Trump’s Border Policies Pushing Illegal Aliens to Canada
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Trump’s Border Policies Pushing Illegal Aliens to Canada

Trump’s Border Policies Pushing Illegal Aliens to Canada

“Canada can expect a tsunami of illegal immigrants fleeing American authorities and coming into our country. The numbers already are going up.”

Well, you know, if Canada took the border crisis seriously, it wouldn’t have this problem.

A man going by Javi told 60 Minutes he has been smuggling more people into Canada since President Donald Trump instilled strict border policies.

Javi works with the Sinaloa Cartel:

Finding a smuggler on the northern border was easy. There is a black market of human traffickers who openly advertise their services on social media and guarantee safe passage across the northern border for migrants from all over the world. Their social media posts are written in languages like English, Spanish, and Punjabi. They use global languages for a global trade: There were 97 nations represented in the undocumented migrants apprehended at Canada’s border last year.


To prove his account, Javi sent photos of guns he says he carries and videos of migrants he says he has smuggled into the United States. He said they come from all over the world, including India, Spain, Brazil, and Colombia. He said he leads them through the woods, while others drive migrants to and from the border.

According to Javi, each migrant pays $3,000 for the trip. Javi said $500 of that goes to the cartel, a cut goes to drivers, and to Javi, about $1,000 for each migrant he guides. He said the knowledge he has cultivated makes the money worth it for the migrants.

“The route is learned through experience,” he said. “You have to know the terrain. The only way to know the routes is by exploring on your own. For example, we recognize the spots because all of us who work in this have worked as guides on the Mexico-U.S. border. That’s a much more heavily monitored and guarded border, so it’s easy to spot the cameras and sensors.”

Most of the illegal aliens are Venezuelans who fear deportation. The smugglers used to only get around four or five requests to Canada out of a group of 30.

Now five within a group of 10 request a trip to America’s hat.

A former officer in the Canadian Border Services Agency confirmed Javi’s account:

Canadian Kelly Sundberg said the data confirms this shift.

“Canada can expect a tsunami of illegal immigrants fleeing American authorities and coming into our country,” said Sundberg, who spent 15 years as an officer in the Canadian Border Services Agency and now researches border security at Mount Royal University in Calgary. “The numbers already are going up.”

Sundberg attributes the change to the Trump administration’s increasing removal of undocumented migrants, particularly actions such as sending alleged Venezuelan gang members to Guantanamo Bay. Canada’s lax border compounds this, Sundberg said.

“I hope I’m wrong, but it would appear that we’re going to be overwhelmed by the illegal immigrants fleeing American authorities coming into our country,” he continued. “And they very well might be bringing guns and drugs with them.”

Sundberg also told 60 Minutes that 90% of the guns people use to commit crimes come from America.

The smugglers also bring fentanyl from China into Canada. They carry cocaine from Mexico to Canada:

As for drugs, at the northern border, the flow goes both ways. Javi said that cocaine comes up through the United States from Mexico to be brought into Canada, while smugglers bring fentanyl from China to the U.S. through the northern border.

Still, only about 0.2% of the fentanyl seized in the U.S. last year came in through Canada: U.S. Customs and Border Protection seized 43 pounds of fentanyl at the northern border, compared to more than 21,000 pounds confiscated at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Over the weekend, CTV News asked, “Are drug cartels operating in Toronto?”

In January, the Toronto police announced the biggest cocaine bust they’ve had in their history worth $83 million.

The police found the cocaine in a transport truck from Mexico. Yes, that means it traveled through America to get to Canada.

So, yes, the cartels have been operating in Canada:

Luis Horacio Najera, an investigative journalist and crime analyst who fled Mexico in 2008 after facing threats by a cartel for his reporting, said he believes there is a “strong component” of Mexican criminal groups operating throughout Canada.

Now based in Toronto, Najera said the recent drug bust suggests cartels are thriving in the city.

“It is obvious that they are here, and they are doing well so far,” he said in an interview with CTV News Toronto.

According to Najera, the city is uniquely positioned as a growth opportunity for the cartels in Canada due to its size, role as the country’s business capital, but also, maybe most importantly, its location.

“From here you can move drugs through Europe or to Asia easily, because you’re closer to them, rather than sending from, for instance, Mexico, which is still far,” Najera said. “From Canada, you can move drugs easily across the world, which gives you an idea of the landscape of how important Canada and Toronto are for criminal organizations from Mexico.”

The numbers pale compared to the ones we find at the America-Mexico border.

But crossings at the northern border should be taken seriously. I tried to keep up with the illegal crossings into America, but hardly anyone pays attention.


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Whitewall | March 24, 2025 at 11:12 am

Canada seems utterly hapless. Their citizens are at the mercy of their own government which is a bad place to be.

destroycommunism | March 24, 2025 at 11:24 am

ohh nooo

our 51st is already becoming mexicada

NorthernNewYorker | March 24, 2025 at 11:32 am

Snow Mexicans.

DaveGinOly | March 24, 2025 at 11:37 am

Maybe Canada and the US should jointly patrol our southern border? Effectively, it’s their border with Mexico too.

Dolce Far Niente | March 24, 2025 at 11:43 am

Vancouver BC is hospitable to the cartels for another reason; it’s a city massively under the thumb of China, whose officials are eminently bribable .

henrybowman | March 24, 2025 at 12:08 pm

But… but… but….
Fauxdeau said quite plainly that all refugees were welcome and they would be happy to accept any that the United States would not.
So typical of a commie official – safely out of office by the time their policies’ vultures come home to roost.
Well, look at all the free healthcare the Mexican cartelistas and the Venezuelan thugs have to look forward to.
And if Javi decides to smuggle some of those guns in with his unwashed merchandise, I’m sure Canada will be especially ecstatic.

If Canada would only become the 51st state, it wouldn’t have this problem

Olinser | March 24, 2025 at 12:23 pm

Good. This is what they wanted.

CincyJan | March 24, 2025 at 12:58 pm

Good! Canada has free health care. They will be happier there.

ztakddot | March 24, 2025 at 12:58 pm

What we should do in the US is bus our illegal aliens to Canada. Much cheaper than flying them to their respective countries and Canada is so welcoming to them.

heh- smart locals will replicate what Texas did and start bussing them where they need to be to create change.

diver64 | March 24, 2025 at 2:22 pm

It’s not hard to get into Canada. A large number of roads where I grew up went across the border, dirt roads in the middle of nowhere. I regularly went fishing on our international lake and stopped on shore to call customs telling them when I would be back. Also walked into Canada tracking deer a number of times and sat with my back to a border monument to eat lunch.

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