The Low Democrat Ratings and the Liberal Camouflage of the Left
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The Low Democrat Ratings and the Liberal Camouflage of the Left

The Low Democrat Ratings and the Liberal Camouflage of the Left

Recognizing the Marxist, socialist, and communist policies that are being trumpeted as liberal is the first step toward their rejection.

The record-low recent ratings of the Democrat Party are long-overdue and should not come as a surprise for anyone except its most fervent supporters. For decades, the radical socialist elements within the Democrats had been gaining ever-increasing influence over the classically liberal and moderate voices—an influence that culminated during Obama’s and Biden’s presidencies. A major reason for allowing this influence to permeate major government, cultural, and corporate institutions has been the liberal camouflage of the Left.

Dennis Prager remarked:

The greatest reason for the existential threat to America posed by the woke/the progressive/the Left is that liberals vote for them. If liberals voted for their values, the Left-wing destruction of every American institution—the American Medical Association and medical profession generally; the universities, high school and elementary schools; and the military, among many others—could not happen. This is the American tragedy in a nutshell: The Left votes its values. The Right votes its values. Liberals do not vote their values. Liberalism has almost nothing in common with leftism, yet virtually every liberal votes for the Left.

I love fish and can eat salmon in different forms nearly every day. One enchanted evening, my family and I visited our favorite tavern, and I ordered grilled salmon as usual.

“Let me make a suggestion,” intervened the restaurant owner, an eccentric erudite, who had befriended us as loyal patrons, “Why don’t you try the Mahi Mahi instead?”

I love learning etymologies, so I inquired if Mahi Mahi was a Hawaiian word and what it meant.

“Funny you should ask,” he winked, pulling up a chair to join us. “The English word for Mahi Mahi is ‘dolphinfish.’ This is a fish that resembles a dolphin’s shape. It is, of course, a completely different species. This was made crystal clear on restaurant menus—but to no avail. When people saw the word ‘dolphin,’ a red blinking light exploded in their minds. They instantly discarded the ‘fish’ part of the ‘dolphinfish’ and ignored the scientific explanation of why it was a plain old fish.

Children would cry inconsolably. Even adults would wince at the thought of eating the intelligent and friendly mammals. No amount of explaining would persuade customers to order dolphinfish. They began to demonize the restaurants that served it,” our friend continued. “Then restaurant managers came up with a brilliant solution. They called the fish by its original Hawaiian name, Mahi Mahi. Suddenly business boomed, as people began to enjoy this tropical delicacy, and do so to this day.”[*]

When we change the problematic word, the problem magically disappears. When the American Left started calling itself “liberal” and its opponents “fascist,” it managed to manipulate millions regarding the radical nature of its policies.

The historic 2024 elections revealed a political realignment whereby conservatives were joined by classical liberals, libertarians, and a widely represented group of people who simply wanted a return to sanity. It is essential to safeguard and even broaden this coalition in order to secure the preservation of American ideals beyond the next administration.

Linguistic knowledge can help in this effort by clarifying the confusion around key terms such as “left,” “right,” “socialist,” “liberal,” and “conservative.” At the heart of this confusion stands the leftist takeover of liberal terminology. Many people use “liberal” as synonymous with “socialist,” but these two terms denote two rather different, in fact opposite, value systems.

The terms “left” and “right” harken back to the French Revolution, when proponents of the old regime sat on the president’s right in the National Assembly, and supporters of the Revolution on his left. This arrangement changed from time to time. “Left” and “right” make sense historically but can also be confusing, especially when discussed in their perceived radical versions. Communism is frequently termed a radical left-wing ideology, and Nazism a radical right-wing ideology, but these monstrous systems are the two sides of the same coin of totalitarian socialism.

If “right” means authoritarian, and “left”—democratic, then communism should be right-wing as it has eliminated freedom and democracy wherever it has been tried. There are authoritarians and libertarians both “right” and “left” on the spectrum, so this distinction is unhelpful. If “right” means traditional and individualistic, and “left”—radical and collectivist, then national socialism is clearly leftist as it rejects individualism and Western tradition. Fascism and national socialism are collectivist and socialist. Ayn Rand famously noted that “racism is the lowest, most crudely primitive form of collectivism.” (p. 179)

When we discuss normal components of Western politics, it makes better sense to distinguish between classically liberal and conservative attitudes. Totalitarian socialist concepts have no place in this normal political dichotomy. “Conservative,” from Latin conservo, “to preserve,” means “preserving tradition,” and “liberal,” from Latin liberalis, means “pertaining to freedom or a free person, generous.”

Both conservatism and liberalism support individual liberty and free enterprise, but conservatism emphasizes tradition, faith, and moral obligation, while liberalism focuses on the freedom to act as we choose as long as we respect the rights of others. Socialism, on the other hand, sacrifices individual rights in the name of some vague public good. Pol Pot cynically remarked regarding the victims of his brutal communist policies: “Since he is of no use anymore, there is no gain if he lives and no loss if he dies.” Once we surrender our innate rights to life, liberty, property, religion, and pursuit of happiness, there is no telling how far a government would go in limiting and eventually eliminating these rights, regardless of how noble its intentions might seem.

Socialism derives from the Latin adjective socialis, which comes from the noun socius, meaning “partner, comrade.” Both Nazis and communists referred to themselves as “(party) comrade.” The term socialism is associated with Henri de Saint-Simon, who advocated shared ownership of resources. He contrasted socialism with the philosophy of liberalism, which focused on innate individual rights. Saint-Simon and other like-minded French writers conceived of socialism as an authoritarian reorganization of society meant to counteract the liberalism of the French Revolution.

Already in 1848, Alexis de Tocqueville eloquently summarized the contrast between liberal democracy and socialism: “Democracy extends the sphere of individual independence, socialism restricts it. Democracy gives all possible value to each man; socialism makes each man an agent, an instrument, a number.” (p. 546, translation mine) The legendary economist F.A. Hayek pinpointed the appropriation of the term “liberal” by the American left:

It has been part of the camouflage of leftish movements in this country, helped by the muddleheadedness of many who really believe in liberty, that “liberal” has come to mean the advocacy of almost every kind of government control. I am still puzzled why those in the United States who truly believe in liberty should not only have allowed the left to appropriate this almost indispensable term but should even have assisted by beginning to use it themselves as a term of opprobrium. (p. 45)

Reclaiming the term “liberalism” in favor of its original, classical meaning can help expose the illiberal essence of popular leftist policies that are camouflaged under its name. It could deter actual liberals from enabling a socialist agenda to radically transform America and abolish Western tradition. Those who consciously promote this agenda are very few, though disproportionately vociferous. They rely on appropriating positive terminology from the liberal political discourse in order to attract the massive following they unjustly enjoy.

Recognizing the Marxist, socialist, and communist policies that are being trumpeted as liberal is the first step toward their rejection. Raising a widespread awareness of their totalitarian nature could persuade some American liberals to support a political group that better reflects their principles, as it partially happened in the 2024 elections. It could gradually ameliorate the current destructive political climate. It could restore a common-sense equilibrium between classically liberal and conservative viewpoints and ensure a lasting revival of American values.

[*] This has become a popular story among food and nutrition professionals; I later came across different versions of it in online blogs.

Nora D. Clinton is a Research Scholar at the Legal Insurrection Foundation. She was born and raised in Sofia, Bulgaria. She holds a PhD in Classics and has published extensively on ancient documents on stone. In 2020, she authored the popular memoir Quarantine Reflections Across Two Worlds. Nora is a co-founder of two partner charities dedicated to academic cooperation and American values. She lives in Northern Virginia with her husband and son.


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DSHornet | March 23, 2025 at 7:45 pm

I have started referring to socialists as opposed to classical liberals in conversation. This almost always brings up a challenge which I treat as a conversation starter to define the terms. Things can get pretty interesting until the person (or people) I’m talking with begin to understand the difference, especially when I say that our founding fathers were radicals of their time but are now considered among the classical liberals.

“Are you a liberal?”
“I’m a classical liberal, like our founding fathers.”
“Say what???”
“Funny you should ask …”

Frank G | March 23, 2025 at 7:51 pm

Hiding behind keffiyehs

2smartforlibs | March 23, 2025 at 8:07 pm

The left is all about bumper sticker slogans and the Kool-Aid crowd eats it up.

OwenKellogg-Engineer | March 23, 2025 at 9:04 pm

Calling Nazi-ism a radical right-wing ideology is only yet another recent invention of the left, just like fascism.

They are both flavors of leftist socialism, competing against each other along with communism to be the dominant leftist ruling ideology.

This needs to be called out each and every time it’s used.

Tonight on 60 Minutes..

George Clooney: Yeah. I’ll make it kind of easy. I was raised to tell the truth. I had seen– the president up close for this fundraiser, and I was surprised. And so I feel as if there was– a lot of profiles in cowardice in my party through all of that. And I was not proud of that. And I also believed I had to tell the truth.

Truth: an increasingly elusive concept…Clooney says that for all the parallels between the play and these convulsive times we live in today, disinformation is one critical distinction….

… then it was Trump .. Trump .. Trump

They get the truth within their grasp, then let it slip away.

gonzotx | March 23, 2025 at 9:10 pm

Tens of thousands turned up for the AOC/Bernie tour

They are sick sick people

Communist manipulation of the masses through language: an old story. One of the best essays on this comes from George Orwell: “Politics and the English Language.”

First published in 1946, this essay remains one of the best guides to clear writing– a masterpiece. High school students need to read and understand it. Alas, many of the teacher’s unions would oppose its inclusion in the curriculum. Clear writing and thinking has become the last thing modern public education wants.

    OwenKellogg-Engineer in reply to oden. | March 23, 2025 at 10:12 pm

    Both George Orwell and Ayn Rand shoud be offered as prime reading.

      Milhouse in reply to OwenKellogg-Engineer. | March 24, 2025 at 12:36 am

      As well as C. S. Lewis.

      However, since you mention Orwell, your claim just a few comments ago that the Nazi Party was left-wing is belied by Orwell, who was a man of his time, using the language of his time, identified himself as very much a man of the left, and the Nazis as on the right. Orwell, based on his experiences in Spain, saw the communists as also on the right, and as fake leftists. He accused Stalin as well as Hitler of supporting Franco and ensuring his victory.

      My point is that the terms “right” and “left” aren’t as useful as we like to think, and just because there were no significant differences between the Nazi and Communist parties doesn’t mean that they were both on the same side of the spectrum.

        OwenKellogg-Engineer in reply to Milhouse. | March 24, 2025 at 4:32 am

        I think when Socialist is part of the name, it’s clear that it is not radical right wing. The fact that the Nazis and Soviets were in a death struggle with one another during WWII, doesn’t mean one was right and the other left; Orwell got that wrong.

        Don’t fall for that too.

        CommoChief in reply to Milhouse. | March 24, 2025 at 8:54 am

        IMO the proper way to view the linear left/right is very simple, put maximum individual liberty on the far right and maximum collective authority on the far left. IOW the authoritarians (commies, nazi) are leftists b/c they put the collective over the individual.

          Milhouse in reply to CommoChief. | March 24, 2025 at 9:16 am

          That’s convenient, but it’s not historically true.

          OwenKellogg-Engineer in reply to CommoChief. | March 24, 2025 at 11:13 am

          In response to Milhouse above, a description has to be used at some point but none are perfect: red/white; blue/red; liberal/conservative; left/right; take your pick; they all far short when examined with a magnifying glass. The overarching theme is enslavement (of the mind or otherwise) or freedom (with some limitations ala the Ten Commandments). That IS historically true.

          If anyone reads nothing of Ayn Rand, save the “Money Speech” they will see this is so.

          Dolce Far Niente in reply to CommoChief. | March 24, 2025 at 12:09 pm

          The left/right spectrum is false and deceptive. The true dichotomy is individual liberty and responsibility on one end and totalitarianism at the opposite.

          The differences between a “right-wing” authoritarian state and a “leftwing” authoritarian state are cosmetic, at best, and lead to another false concept that the further right one goes the closer one gets to the left.

          CommoChief in reply to CommoChief. | March 24, 2025 at 1:15 pm


          When you assert the claim ‘.. it’s not historically true’ are you stating that communism and fascism didn’t use authoritarianism to gain power and maintain power?

        henrybowman in reply to Milhouse. | March 24, 2025 at 9:30 am

        “just because there were no significant differences between the Nazi and Communist parties doesn’t mean that they were both on the same side of the spectrum.”
        Politics aside, this observation simply fails basic semantics.

“Reclaiming the term “liberalism” in favor of its original, classical meaning…”

I would like to reclaim the word “gay” so I could be gay again. Perhaps I could don my gay apparel at Christmas.

    Milhouse in reply to Paula. | March 24, 2025 at 12:43 am

    “Gay” has had a sexual meaning since at least the 1890s. As late as 1930 it still meant “sexually loose” without specifying what kind of sex; I have read a novel written in 1930 that used the term of men who were very much heterosexual. But by the late 1930s its meaning had straitened to include only homosexuals, but simultaneously broadened to include also monogamous and celibate homosexuals.

    Somewhere around that time the opposite of gay, which had been “strait”, morphed into “straight”, and thus its opposite also came to be known as “bent”, a term which wouldn’t have made sense earlier.

    What happened somewhere around the 1990s is not that “gay” gained a new meaning but that it lost one of its old ones. “Gay as a bunch of balloons” is no longer a valid way to describe someone, because balloons are no longer gay.

maxmillion | March 23, 2025 at 11:01 pm

Foe those who grew up being raised by hard core dyed in the wool Democrats, there is a built-in aversion to ever voting for a Republican.

    scooterjay in reply to maxmillion. | March 24, 2025 at 8:37 am

    Southern Democrats are loathe to vote Republican, as they are still mad that Lincoln freed the slaves.
    Now they are pitching fits over Juan, Rosita and Infante being freed.

JackinSilverSpring | March 23, 2025 at 11:21 pm

Thank you Nora Dimitrova Clinton for this exposition. For some time I tried to get people to stop usung the term liberal for Leftists, because as you point out, Leftists do no believe in individual liberty. After a while I just gave up because for those on the Right, the label liberal had so much opprobium attached to it that they could not understand the distinction I was trying to make. Leftists have appropriated other words besides liberal. As Paula above comments, Besides the term liberal, Leftists have appropriated the word gay so it can longer be used in its original meaning. Also, they have appropriated the word organic which describes all foods to mean food grown a particular way; they have appropriated the word green energy to describe their favored form of energy; they have appropriated the word racist to describe anyone who doesn’t agree with their racist policies; and they have appropriated the word fascist to describe anyone who doesn’t agree with their fascist policies. I am sure I can go on if I tried, but you should get the gist of what I’m saying. We on the Right must stop Leftists from using well sounding words to describe things that they don’t describe or are actually the opposite of what they are meant to describe. A good first start would be to stop using the word liberal for today’s Leftists.

Liberals are pro-America, and pro-individual liberties, leftists/progressives are not. There’s a lot more to it, but that is a fundamental distinction. Thanks to AOC and Sanders, liberals among the Democrats may have opportunity to step away and even to understand that common sense is not the enemy of liberalism.

    destroycommunism in reply to oldschooltwentysix. | March 24, 2025 at 11:35 am

    explain that please

    liberals who want the government to decide want the government over the people

    being open minded etc is a characteristic of the capitalist mindset which the “liberal” has rejected day in and day out

    the “liberalism” of fdr?
    woodrow wilson?
    please explain

      Explain what? Liberalism is part of the American DNA. Liberals do not look to government to decide, but to protect. And liberals are capitalists. The point was that, unlike progressives that do look to government as the only remedy and who hate capitalism, liberals are more in tune and support American values, even if they do not align with many conservatives.

tjv1156 | March 24, 2025 at 6:57 am

3 frauds. Sexual assault. Libels. Felony conviction . Felony conviction -34 counts. 3 more felony indictments with a mountain of credible evidence.
This is what Republicans support. So pathetic..

scooterjay | March 24, 2025 at 8:39 am

Dolphinfish/Mahi Mahi is an extremely well-stated example of word salad.
You cannot make chicken salad with chicken shit.

destroycommunism | March 24, 2025 at 11:31 am

AOC can and will be elected to become potus if she chooses to run for it in 2032 or 2036

she is attractive ( worth 10 %points there)

she speaks at their 5-7 grade level ( worth 40+% )

and she is espousing both violence and the “willingness” to avoid that violence as long as she gets her way ( worth at least 5% )

could she win in 2028?

of course as certain events can take place that allow it

Ive been saying this from her first appearance on the scene and she and her side are only getting stronger

henrybowman | March 24, 2025 at 12:42 pm

I like the guy’s knit cap. It’s like a Democrat election slate: made up of snippets of leftover material, each of which is insufficient and inadequate to be of any use for a serious job.

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