MSNBC Host Symone Sanders Townsend Quits Democrat Party On Air
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MSNBC Host Symone Sanders Townsend Quits Democrat Party On Air

MSNBC Host Symone Sanders Townsend Quits Democrat Party On Air

Townsend praised House Democrats, especially “High King [Hakeem] Jeffries,” for sticking together.

Progressive MSNBC host Symone Sanders Townsend quit the Democrat Party live on air after the Senate Democrats did not do enough to stop the continuing resolution (CR).

Townsend centered her anger mostly on Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.

Townsend, who once worked for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), said:

Billion dollars cut from Washington DC. I’m a DC resident and I’m pissed. Okay, so, there’s actually little that the Senate minority leader [Chuck Schumer] can say, and the ten Democrats that voted with the Republicans can say to appease somebody like me.

I’m about to change my registration to independent, first and foremost. There’s not another option for me.

I’m just glad Townsend mentioned the eight other Democrats and the one independent (Angus King from Maine, who caucuses with the Democrats) who voted with Schumer to block the filibuster.

Townsend praised House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries and House Democrats for sticking together:

“Shout out to High King Jeffries, though, because the congressional Democrats stayed together,” Sanders Townsend said, although she had nothing but scorn for most major Dems.

“In 2024, Democrats ran on warnings that Trump was going to destroy democracy, and now that he and his team are very much in the process of doing just that, these same politicians are questioning whether or not to stand up to him and his party at one of the first opportunities they have to meaningfully do so,” she fumed.

“The only opportunity, I would add, there’s not another option for Senate or Democratic or Senate Democrats or House Democrats to effectively push back. This was it! They blew it!

“The Democratic Tea Party was born the same day that Chuck Schumer took to that podium to read that very well-crafted statement that told us he folded like a paper napkin.”


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JohnSmith100 | March 17, 2025 at 12:41 pm

Who cares about this dips—?

henrybowman | March 17, 2025 at 12:44 pm

“I’m about to change my registration to independent, first and foremost. There’s not another option for me.”
Virtue-signaling crap. It will be a distinction without a difference.
Wake me up the first time she casts a v ote for anybody but a Democrat.
Offer void if Bernie jumps to a new party.

ztakddot | March 17, 2025 at 12:50 pm

Yet another angry black female rages. who is surprised?

Whitewall | March 17, 2025 at 12:50 pm

No matter where she lands, it will just be her in her Red glory.

MSNBC again demonstrates that they hate fat, bald black womyn.

Peter Moss | March 17, 2025 at 1:03 pm

“Democrats ran on warnings that Trump was going to destroy democracy…”

Who wants to tell her?

Never mind. It wouldn’t do any good anyway. Her party (contra her protestations she’ll reliably vote D long after she sheds her mortal coil) is at 29% and dropping.

Maybe she’d like it in Canada?

Trump hate is a national renewable resource. If we could run reactors off the stuff, we could export power to the world.

JackinSilverSpring | March 17, 2025 at 1:26 pm

So what, why should I care.

Alex deWynter | March 17, 2025 at 1:26 pm

Oh no!


Did she join the Whig party? It looks like she could use a new whig.

lichau | March 17, 2025 at 1:42 pm

The obvious solution is being demonstrated in Romania. Only Deep State approved candidates can be allowed to run for office.

That is how you “save democracy”.

inspectorudy | March 17, 2025 at 2:03 pm

There’s a great clip of an old Bob Hope movie in which a man is asked if he knows what a zombie is. He replies, “It is some soulless person who has no brain and does what they are told”, and Bob says, “You mean a Democrat?”. This was a movie from the ’40s, so nothing has changed.

CommoChief | March 17, 2025 at 2:08 pm

These folks hating on Schumer for refusing to ‘shut down’ the Federal government are wish casting fools. I was hoping they would be dumb enough to hand this opportunity to the Trump Admin to decide which Federal employees were ‘essential’. Then they could fire the remainder of ‘non essential’ employees all the sooner by closing then RIF the various portions of Gov’t declared to be ‘non essential’.

This demonstrates one of the fault lines in the d/prog coalition. The far left wokiesta whackos want to ‘fight’ Trump but they are demanding to stage a fight they would have lost from jump. The less loony but still wokiesta d/prog like Schumer at least understand the precarious position their party is in. The far left goons gonna eventually drive out the less loony from the party.

    Alex deWynter in reply to CommoChief. | March 17, 2025 at 3:04 pm

    Schumer’s big mistake was assuming the Rs would fold at the prospect of a shutdown (which, tbf, they have in the past) and then publicly blustering and bluffing about how they were going to stand up proud and strong against the Bad Orange Man. He’s in an extremely unenviable position at the head of coalition divided between professional grown-ups who recognize you sometimes have to work with people you hate with ever fiber of your being and TDS-addled emotionally incontinent toddlers determined to resist all the things, but it was a very poor job of expectation-management on his part.

2smartforlibs | March 17, 2025 at 2:41 pm

Are we supposed to care you drive the car into the ditch and have no idea how to get out.

3525Tex | March 17, 2025 at 2:53 pm

Symone Sanders was a great offensive tackle in college and easily could have been an all pro in the NFL. But she unselfishly chose public service on MSNBC.

Sanddog | March 17, 2025 at 3:33 pm

Stripping the Democrat machine of its ability to siphon off taxpayer money is not destroying democracy.

 2 | March 17, 2025 at 4:50 pm

msnbc and the democratic party (note no caps)…Like the Hindenburg and the Titantic. Both sinking and going down in flames.

destroycommunism | March 17, 2025 at 5:38 pm

of course

as the lefty>>rino coalition grows stonger and is marketed as “moderate”

these communistnazi loving dirt will be gaining in power

trump is our only hope to stop this


So she said she quit the Dems. I bet that when talking that her daily script is exactly as every Dem’s script is whether they are a House Rep or a Senator or another Dem member.

scooterjay | March 17, 2025 at 5:44 pm

I’ll quit. That will show them!

I’m sick of their me! me! me! attitude.

MoeHowardwasright | March 17, 2025 at 6:52 pm

Cut nose to spite face… Maybe she can team up with Al Sharpton to further destroy msdnc. Her toxic takes
Makes Fukushima seem like a veritable paradise.

chaswjd | March 17, 2025 at 11:19 pm

I am curious how having the elected representatives of the people vote on a bill which garners a majority in each chamber and is then presented to the President for his signature is destroying democracy.

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