a competing spam filtering service. Amidst the tech talk, Perkel makes two things abundantly clear: 1) Clinton’s system has serious security implications, and 2) none of this would have happened if she had just played by the rules.
2. Were emails read before they were presumable destroyed?
Thursday, TIME published a damning long form article revealing an incredibly unsettling fact — no one read Hillary’s emails before they were presumably destroyed:
“For more than a year after she left office in 2013, she did not transfer work-related email from her private account to the State Department. She commissioned a review of the 62,320 messages in her account only after the department–spurred by the congressional investigation–asked her to do so. And this review did not involve opening and reading each email; instead, Clinton’s lawyers created a list of names and keywords related to her work and searched for those. Slightly more than half the total cache–31,830 emails–did not contain any of the search terms, according to Clinton’s staff, so they were deemed to be ‘private, personal records.’”
That no one sifted through Hillary’s emails is bad enough. But as we discussed, this revelation is further complicated by the fact that the Department of State has terrible record keeping practices (as noted in a troubling OIG report) nor were any top State official emails automatically archived before February… of THIS YEAR. Add to this nasty cocktail Hillary’s initial claim that all emails sent to .gov accounts were captured by the State Department system, and the result is non-potable.
Late Sunday evening, Hillary’s story changed… again.
Three days after the Time Magazine story rankled Team Clinton’s attempts to kill EmailGate, a Clinton spokesman finally issued a statement indicating Hillary’s emails were in fact read. ABC News reported:
Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill has released a statement saying that “in wanting the public to understand how robust of a search was conducted, the fact sheet laid out several examples of the methods used by the reviewers to double and triple check they were capturing everything.”
The “fact sheet” refers to a question-and-answer document given out after the news conference last week.
The statement continues: “It was not meant to be taken as a list of every approach performed to ensure thoroughness. Those subsequent steps were in addition to reading them all, not in lieu of reading them all. (No different than our explaining such terms were used but not listing every search term used.) We simply took for granted that reading every single email came across as the most important, fundamental and exhaustive step that was performed. The fact sheet should have been clearer every email was read, which we are doing now.”
…Today, however, Clinton’s team said that all the emails were opened and read.
According to that document from the earlier news conference, here is a summary of how Clinton’s attorneys, whom she tasked with the job, said they sorted through, but it specifically did not say each e mail was read. • First, a search was done of all emails Clinton received from a .gov or account during the period she was secretary of state — from 2009 to 2013. • Then, with the remaining emails, a search was done for names of 100 State Department and other U.S. government officials who Clinton may have had correspondence with during her tenure. • Next, the emails were organized and reviewed by sender and recipient to “account for non-obvious or non-recognizable email addresses or misspellings or other idiosyncrasies.” • Lastly, of the emails still left over, a “number of terms” were searched, including “Benghazi” and “Libya.”
The results of the searching were that Clinton’s attorneys found 30,490 work-related emails and 31,830 emails that were deemed “private and personal.”
Placing surrounding circumstances aside momentarily, there’s another bit of this story that’s concerning. Half of all emails Hillary sent while serving as Secretary of State were deemed ‘personal or private.’ So for every work related email, she sent one personal email, which begs the question — what the hell was she doing with her time?
3. House considering legal action
Regardless, Boehner and company are flirting with the idea of investigating EmailGate, though no specifics were given as to whether an investigation separate from the House Oversight Committee’s ongoing probe would be necessary.
4. Polling data not looking so hot
CNN polling data sampled just over 1,000 individuals (and about 4% more Democrats than Republicans) and found Hillary’s unfavorability rating at 44%, the highest it’s been since around April of 2008. Further, 51% of respondents believe Hillary has not done enough to explain why she opted for private email accounts and servers as Secretary of State. Interestingly though, 57% of those polled believe Clinton is someone they could proudly call ‘President.’
5. This isn’t the first time Clinton documents have mysteriously vanished from official record
Document retention isn’t exactly the Clinton family’s strongest suit. Flashback to 2004 when federal investigators tangled with a Clinton aide who just happened to ‘accidentally discard’ documents from Bill’s Presidency. But that was after he stole them from the National Archives.
Muffled obfuscation has worked wonders for the Clinton’s in the past, but this is a different era. Whether Hillary gets out of this one unscathed remains to be seen, but we’ll keep you posted along the way.
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It’s probably not really true that no one read any of them.
It’s much more likely the search terms were reverse engineered to avoid coming up with “bad” e-mail.
And she/they might have still deleted, some bad e-mail, either contemporaneously, or in the fall of 2014.
One thing that she would have wanted to avoid was anything that showed she forwarded mail to anyone outside the State Department, or at least outside the federal government.
This might have been very easily avoided, for the most part, by doing searches. Text searches would not go through attachments, and a forwarded e-mail is, in many cases, an attachment!
All that would have been necessary to check was that the TO: field and the SUBJECT: field, and anything in the body of the e-mail didn’t turn up anything “bad.”
If it did, then they’d have to try other search terms.
While in the meantime satisfying the State Department that they got all her e-mail addressed to addresses at least.
Probably that would work by searching for a whole bunch of addresses in TO: field, one by one.
Somebody needs to submit a Freedom of Information Act request, or Congress needs to subpoena, all the communications about this subject between the State Department and Hillary Clinton and her lawyers, including any negotiations or discussions about the search terms, and also testimony about her email system, so we at least know, or rather, can definitely state, what could have there and not turned over.
Boehner and company are flirting with the idea of investigating EmailGate
I think the issue is that the Benghazi committee might not have the authority to subpoena her server, so as to at least get confirmation that it had been might have been destroyed.
I read that if the full House voted to subpoena, it might not be necessary to add any special authority to the Trey Goudy committee, or create another one.
Of course, Gowdy will be trying to get voluntary compliance with requests.
Requests for voluntary compliance should be made only after serving the subpeona. Otherwise it is simply a delaying tactic, which Gowdy employs just as Issa did.
I believe the subpoena HAS been served, and the deadline was this last Friday, and Hillary’s lawyers requested a two week extension, and Gowdy said, sure. I’m in this for the evidence, not the politics.
I believe that because I read it not five minutes ago from another website, but anyway.
I hope you are correct.
Wat they proved Sandy Berger destroyed was actually a copy specially made for the 9/11 commission and given to him, as agent of Bill Clinton, for review. It would have had the effect of keeping the “millennium plot” “after-action” report, which contradicted the fairy take Clinton and Berger had invented that some kind of alert they put out had been responsible for the discovery of the plot.
This, however, only took place after they were already suspicious of Berger, and some original documents might have been destroyed (in addition to anything created but gotten rid of before January 20, 2001)
This is, so far, purely a FROM: e-mail search. But they didn’t do a similiar TO: search.
Only correct spellings and full names.
So, up to this point, it was purely a sender and a partial recipient search.
What’s that? Surely not e-mail that was kicked back to sender, but rather, unusual addresses or other odd government e-mail addresses that went through. Or maybe some e-mail between two people not named Hillary Clinton?
So they added a few search terms – and they found some things?
That means the previous searches weren’t good enough!!
It’s pretty obvious also that not all e-mail that concerned Libya or Benghazi would have the terms Benghazi” or “Libya” in he body of the message. This would also not account for any kind of code words or nicknames.
I wonder why they did a little bit more for Benghazi or Libya.
With regard to alleged expert Mark Perkel – the MX record and spam filtering service IPs are the CURRENT configuration for Hillary’s tech people probably took the private server offline when she stopped being SOS, changed the MX record to route messages through MXLogic and created a new server that is hosted at Internap. That is how you keep total control over your messages from 4 years ago.
A little geeky but the point is – do not believe everything you read in the internet
Book her, Danno!
Don’t worry Hillary. The orange jumpsuit is the new black pantsuit.
She really is a pathetic idiot.
She has but one purpose and one talent: being a parasite.
And that, my friend, is considered a virtue by Progressives/Liberals.
Oh my God! hillary changed her story! No, that can’t be true! This rock of fidelity and integrity would never lie to her “People”. Just like her husband the “People” always came first and he would never have done anything to besmirch the office of the president of the USA! The clinton’s word is like gold. Of wait, I meant that it means gold because they must get paid for everything they do. Here in the South we call them grifters.
That whole pile about the emails being captured on the corresponding SecState employee’s email cache on their server was a rookie mistake for a veteran liar such as Hitliary. That is quite the smoking gun. I expected more of her. She’s demonstrated far greater skillfulness in the past.
This is all about money. I wouldn’t be surprised if we someday learn that she was paid by our enemies to set our people in Benghazi up or allowed them to be set up. She set out from the beginning of her days as SecState to hide her activities.
It’s pretty funny the way obola has dropped her down a hole. No revenge is ever enough for him…..or her.
If Hillary’s people actually did read every email, the question remains whether they were cleared to read them. I would expect that the people reading them, if someone indeed did, would have been attorneys, or people working for her attorneys. And, I would be surprised if they had the required security clearances to have read much of what she presumably was involved in as Secretary of State.
Bingo. She’s admitted to a potentially huge security breach that she not only permitted, but directed, and all because of her going off the reservation. Somehow, though, this will all be Louie Gohmert’s fault.
While her list of mistakes are as long as the day, one of her most damning mistakes was to think that Team Obama had her back. Did she really think that Obama would forgive and forget? This is merely Chicago payback for the “original Birther”
This is Hillary’s Reichstag fire, isn’t it?
My buddy Vinny in DC swears Hillary Clinton came into his office supply store about a year ago looking for an email shredder.
James Carville has said that Hillary was afraid of Louie Gohmert, and that’s why she hid her emails. One has to wonder why Hil would be afraid of Louie even before she became SOS (she had the server set up before her appointment to office) and before most Americans had ever heard of Benghazi. Be that as it may, if there’s any truth at all to what Cracker Jim is saying about Hil’s email server, then he’s admitting that Hillary was attempting to evade congressional oversight and to keep official documents off the record. Carville is, in effect, admitting that Hillary broke federal law.