Vance to Europe: America Survived ’10 Years of Greta Thunberg,’ You can Survive Elon Musk
“And unfortunately, when I look at Europe today, it’s sometimes not so clear what happened to some of the Cold War’s winners.”

Vice President JD Vance went nuclear on European leaders in Munich, Germany.
This was one of the best parts:
‘If American democracy can survive 10 years of Greta Thunberg, you guys can survive a few months of Elon Musk.’
US Vice President JD Vance speaks about democracy, adding "shutting people out of the political process, protects nothing".
Sky 501 and YT
— Sky News (@SkyNews) February 14, 2025
Vance echoed many of the same thoughts from Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth regarding European security.
In other words, Team America: World Police is over. Europe has got to stop relying on America for everything because we need to take care of ourselves before anyone else, mainly because the most dangerous threats come from within.
Vance called out Europe for not practicing what they preach. European Union leaders react with such glee when a country erases an election that didn’t turn out the way the EU wanted.
They scream democracy but strike it down when it doesn’t go their way:
We gather at this conference, of course, to discuss security. And normally we mean threats to our external security. I see many great military leaders gathered here today.
But while the Trump administration is very concerned with European security and believes that we can come to a reasonable settlement between Russia and Ukraine, and we also believe that it’s important, in the coming years for Europe to step up in a big way to provide for its own defense.
the threat that I worry the most about vis a vis Europe is not Russia, it’s not China, it’s not any other external actor. And what I worry about is the threat from within.
The retreat of Europe from some of its most fundamental values, values shared with the United States of America.
Now, I was struck that a former European commissioner went on television recently and sounded delighted that the Romanian government had just annulled an entire election. He warned that if things don’t go to plan, the very same thing could happen in Germany, too.
Now, these cavalier statements are shocking to American ears. For years, we’ve been told that everything we fund and support is in the name of our shared democratic values, everything from our Ukraine policy to digital censorship is billed as a defense of democracy.
But when we see European courts canceling elections and senior officials threatening to cancel others, we ought to ask whether we’re holding ourselves to an appropriately high standard. And I say ourselves because I fundamentally believe that we are on the same team. We must do more than talk about democratic values. We must live them.
Now, within living memory of many of you in this room, the Cold War positioned defenders of democracy against much more tyrannical forces on this continent. And consider the side in that fight that censored dissidents, that closed churches, that canceled elections. Were they the good guys? Certainly not. And thank God they lost the Cold War.
They lost because they neither valued nor respected all of the extraordinary blessings of liberty, the freedom to surprise to make mistakes, to invent, to build. As it turns out, you can’t mandate innovation or creativity, just as you can’t force people what to think, what to feel, or what to believe. And we believe those things are certainly connected.
.@VP in Munich: "The threat that I worry the most about vis-a-vis Europe … is the threat from within — the retreat of Europe from some of its most fundamental values, values shared with the United States."
— Rapid Response 47 (@RapidResponse47) February 14, 2025
Let’s talk about censorship. Vance reminded Europe that freedom of speech does not only apply to happy and positive speech.
I think Americans forget that our Founders wrote the First Amendment to protect ALL speech, but especially what most people would find controversial.
I love that Vance slammed the United Kingdom for arresting a man who peacefully protested outside an abortion clinic:
And unfortunately, when I look at Europe today, it’s sometimes not so clear what happened to some of the Cold War’s winners. I looked to Brussels, where EU commission commissars warn citizens that they intend to shut down social media during times of civil unrest the moment they spot what they’ve judged to be, quote, hateful content. Or to this very country where police have carried out raids against citizens suspected of posting anti-feminist comments online as part of, quote, combating misogyny on the Internet. A day of action.
I looked to Sweden, where two weeks ago the government convicted a Christian activist for participating in Koran burnings that resulted in his friend’s murder. And as the judge in his case chillingly noted, Sweden’s laws to supposedly protect free expression do not, in fact, grant, and I’m quoting, a free pass to do or say anything without risking offending the group that holds that belief.
And perhaps most concerningly, I look to our very dear friends, the United Kingdom where the backslide away from conscience rights has placed the basic liberties of religious Britons in particular in the crosshairs.
A little over two years ago, the British government charged Adam Smith Connor, a 51 year old physiotherapist and an army veteran, with the heinous crime of standing 50 meters from an abortion clinic and silently praying for three minutes.
Not obstructing anyone, not interacting with anyone, just silently praying on his own. After British law enforcement spotted him and demanded to know what he was praying for. Adam replied simply, “It was on behalf of the unborn son he and his former girlfriend had aborted years before.”
The officers were not moved. Adam was found guilty of breaking the government’s new buffer zones law, which criminalizes silent prayer and other actions that could influence a person’s decision within 200 meters of an abortion facility. He was sentenced to pay thousands of pounds in legal costs to the prosecution.
Now, I wish I could say that this was a fluke, a one off, crazy example of a badly written law being enacted against a single person. But no, this last October, just a few months ago, the Scottish government began distributing letters to citizens whose houses lay within so called safe access zones, warning them that even private prayer within their own homes may amount to breaking the law.
Naturally, the government urged readers to report any fellow citizens suspected guilty of thought crime in Britain and across Europe.
Free speech, I fear, is in retreat.
JD Vance went to the Munich Security Conference and roasted the entire continent of Europe for being petty tyrants and criminalizing freedom of speech, including a British man arrested for praying at an abortion clinic.— Greg Price (@greg_price11) February 14, 2025
Vance also told Europe that America faced those problems because former President Joe Biden’s administration forced social media companies to shut down so-called misinformation and cowered to our allies.
“There is a new sheriff in town, and under Donald Trump’s leadership, we may disagree with your views, but we will fight to defend your right to offer it in the public square,” said Vance.
You did it to yourselves, Europe, and America cannot help you:
Europe faces many challenges. But the crisis this continent faces right now, the crisis I believe we all face together, is one of our own making. If you’re running in fear of your own voters, there is nothing America can do for you. Nor, for that matter, is there anything that you can do for the American people who elected me and elected President Trump.
You need democratic mandates to accomplish anything of value in the coming years. Have we learned nothing that thin mandates produce unstable results? But there is so much of value that can be accomplished with the kind of democratic mandate that I think will come from being more responsive to the voices of your citizens.
If you’re going to enjoy competitive economies, if you’re going to enjoy affordable energy, and secure supply chains then you need mandates to govern because you have to make difficult choices to enjoy all of these things.
And, of course, we know that very well in America, you cannot win a democratic mandate by censoring your opponents or putting them in jail, whether that’s the leader of the opposition, a humble Christian praying in our own home, or a journalist trying to report the news. Nor can you win one by disregarding your basic electorate on questions like who gets to be a part of our shared society.
Vance brought up illegal immigration and the harm it has caused Europe and America:
And of all the pressings challenges that the nation’s represented here face, I believe there is nothing more urgent, than mass migration. Today, almost one in five people living in this country moved here from abroad. That is, of course, an all time high. It’s a similar number, by the way, in the United States, also. an all time high. The number of immigrants who entered the EU from non-EU countries doubled between 2021 and 2022 alone. And of course, it’s gotten much higher since. And we know this situation, it didn’t materialize in a vacuum. It’s a result of a series of conscious decisions made by politicians all over the continent and others across the world over the span of a decade.
We saw the horrors wrought by these decisions yesterday in this very city. And, of course, I can’t bring it up again without thinking about the terrible victims who had a beautiful winter day in Munich ruined. Our thoughts and prayers are with them and will remain with them, but why did this happen in the first place?
It’s a terrible story, but it’s one we’ve heard way too many times in Europe, and unfortunately, too many times in the United States as well. An asylum seeker, often a young man in his mid 20s, already known to police, rams a car into a crowd and shatters a community.
How many times must we suffer these appalling setbacks before we change course and take our shared civilization in a new direction? No voter on this continent went to the ballot box to open the floodgates to millions. Of unvetted immigrants.
JD Vance just went off on European leaders for allowing mass migration:
“How much before we change course and take our shared civilization in a new direction. No voter on this continent voted to open the gates to millions of unvetted immigrants.”
This is Western leadership.
— Geiger Capital (@Geiger_Capital) February 14, 2025
Vance warned the European leaders of the dangers of ignoring people who have different opinions. Even expressing opinions about another country’s election is not interference:
I believe that dismissing people, dismissing their concerns, or worse yet, shutting down media, shutting down elections, or shutting people out of the political process protects nothing. In fact, it is the most surefire way to destroy democracy. And speaking up and expressing opinions isn’t election interference, even when people express views outside your own country.
And even when those people are very influential, and trust me, I say this with all humor, if American to democracy can survive ten years of Greta Thunberg scolding, you guys can survive a few months of Elon Musk.
But what German democracy, what no democracy, American, German or European, will survive is telling millions of voters that their thoughts and concerns, their aspirations, their pleas for relief are invalid or unworthy of even being considered.
Democracy rests on the sacred principle that the voice of the people matters. There’s no room for firewalls. You either uphold the principle or you don’t. Europeans, the people have a voice. European leaders have a choice.
‘If American democracy can survive 10 years of Greta Thunberg, you guys can survive a few months of Elon Musk.’
US Vice President JD Vance speaks about democracy, adding "shutting people out of the political process, protects nothing".
Sky 501 and YT
— Sky News (@SkyNews) February 14, 2025
You grow when you listen to others, especially those with a different opinion:
And my strong belief is that we do not need to be afraid of the future. You can embrace what your people tell you, even when it’s surprising, even when you don’t agree. And if you do so, you can face the future with certainty and with confidence, knowing that the nation stands behind each of you. And that, to me, is the great magic of democracy. It’s not in these stone buildings or beautiful hotels. It’s not even in the great institutions that we have built together as a shared society.
To believe in democracy is to understand that each of our citizens has wisdom and has a voice. And if we refuse to listen to that voice, even our most successful fights will secure very little.
As Pope John Paul II, in my view, one of the most extraordinary champions of democracy on this continent or any other, once said, “Do not be afraid. We shouldn’t be afraid of our people, even when they express views that disagree with their leadership.”
Thank you all. Good luck to all of you. God bless you.
JD Vance dropping bombs at the Munich Security Conference: “To believe in democracy is to understand that each of our citizens has wisdom and has a voice.
“And if we refuse to listen to that voice, even our most successful fights will secure very little. As Pope John Paul II, in…
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) February 14, 2025

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“And unfortunately, when I look at Europe today, it’s sometimes not so clear what happened to some of the Cold War’s winners.”
They become pussies JD! Great big pussies!
Only based on the fact that Americans lost their lives, and we were paid back by their progeny became pussies in a protected society where Americans continue to provide for their protection.
And, I’m reading elsewhere, that they might do it again. This time it’ll be a Republican getting us into a war not a Democrat.
There are times when there is no choice but war. Iran with a nuke, Muslims subverting from within.
Shying away for some thing only makes fixing them much more difficult later, or maybe repair is no longer possible.
We’re already in a war. This cold war isn’t with the Soviet Union, it’s with progressive leftists worldwide, particularly within our own country. Sending Vance to Europe to remind them of what they should have, instead of what their government has done in their names, is just one shot fired.
Part of me thinks the current UK would be better off under the Germans.
Or the Italians who would at least have our trains running on time!
They would have at least improved your food!
Not the modern Germans, for sure. They’re every bit as woke and tyrannical as the Britons.
Which explains why AFD is surging in the polls?
So if you had to vote for either Nigel Farage or Joe Biden to be president of the United States in an alternate universe that had those as the only option and you have to vote you would vote for the tough American over the British pussy?
America has the same disease Europe does, what kept us from being the same thing is our constitution and supreme court and the way the supreme court appointments work.
If America had no constitution it would look like France, or Britain right now.
Our constitution is our strength. The American leftist is essentially identical to the European leftist, and American institutions like universities Hollywood law etc aren’t particularly less leftist than European equivalents.
Watch out, everyone. Uniparty Danny is dropping knowledge on us mere plebes!
Watch out Jackass know nothing idiot with an entire tree up his ass Paddy the slandering lying jackass is here to declare that Joe Biden is better than Nigel Farage the Democrats are not like European leftist parties and the constitution is not our strength because Paddy M is a lying jackass asshole idiot.
LMAO! Uniparty Danny is still slaying strawmen. The little Mitch McConnell bitchboy has thoughts.
Hey asshole paddy who does not think the constitution is our strength is still an asshole and a jackass and has no brain and is a total asshole.
Fuck you go to hell and fuck you and next time you fuck yourself remember nobody else would ever consider fucking you.
Go straight to hell.
Take your medication.
Well said, Mr. VP.
We needed someone who could tell them what they needed to hear.
Imagine how many voters Vance turned off today, moonmouth! I’m “concerned” he sounded like a sociopath. Can you check with your commie friends and give me a pulse check?
TIA, buddy. I know you’re as concerned as I am.
Hey asshole this is what you replied to
“Well said, Mr. VP.
Way to be an jackass you sure showed him for supporting the VP.
Why don’t you stop being a fucking asshole, stop harassing people who voted Trump twice in general election but did not vote for him in primary, and GTFO or stop being an asshole?
Uniparty Danny simps for a simp. Maybe you and moonmoth can impress your commie pals together.
Hey asshole FUCK YOU.
Fuck you
And fuck you again
with another side of fuck you.
Tremendous speech by Vance. I can’t remember hearing something of such importance delivered so remarkably well by a sitting US president in my lifetime.
Can anyone imagine Mike Pence giving that speech to that crowd? Me neither.
JD just cemented his bid for 2028. Bravo Zulu, Mr. VP!
Charlie Mike.
DeSantis. DeSantis for the win.
I think DeSantis hugely damaged his chances.
Look at Trump, does anyone think DeSantis comes close to Trump’s competency?
As a Floridian I say yes. DeSantis has been one of the driving factors in turning this formerly purple state red. He’s gone after the Democrats on so many issues that I’m not sure I could count them all… DEI in schools, Soros prosecutors, vaccine mandates, etc.
What DeSantis lacks isn’t competence but raw charisma. He’s a skilled manager but doesn’t inspire. I could see him as Vance’s VP.
Vance is definitely the real deal.
The EU cannot survive itself.
Vance did a great job forcing the Eurotrash morons to listen to an accurate description of the world and the idiocy that forms the foundation of their self-hating, nihilist policies.
“Yes, Minister” summed up the EU very accurately 40 years ago. I am convinced that most of the UK longs to be peasants again. The smart ones left and started America.
Reform UK is surging in the polls.
I had a client here in the US who had a British wife. I was doing a project in Europe and came across him in London (where he had transferred). I asked how he liked it and he replied, “I like it just fine.” I noticed he didn’t mention his wife’s opinion and asked him about that. He said, “Well, she feels like she got out once, so why the hell should she have to do it again.”
“If you’re running in fear of your own voters there’s nothing America can do for you,”
This speech is peppered with a dozen or more, ‘Tear down this wall,’ lines. During sections of the speech, they’re literally one right after another. It will be interesting to (hopefully) eventually learn if he wrote it himself or if it was a collaborative effort. The importance of having an effective communicator in a critical leadership position cannot be overstated. The conservative movement has really hasn’t had that since Gingrich retired and we’ve certainly haven’t enjoyed it so close to the Oval Office since Reagan’s last term ended. We could be looking at the future of the GOP where over the next 12-years, that guy is its voice while the Democrats are stuck with simpletons like AOC.
Dems intentionally recruited dimwit deplorables, and now they are paying for it.
well done sir … well done…
this coupled with EU socialism
they have socialism because the
US provided the security so they
didn’t have to …. its a new day
get ready EU.
See Karl Popper’s and George Soros’ “Open Society”. Closed, and totalitarian.
Soros and his operation deserve close scrutiny.
Hell yeah. Adults in charge again.
Yes, both are autistic foreigners with funny faces.
Funny Vance should mention that. How is it, exactly … that the EU finally came into existence? It seems that no one recalls what happened.
There was an “EU Constitution” that was to lay the foundation for the EU and it was to be a popular and much-loved document that all the people held dear. A few of the individual nations started holding plebiscites to ratify the new EU constitution … but they all failed miserably. The people hated it and rejected it out of hand.
Faced with the fact that the EU would collapse if it continued with the plebiscites and ended up being rejected by most of the member populations they just scrapped the EU Constitution in its entirety and forced full membership in the EU on the nations through the bureaucratic machinations of the Lisbon Treaty. No voting necessary!!
That is how the EU finalized its existence. Tyrannically and underhanded. Fitting.
thank you for an accurate history which most have forgotten (or didn’t know)
That process which put the populations of European countries under the tyranny of technocrats is quite a warning to anyone living their fat and happy YouTube lives. Freedom can disappear right under your nose if your not paying attention
Tyranny has a very long history on the European continent.
Vance delivered adult talk to the European, leftist toddlers.
Europe’s leftist politicians and media adored narcissist-incompetent-dunce, Obama, because he flattered them and didn’t criticize them.
#47 and Vance deliver fair and legitimate criticism of European leadership.
My opinion has always been that the Eurotrash loved Barky because they knew he represented weakness and death for America.
Western Europe has been nothing if not filled with seething envy of America.
Remember when Trump warned Europeans and especially the Germans against relying on Russia for their natural gas and got laughed at? Who is laughing now.
Yeah, #47 was prescient in his warnings to German leadership, but, received nothing but scorn and mockery from these reprobates, for his concern and his trouble.
I do wish that Vance and many others would cool it with this “democracy” stuff. America is not a democracy and was specifically created in order to not be one. We use some democratic processes to fill positions but that is it.
The simplest way for people to understand the true situation is this:
In a “Democracy” the will of the People is the Supreme power. All else bends to it.
In a “Constitutional Republic” the Constitution is the Supreme Law. All else must comply with it and respect the limitations it places on everything, even on the will of the People.
We are not a Democracy and have no intentions of ever becoming a Democracy. The crappy Eurotrash style party-oriented parliamentary systems with the ephemeral Executive branches and subsidiary judicial systems are actual Democracies, for the most part. That’s why they suck and that’s why countries that have such governmental architectures tend to be inherently left-leaning from the very start.
You have to talk to them about what THEY claim to have, not what you have. Vance didn’t go to this meeting to justify his own government, but to point out the failures of theirs.
“Democracy” represents an ideal of free speech, rule of law and freedom for individuals. Constitutional Republic is a form of government.
Uh … no. “Democracy” represents the will of the People always holding supreme power.
Our Founders specifically rejected that.
Democracy can tale may forms. The US is a representative democracy. We all know this. So just stop it.
The US is a Constitutional Republic. We are not a democracy. So you just stop it.
The Constitution is the Supreme Law and most important aspect of our governmental architecture. It is the keystone of our government. The rest is commentary, as it is said …
That’s certainly the theory, but the rise of the unconstitutional regulatory bureaucracy released a metastasizing cancer on any possibility of republicanism (consent of the governed). They cut the people out of the lawmaking process by creating safe havens for activist masterminds who then create laws inimical to self-government. If we were boldly republican, we would simply close all these leftist ratholes because they are constitutionally prohibited delegations of Congress’ lawmaking power as well as violations of the separation of powers.
He’s right: No electorate voted for western civilization to be invaded.
Now that’s a VP! What a relief from the hollow men who have held that position in the past. Of course “hollow” doesn’t even begin to describe our recent VP. Hollow woman? How about about a perfect vacuum? One even devoid of zero-point energy as required by the uncertainty principle.
At last an American official has called out what has happened to the UK. Like western Europe it has surrendered to Islam, oppressing its own citizens to protect malevolent invaders masquerading a a religion. I call attention to a recent book, “The Unknown Warriors” by Nicholas Pringle. A collection of letters from British veterans describing their WWII experiences. Most chillingly many of these veterans now regret their sacrifices seeing what has become of Britain. Some even think Britain would have been improved by Hitler. These are men and women in their 80s and 90s who remember what Britain was once like. A Britain that would not tolerate Pakistani rape gangs torturing their daughters. A Britain that suppresses speech as described in Orwell’s 1984. We thought 1984 was a warning, not an operating manual.
So bravo to VP Vance for speaking out and telling the Europeans what they don’t want to hear That’s leadership.
JD hosted a Come to Jesus Meeting.
JD is sounding very presidential.
Go see Beege’s article on this and video.
Hot damn. America has leaders once again.
The EU was formed to compete with the USA – similar economic and population size. So defend yourselves:
Get kicked outta the nest, raise your own forces – even if it costs you the ridiculous welfare systems American taxpayers pay for because money is fungible and we pay your defense, build you own weapons systems – which will create jobs, OBTW. Mostly: START HAVING KIDS. Becasue if you’re not having kids there is no point in ANYONE defending a future you aren’t populating.
Great speech!
This performance along with the earlier version from the Sec Defense Hegseth is tearing off the blinders the EU leaders willingly wore to avoid seeing the consequences of their choices. They can’t truthfully claim not to know the consequences of what they are doing b/c the Trump/Vance Admin will remind them constantly.
If they had a lick of common sense, which they don’t, Euros would gut the EO and every EO apparatchik. Useless traitorous globalists each and everyone. Make them eat the bugs.
It was a wonderful speech. I watched it at home and cheered. As a Brit, it gave me hope that the disgraceful, useless politicians in my country might finally be given their quittance.
The BBC immediately launched their ‘well that didn’t address the issues ‘ counter, but I sincerely hope many of my countrymen hear about it.
How wonderful to have Vance as VP as well as President Trump.
Combined with Pete Hegseth’s brutal smackdown at the NATO meeting we are seeing quite something happening on the world stage. American leadership is beginning to sound like it did during and right after WW2 much to the chagrin of the girly men urban sophists of Europe. How refreshing.
Can one imagine what Harris would have even sounded like giving that speech?
BTW, I was a Cold War Soldier. 1977 – 1980 Darmstadt Germany
If the 1A protected only speech that nobody found offensive, i.e. speech that didn’t need protections, it would be unneeded and useless. Thankfully, it protects speech other people don’t like.
America has been the sugar daddy and protector of Europe since WWII. After the war, thru programs like the Marshall Plan, we gave European countries billions to rebuild their countries and economies in the hope it would lead to them standing on their own two feet and open the door to free trade. We tolerated unfair trade and the expense of a large army in Europe in the forlorn hope it would get better. After 80 years it only got worse.
I think reciprocal tariffs would be fair and we should pull out of Nato. If another major European war comes we would have the choice of being part of it, instead of being forced to participate.