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The Most Dangerous Minutes for Kamala Harris in the Entire Campaign – Episode 9: Legal Insurrection Podcast

The Most Dangerous Minutes for Kamala Harris in the Entire Campaign – Episode 9: Legal Insurrection Podcast

“The Democrats were fighting to keep him off the ballot before he endorsed Trump, but as soon as he wanted off, they fought to keep him on. That’s how unprincipled this litigation is, it has nothing to do with anything other than how they can manipulate the court system and the political process.”

Kemberlee Kaye and Professor Jacobson discuss the latest twists of the fastest-moving election cycle ever. Does anyone else feel like there’s a bigger story every day?

We’ll dig into RFK Jr.’s fight to get off the ballot in key states, Trump’s ongoing legal battles, and the latest backlash against Kamala Harris for her policy flip-flops. Plus, we’ll cover Gold Star families calling out Kamala. There’s a lot to unravel in this chaotic election season!




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ThePrimordialOrderedPair | September 7, 2024 at 4:01 am

Kemberlee, this “lawfare” will not just disappear and be behind us, at some point. That is not the nature of these things. This is one of the worst violations of a free society that can occur and it cannot be put behind us until those who devised it and those who carried it out and those who helped it to go on are held criminally liable and punished severely. This is the sort of crime that can easily tear a civil society apart. The punishment for those who abuse government power in this way must be severe. Until that happens … this will not just stop and everyone will forget about it.

This is a serious sickness that our society now has (brought on by the Barky campaign and election, frankly) and it is almost always fatal, with a death that entails a whole lot of pain and suffering and ugliness, which is exactly what the nihilists and the “regular” America-haters have been shooting for.

As I’ve said before, until there are more people with a vested interest in stamping this shit out with the full force of the law vs those with a vested interest in keeping this shit going nothing will change.