Wyoming Requires Proof of Citizenship, Residency to Vote
I know Texas lawmakers have proposed a bill that requires proof of citizenship to vote. I wonder if other states will follow Wyoming.

Wyoming became the first state to require proof of citizenship and residency to vote in state elections.
***New Hampshire’s law is for first time voters in the state. The Wyoming voters have to prove they have lived in the state for 30 days to vote. Wyoming secretary of state and media have said it is the first state to do this for all elections.
“This was the #1 priority of our conservative election integrity reform agenda, Wyoming Secretary of State Chuck Gray wrote on X. “With HB156 becoming law, Wyoming will further advance election integrity, as the only state in the nation to require proof of citizenship for all elections, an important priority of President Trump.”
He also said: “Today marks a pivotal moment for election integrity in Wyoming,” Secretary Gray said in a statement. “Proof of citizenship and proof of residency for registering to vote are both so important. Only United States citizens, and only Wyomingites, should be voting in Wyoming elections. Period. HB 156 makes Wyoming the first state in the nation to apply proof of citizenship for registering to vote for all elections. This was the first priority of our conservative election integrity reform agenda.
I'm pleased to announce that the Governor has allowed proof of citizenship and proof of residency for registering to vote to become law without his signature. This was the #1 priority of our conservative election integrity reform agenda. With HB156 becoming law, Wyoming will… pic.twitter.com/qKl7YuAS9t
— Secretary Chuck Gray (@ChuckForWyoming) March 21, 2025
The bill went through without Gov. Mark Gordon’s signature.
According to Wyoming rules, a bill does not need his signature:
If any bill sent to the governor is not signed by him and is not within three days (Sundays excepted) it becomes law without his signature unless the legislature by its adjournment, prevent its return within three days. If that occurs, the bill becomes law, unless the governor, within fifteen days after the Legislature adjourns, files his objections to the bill with the secretary of state. Detailed procedures for handling and processing gubernatorial action on enrolled acts are contained in Appendix K. The legislature has taken the position that if the legislature has not adjourned sine die, the chief clerks shall make themselves available for the Governor’s return of the bill to the appropriate house pending the return of the body prior to the expiration of the three-day period. Further, the legislature has not contested the opinion of the attorney general that the constitutional three-day period includes three full twenty-four hour periods commencing at 12:01 a.m. on the day after delivery to the governor’s office.
Gordon wondered if a court would overturn the law because of potential conflict with a federal law prohibiting “durational residency requirements to vote for president or vice president.”
Wyoming’s Constitution demands residency for one year while the bill requires 30 days.
The state allows the following to prove U.S. citizenship (emphasis mine):
- Valid Wyoming license
- Valid driver’s license or ID card from another state
- Valid tribal ID card issued by the governing body of the Eastern Shoshone Tribe or the Northern Arapaho Tribe of the Wind River Indian Reservation or any other federally recognized Indian tribe, provided that the identification card does not contain any indication that the person is not a United States citizen
- Valid passport
- Valid certificate of US citizenship
- Valid certificate of naturalization
- Valid US military draft record or a selective service registration acknowledgment card
- Valid birth certificate from another country issued by the US State Department
- Consular report of birth abroad issued by the US State Department
- Original or certified copy of birth certificate in the US bearing an official seal
The valid driver’s license from another state confuses me even though it’s only to show US citizenship.
Then again, the secretary of state will “decide what documents or other proof establishes Wyoming residency” so I’m guessing the person will need those to register to vote.
Gordon also has concerns with some of the other wording:
Plus, he said some wording in the bill concerned him. The new law says someone could get rejected from voting for “any indication” of a problem with voter registration documentation. He said this could be difficult for county clerks to apply since it’s an unclear standard.
“Would the presence of a P.O. box on an identification card be sufficient to disqualify a voter? If so, there is at least one high ranking member of the Wyoming Republican Party, and bonafide U.S. citizen, who could be disenfranchised. What about well worn, sunbleached, or wrinkled identification cards?” wrote Gordon. “No doubt, it is up to the voter to make sure all their “papers” are in order before they can vote, but still, I remain concerned that the vagueness of the language in this Act could lead clerks to either err on the side of over-enforcement or under-enforcement.”
Gordon blasted Gray, accusing him “of trying to exceed his authority prior to the passage of the bill.
“Because it is laudable to continuously improve our standards for identification, I am thrilled that this legislation now gives the Secretary of State the authority he was trying to usurp by passing rules he had no authority to pass last spring,” Governor Gordon wrote in a letter. “The will of the Legislature is finally clear on this point. Let us remember, though, it is ultimately essential and core to the workings of both our Wyoming and United States Constitutions that a bona fide citizen be able to vote without undue difficulty, and that right should not be abridged or diminished as a result of measures taken to conduct an election.”
That’s weird because the rules state the governor can file an objection to a bill to the secretary of state within fifteen days after the Legislature adjourns.

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What’s stopping Congress sorting its sh1t out and passing a law require proof of citizenship for federal elections?
Because nearly half of Congress counts on invalid votes to maintain their positions of power.
That’s why people on the left fight so hard against voter ID when an overwhelming majority want it.
How ’bout the states that actually need this?
You mean, like those fewer than 50% of the states who do not yet allow constitutional carry, and never will… short of a giant federal hammer?
Yeah, Binky, that’s not how America works.
The valid driver’s license from another state confuses me even though it’s only to show US citizenship.
Right, California for one
They can’t accept driver’s licenses for the same reason they can’t accept student IDs.
Because Democrats have been issuing them to illegals and non-citizens.
A valid DL from another state is how you establish your identity moving from another state. You use that to get a new DL from the new state. It makes sense if you lifted the rules from the DL requirements when you wrote this one.
Green Card holders can apply for driver licenses.
They are legal residents but not allowed to vote.
So a driver license is definitely not a valid proof of citizenship.
The Real ID DLs are supposed to make that apparent, so you can use them.
I don’t know if that’s really working or not.
Green Card holders and TPS recipients can apply for (and receive) a real ID. Still not allowed to vote.
A real ID is NOT proof of citizenship, and it was not intended to be.
It’s insane that this isn’t a standard requirement.
I’m not sure under what circumstances you believe this to be the first such state but Arizona had this requirement years ago. it caused the feds to come down on them like a ton of bricks, demanding that they stop requiring citizenship in the election of Federal candidates. Arizona went so far as to offer separate ballots for unverified voters to vote for federal officials, and verified residents to vote the entire ballot. This is still the situation in Arizona.
Yep. Congress could provide a fix by requiring ID +proof of Citizenship to vote in Federal elections but it would probably require a separate Federal voter registration system established, maintained and funded by the Federal Gov’t to make it stick. Then for the States that ignored it and there will be at least one ….Congress has to muster the stones to refuse to accept the Electoral College results and refuse to seat the Reps and Senators those.States send to DC. Lots of wailing and ‘end of democracy’ ‘constitutional crisis’ PR from legacy media to endure. Probably organized protests that mean old GoP majority has ‘disenfranchised’ voters. Somehow I doubt the current make up Congress would willingly bring that on themselves.
Common sense conceits such as Wyoming’s law only seem revolutionary because the vile, evil, stupid and totalitarian Dhimmi-crats have spent decades subverting and undermining election and ballot integrity measures/efforts; tooth, nail and claw.
So they aren’t prohibiting Anchor Babies from voting.
Voter ID. A solution in search of a problem. Voter fraud is an immaterial problem outside of rare one-offs. We can all thank ‘ the moron’ foe conninga bunch of boogerpicks into thinking voter fraud is rampant.
Shut up, you idiot.
The only moron in plain sight is you, spewing your idiotic and fanatical rants that are replete with copious spelling and grammatical errors.
Learn how to write English properly, moron, before mouthing off from the children’s sandbox.
Too bad Junior wasn’t one of those extra 18 million Biden voters. Then he would have evaporated by now and we’d be rid of him.
The Wyoming voters have to prove they have lived in the state for 30 days to vote.
Generally you have 30 days to legally become a resident of a state – get your car registered, get a new DL, etc. So this makes sense. As long as it doesn’t make you wait to register to vote.
Only United States citizens, and only Wyomingites, should be voting in Wyoming elections.
Why is this concept so difficult for some people? You have no say if you’re not one of us. (Also, funny how it contradicts the “lived experience” carp that so many Progs toss out there to tell you that you can’t tell them anything.)
Valid driver’s license or ID card from another state
I think this one is in here because it is how the new resident to Wyoming proves his ID to get a WY DL. (It should make “valid” mean “Real ID”.)
Valid US military draft record or a selective service registration acknowledgment card
THIS one bothers me. Because the current interpretation (I don’t know if they’ve changed it since I last looked – after Trump took office) is that ALL males in the US, regardless of citizenship are supposed to register for the draft. The way it was written on the Selective Service website was illegally or legally here. So it really is NOT a distinguisher of citizenship.
And I think the governor is trying to play the “centrist” game. He just wants to be able to say to all the progs “I didn’t sign that.” Which means he’s a weasel.
“Valid birth certificate from another country issued by the US State”
This one puzzles me and has to be a mistake. A valid birth certificate from another country? States do not issue birth certificates for other countries and a birth certificate from another country does not prove US citizenship (just to belabor the obvious).
I wonder if the mistake is leaving out “Department”. We have a granddaughter born in the PI who has a PI Birth Certificate with associated paperwork issued by the US Embassy in Manila and a US Passport. In any event the State Department doesn’t issue the PI Birth Certificate, just the associated paperwork and US Passport.
Nope. US State Department most certainly issues a Birth Certificate in some instances to an US citizen born abroad. Just looking at my paperwork, I have…
1) Birth certificate in German from “Der Standesbeamte”
2) State Dept Certification of Birth (Form FS-545) signed by a Vice Consul
3) Report of Child Born Abroad of American Parents (AE Form 360) signed by a Major
BTW, I only have to show #s 2 and 3 to prove my citizenship when getting a passport or Real ID DL.
“States do not issue birth certificates for other countries”
Except Hawaii.
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