Illegal Aliens Charged With Sexual Assault of Children in MA Are Being Released With Low Bail
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Illegal Aliens Charged With Sexual Assault of Children in MA Are Being Released With Low Bail

Illegal Aliens Charged With Sexual Assault of Children in MA Are Being Released With Low Bail

“Stephen Roth, a criminal defense and immigration attorney, says these bails are set by judges to reasonably assure someone reappears in court, not to ensure someone remains in custody.”

In November of last year, it was reported that dozens of children in Massachusetts had been sexually assaulted by illegal immigrants in 2024.

Based on recent reports, we now know that this is still a problem. What’s truly maddening is that we are now learning that many of the suspects in these cases are released on absurdly low bail amounts.

Bill Melugin of FOX News tweeted some examples based on an article by CBS News in Boston.

Listed in his tweet:

– Guatemalan charged w/ 3 counts of aggravated child rape released on $7,500 bail. (ICE detainer ignored).

– Guatemalan charged w/ aggravated child rape, (victim age 9 or below) released on $7,500 bail. (ICE detainer ignored).

– Honduran charged w/ assault to rape & masked armed robbery released on his own recognizance with $0 bail. (ICE detainer ignored)

– Worcester County had two illegal alien inmates charged w/ child rape who both received $500 bails.

– Another was charged w/ fentanyl trafficking and released on $4,000 bond before ICE could arrive.

The CBS Boston article is written as a form of fact check and offers this disclaimer before listing all the examples cited by Melugin:

WBZ-TV decided to dig into the press releases of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in Massachusetts to see if violent criminals are really being released by Cox or other law enforcement.

After reviewing every press release from January to the present, WBZ found only one which said Boston Police released someone wanted by ICE. All of the other releases stated that individuals wanted by ICE were released from jails or courts.

So it’s not true but it technically is true? Is that it?

After going through all of the examples listed above, the article does a deep dive on the bail process:

Stephen Roth, a criminal defense and immigration attorney, says these bails are set by judges to reasonably assure someone reappears in court, not to ensure someone remains in custody.

“There’s this list of criteria that they go through to determine if bail should be set and immigration status is not one of those categories,” Roth said.

Prosecutors may also request a dangerousness hearing to keep a defendant behind bars. Attorney Jennifer Roman, a WBZ legal analyst, says detention all the way until trial is reserved for the most severe cases.

“They’re primary focus is to ensure the safety of the public while minimizing the restraints or constraints on the defendant,” Roman said.

WBZ learned that Jose Fernando-Perez and Juan Alberto Rodezno-Marin both had dangerousness hearings and served some jail time before being released from court on conditions. Stivenson Omar Perez-Ajtzalan, only 19 years old, did not have a dangerousness hearing.

Make no mistake. This is happening because the liberal leaders of Massachusetts would rather put the people of the commonwealth at risk than lose their political pissing contest with President Trump.

For years now, we’ve listened to Democrats sanctimoniously proclaiming that ‘no one is above the law.’ The liberals who run Massachusetts might want to try proving that when it comes to protecting innocent children from assaults by people who aren’t even here legally.


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The Gentle Grizzly | March 25, 2025 at 9:06 am

Street justice. Its time has come again.

Jmaquis | March 25, 2025 at 9:09 am

Sounds like the greater population of Massachusetts have lost their ever loving minds! Or they are all masochists.

CommoChief | March 25, 2025 at 9:17 am

The voters of Massachusetts gonna have to decide whether to demand significant changes in public policy or decide they are content with things as they are.

Dimsdale | March 25, 2025 at 9:39 am

Massachusetts is now the child rape state!! Forget that big ole bay, we’ve got a protected class of illegal alien child rapists. Raping the children Americans refuse to rape.

It is my understanding that only 10% of the bail is even paid to the court, not the full amount. What illegal alien rapist is going to come back for $50-750? None of them, of course. And the leftist judges make sure ICE can’t sweep them up.

This is what happens when you elect radical leftists to office. Healey and Wu are just the tips of the iceberg in the Rape State.

Liawatha, could we have the “native American” perspective?

Peter Moss | March 25, 2025 at 9:43 am

“They’re primary focus is to ensure the safety of the public while minimizing the restraints or constraints on the defendant.”

First, I have to assuage my inner grammar nazzzi. “They’re?” Seriously? My 5th grade English teacher would have broken her yardstick over my knuckles if I had made that error. “I’m a journalism!”

Second, the statement is false on its face. If public safety were actually the primary focus, these monsters would be held without bail. Pray tell, what crimes are more hideous than the rape of a child?

Finally, this is what you get when you elect someone based upon their gender and sexual orientation. Healy is nowhere near as intelligent as she would have you believe and her position on the removal of illegal aliens – especially these criminals – is beneath contempt.

I would really like to hear a Rogan-style long-form interview with the governor explaining the logic thinking as to how this benefits the society.

    Martin in reply to Hodge. | March 25, 2025 at 11:49 am

    It is still logic. Logic only gives good results based on sound premises and assumptions. What are the assumptions that allow the governor, judge and attorney to believe that their actions are correct?
    Our assumptions are where are real differences lie.

guyjones | March 25, 2025 at 9:47 am

More criminal-coddling/enabling from the vile, evil and stupid Dhimmi-crats. Shocker.

The Bail and Prison Abolition theory mainstreamed by academicians like Professor Angela Davis.

If we stop requiring high bail amounts and jail sentences we will end criminal behavior and recidivism – especially within the minority community.

Of course it doesn’t work, but that never stops the red guard from imposing absurd rule sets on the general public.

    CincyJan in reply to Tiki. | March 25, 2025 at 9:54 am

    These are stunning stats. Boston and the State of Massachusetts does not care that illegals have raped children. At this point, I have to wonder whose children are being raped. Certainly not the judges’. So whose? Black children? Latino children? The handicapped? Who are these children who merit no protection?

    CincyJan in reply to Tiki. | March 25, 2025 at 9:57 am

    Sorry, Tikki. My comment was meant to stand alone, but I’m on my phone and have no idea how I ended up under your comment! Pressed the wrong thing while holding the phone.

    Martin in reply to Tiki. | March 25, 2025 at 11:51 am

    I can see why Angela Davis would be against Prisons. I mean if I was at minimum a accessory to murder I might want there not to be prisons also.

Hopefully, the released offenders will continue to realize their criminal aspirations with the enlightened MA voters.

    henrybowman in reply to Q. | March 25, 2025 at 10:36 am

    ^ This.

    “This is happening because the liberal leaders of Massachusetts would rather put the people of the commonwealth at risk than lose their political pissing contest with President Trump.”

    And even assuming they win it, the state population will be left standing in a giant lake of piss. Will they take it, or will they do something about it? How dead IS the spirit of Lexington?

AbrahamFroman | March 25, 2025 at 10:39 am

This is infuriating on a blood-boiling level. As the Lakin Riley murder demonstrates, the violent savages that are turned loose by permissive cities like Boston & New York don’t limit their murder & mayhem to those cities. They often travel other places to commit their heinous crimes. The ultra-liberal blue cities are a clear & present danger to everyone in this country.

destroycommunism | March 25, 2025 at 10:42 am

female lies about being se xually assaulted by trump
cant even “remember” if he digitally penetrated her
and they nail trump

but s exually assaulting children be it by “46” or their other criminals and lefty says

no big deal

As the Stephen Roth said, bail is to make sure the accused shows up to court.
Do they? Or do they run.
Judges should have their bail judgements available for public inspection. How many showed, how many ran, and what types of charges.

Maura Healey is a complete failure. Her only record as AG that she could point to was suing Donald Trump on a weekly basis.

destroycommunism | March 25, 2025 at 10:54 am

as we try to hold off from the “civil” war lefty has been pushing for

we have to endure these not so fun games that lefty has pushed onto society

when parents get really tired of having their kids being used as toys by lefty

then it will be

“lets roll ” time

I dont want it that way

but thats the way they want it

welllll they get it ( yeah chluke)

TargaGTS | March 25, 2025 at 11:13 am

No one who is in the country illegally should be eligible for bail of any kind no matter how ‘petty’ the crime is. The only way to fix this in the blue areas is for Congress to strip the qualified immunity from police, city councilmen, mayors AND JUDGES when they create or enforce policies that allow criminal aliens to leave their custody who then go onto to commit additional crimes against citizens. Allow victims/victims’ families to bankrupt – for real – a few mayors, police chiefs, city councilman and judges, and these policies will change.

joejoejoe | March 25, 2025 at 12:46 pm


ztakddot | March 25, 2025 at 1:14 pm

This is so embarrassing. Don’t hold it against me. I despise these people and don’t really understand how people can vote for them. Of course part of the problem is the Republican party has been mostly neutered in MA and has been that way for a long time. One party rule by the left leads to competition as who can be more to the left.

Ironclaw | March 25, 2025 at 3:07 pm

Yes, we know, the Communists love their child molesters

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