Pennsylvania City Employee Arrested for Allegedly Planting Noose on her Desk
The Pennsylvania State Police crime lab found only her DNA on the noose.

Allentown, PA, police arrested city employee LaTarsha Brown for allegedly planting a noose on her desk in a staged hate crime hoax.
From NBC Philadelphia:
On Jan. 10, 2025, shortly after 7 a.m., Allentown city worker LaTarsha Brown, 42, arrived at her office on the third floor of the City Hall building in Allentown, Pennsylvania. About a half hour later, Brown called Allentown Police and told them she spotted what she believed to be a noose on her desk when she arrived at work.
As police investigated, they spoke with city employees who were on the third floor of City Hall between the time Brown left work during the afternoon of Jan. 9 and returned during the morning of Jan. 10. All of the employees, except for Brown, provided a swab for DNA testing, according to investigators. While Brown initially cooperated, she later asked that the investigation end, police said.
The nine employees shown on video surveillance that morning in the building agreed to a DNA sample…except for Brown.
The police obtained Brown’s DNA through a warrant
Brown then asked the police to stop the investigation.
The Pennsylvania State Police crime lab tested the noose for DNA.
They only found Brown’s DNA on the noose.
The police charged Brown “with tampering with or fabricating physical evidence and false reports to law enforcement authorities.”

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This has never happened before!!!!
(Did the rope come from a NASCAR garage door pull?)
She was inflicted with MAGAmind.
When the demand for racism exceeds the supply.
Oh man that is good
The noose was on loan from Jussie Smollett.
I believe racial incidents occur. However, every single such incident in the last 10 years I hear about seems to be a hoax.
The same seems to be true for anti-muslim incident. The same seems to be true for anti-asian incidents, etc…
I’m discounting speech for the moment.
The one set of incidents that are mostly if not all real are antisemitic ones. I’ve rarely (probably never) heard of a fabricated incidence.
These stunts are not hoaxes, they are malicious attempts by black racists to paint whites as racist, usually with a profit motive.
The anti Asian incidents are mostly Black on Asian or made up (me too). I do recall fake anti semitic incidents (not lately) of course blamed on conservative Whites (you know, the only ones speaking up for Jews).
Black on asian yes. Not loud enough to make the news I read.
Fake antisemitic incidents, I’d like to some examples. Only one I easily found was some sort of fake (?) crime wave in Australia run by criminals. Too complex and thirdparty. I;m looking for reports of antisemitism faked by someone Jewish for an apple to apple comparison.
Racial incidents occur every day. But nobody puts a pansy-ass noose on somebody’s desk. They punch them in the head from behind on the street.
Polar bear hunting
I didn’t need to see a photo or the name of the hoaxer. A blind and deaf person could have figured this one out.
Right. Uh huh. A noose. That is so 1865 KKK level bullshit there. Did anyone find her white hood and Grand Imperial Pooh Bah coat?
My bet? Home gurl LaFawnda still got dat J O B!
I’m just surprised LaQ’ui’shadingdong showed up to her job at 0700 ready to role the racist hoax out the door. The motive will be interesting to hear but I bet Trump will be involved.
Insufficient supply of racism to meet the democrats demand
Supply and demand curves?
her lefty defense:
she was going to commit suicide and wht people have taught poc how to do this
I think the typical progressive argument when found to be a hoax is something like “maybe this crime wasn’t real, but it still brings light to the important issue of racism.” Something that allows the hoaxer completely off the hook with zero responsibility (like it was a piece of crucial performance art meant to raise awareness) and still manages to blame everyone else for their “unconscious” racism.
My alien abduction may not have been real, but it emphasizes the crucial problem of alien abductions.
no word in the racial profiles of the other employees who were DNA swabbed in thus deal. I’d be curious.. I’ll be the major portion of them are white.
Thus we DO have a real event with racist origins: black on whie persecution.
¿Inneresting, no?
The only way to put an end to such false accusations of racism is to arrest and convict those who make those false accusations.
They tried that with Joocy Smutlett.
True, but look at the venue. What did anyone expect?
To be fair, if no one faked these hate hoaxes, we wouldn’t have hardly enough of them to serve as an example.
as bad as what she did is
THEY HAD PEOPLE GIVE THEIR DNA ??? “agreement” under this police pressure / job pressure is troublesome in itself
its not the “if you have nothing to hide” premise
its the fact that we have throughout history governments that abuse power
Their biometrics are in the law enforcement database forever. Hopefully law enforcement will manage the data 100% accurately.
Use 23 and me to track down other hoaxes!
Did they take their samples? I saw that they volunteer to give samples but I didn’t see if they actually collected the samples. Their main suspect didn’t volunteer so I would guess they went to get the warrant for her DNA based on all the other evidence they had. I figure they already were confident she was the guy.
Or it could be that the race-obsessed employee in question was so roundly hated that all the other employees jostled to be first in line to help expose her.
as true as that may or may not be
the pressure put onto the people by the authorities is or can be toxic
Don’t ever give your DNA to anyone including the police unless a warrant is issued.
Don’t ever give ANYTHING to the police unless a warrant is issued.
Even if you’re totally clean, the DNA you give may be used to convict a relative. Now, I’ve had relatives who deserved that and relatives who didn’t, but I’d like the choice to remain mine.
She sounds like a solid blue voter. Was likely very involved in the BLM and George Floyd social justice movements.
Brown is also on the Allentown School District school board.
and of course people are calling her innocent
Like Walz, it was just a joke.
The new American fairytale:
“The Democrat Who Cried ‘Noose!’”
DeBoris and LaTarsha crack me up the way they say “… noose and squirrel…”
When the noose is “discovered,” Democrats scream, “noose!” When the hoax is proven, they cry, “squirrel!”
The 2028 Dhimmi-crat ticket for President/Vice-President should be this twit, running with Juicy Smolliet.
Did you think with cameras everywhere you could pull this off?
She would have gotten away with if she didn’t forget the bleach and Subway.
She would have gotten away with it if it weren’t for those darn kids
Any relation to juicy smOllett or juicy Wallace?
I’ve found that the “constrictor knot” is the most all-around useful. If you can slide it over the thing you want to fasten to, you can tie it in less than a second. If you have to tie it on the thing, it takes slightly longer.
Forget the hangman’s noose.
The bowline is good if you want to extend the waist on tight pants from say 32 to 34, between button and buttonhole.
I 200% find it believable that she planted the noose as a hoax, the police might ask her bosses whether her job was in jeopardy to see if that was a motive – some “keep my job” insurance. It doesn’t help her case as soon as the cops took the case seriously enuf to investigate time and money on it she did an Emily LaTella “never mind”.
To play Devil’s Advocate…..
If a perp was – unlike (possibly) her – smart enuf to wear gloves to avoid leaving dna, and she handled it OC her Dna might be the only one there.
But…. It’s a noose, a swab sample taken from the inside of the knotwork would lay that possibility to rest – if her dna is not just on the outside then she’s the one who made the noose and she’s the perp.
They took a sample from inside the knot. Hers was the only DNA on the rope.
Props for the Gilda Radner reference.
It’s a good point, but it fails: if she’s not the perp, then why—only after contacting the police and getting the ball rolling—did she ask them to ~stop~ the investigation? Ooops! Didn’t know they have that technology?
The confession pretty much writes itself.
“why—only after contacting the police and getting the ball rolling—did she ask them to ~stop~ the investigation? Ooops! Didn’t know they have that technology?”
The Ghost of Christmas Past: “I’m not going back to Tooth Fairy Duty, not after the way I quit! Did you know there’s DNA in poo? ‘Cos I didn’t!”
Still one of my favorite lines from American Dad.
And once again we find that the demand for racism far outstrips the supply
Most likely this stand-up Leftist has political ambitions that needed some stoking so she went with Racism 101 to get people to look at her.
Should have gone the sex video route
How many Q’s in thiqq these days?
That’s what the Q+ stands for in LGB…
The Left went from painting Swastika on their own homes to other people’s homes, so I know where they’re going next with the nooses.
Her coworkers all chipped in to buy her a new nameplate for her desk that reads, “The Shuck Stops Here.”
Is it just me or is it reality that it seems that we see so many black women being so outrageous.
No it’s not just you. Outrageous and just ghetto. No brains just big mouths.
Just don’t use the word “uppity” to describe their behavior…
There is a reason black men prefer other than black women to go out with.
I blame MSNBC.
She’s a future congressman from a ghetto district.
Are all gubmint employees dumb as dirt or does it just seem that way?
Not all, but many. I am a state government employee in a much more conservative state than PA. We have truly wonderful people working to reduce the tax burden of citizens without impacting critical services. But, there are others who are just here to earn the pension and retire with minimal positive contribution.
99% of these are fake plants by victim groups. The only real swastikas of recent note were painted by leftists themselves (against Teslas & Jews).
She will keep her job, her complexion is her protection.
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