Break the Internet: David Koch Edition
“What I want these candidates to do is support a balanced budget…”
The campaign finance provision of the #CRomnibus spending bill has refocused bipartisan ire on the scourge of “money in politics,” and has renewed progressive mouth-foaming over the allegedly infamous influence of the Koch brothers on the rise of conservative politics in America.
Barbara Walters has included billionaire David Koch in her list of 2014’s “Most Fascinating People,” and in a recent interview held Koch’s feet to the fire over his support for conservative candidates who don’t subscribe to his admittedly socially liberal views on issues like abortion and gay marriage.
Mediaite has the video:
Koch told Walters he was a fiscal conservative but social liberal. Walters pointed out that the candidates he funded were staunchly opposed to positions he supported, such as the legalization of gay marriage and a right to choose.
“That’s their problem,” Koch replied. “What I want these candidates to do is support a balanced budget. I’m very worried that if the budget is not balanced inflation could occur and the economy of the country could suffer mightily.”
You mean to tell me that there are donors out there who manage to prioritize the issues while managing expectations about how in-step they expect their chosen candidates to remain with a particular world view?
Will the wonders never cease?
Barbara Walters may find this to be a scandalous hypocrisy (look at her face,) but I think this is the kind of attitude that makes the world keep spinning when Washington grinds to a halt.
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Democrats need the Koch brothers, because they have George Soros. George Soros set out to buy a US presidential election, and he succeeded after several tries. So, the Democrats focus loudly on the Koch brothers, who have contributed much less, and with a more ethical pattern.
EngSoc needed someone to hate on, and they had Emmanual Goldstein.
The Collective has the Koch brothers.
Just like they need a crisis d’jour, and EngSoc had the continual wars with this or that “other”. The Collective thrives on crisis, and they’ll happily make one up when they can’t find one.
Talk about Bait & Switch! I thought that the video would be mainly on Koch but 90% of it was the panelists bloviating.
Let hear from the Interesting People, not just from the tired, old talking heads.
You mean like Baba Wawa – the Collectivist troll?
I mean Koch being interview by someone who knows how to ask a question and then step back for the answer, like Brian Lamb or Peter Robinson.
I know I’ll probably get verbally thrashed for this. And believe me, I’m well aware of his flaws as a candidate. But am I the only one that get’s wooed by Newt a little bit every couple of years before regaining my faculties?
As a registered Libertarian myself, this is *exactly* why I tend to support Republican candidates in elections rather than Democrats. Yes, I am on the liberal side of many social issues, but the economic issues are so important that they outweigh the other things.