Trump Admin: Elon Musk is a Special Advisor Like Anita Dunn was to Biden

Donald Trump Elon Musk Interview

Director of the Office of Administration Joshua Fisher cleared up Elon Musk’s role in President Donald Trump’s White House.

Musk is a Special Government Employee (I will highlight important parts):

Mr. Musk is an employee of the White House Office. He holds that position as a non-career Special Government Employee (“SGE”).In that job, Mr. Musk is a Senior Advisor to the President. It is not uncommon for the President to have Senior Advisors who are SGEs. For instance, Anita Dunn was an influential Special Advisor to President Biden, while serving as an SGE.In his role as a Senior Advisor to the President, Mr. Musk has no greater authority than other senior White House advisors. Like other senior White House advisors, Mr. Musk has no actual or formal authority to make government decisions himself. Mr. Musk can only advise the President and communicate the President’s directives.

I love how Fisher added “non-career” because Dunn started her career in former President Jimmy Carter’s administration.

Dunn became prominent during former President Obama’s administration, serving as White House Communications Director from April to November 2009.

Dunn consistently bashed Fox News, leading former Fox commentator Glenn Beck to reveal a speech she made where she praised Mao Zedong

The administration knew Dunn would not stay long since he wanted to spend more time with the family. However, she stayed close to Obama after she left.

Dunn returned to the White House to work temporarily for former President Joe Biden in January 2021.

Well, Dunn didn’t leave until July 2024 to work on a PAC to support the new Democratic presidential candidate VP Kamala Harris.

Man, oh, man, Dunn went nuclear on Nancy Pelosi and other Democrat leaders when Biden dropped out. She accused them of pushing him out and bypassing Democrat voters since he won the primary.

Musk gets a lot of attention because the media suffers from TDS and wants to destroy anyone associated with the president.

But I also think they’re going after Musk because people in Trump’s administration don’t generally stay behind the scenes like White House workers did during Obama and Biden’s terms. Musk doesn’t hide.

I wonder if Trump put Musk in the SGE role since it doesn’t restrict him only to DOGE.

Fisher added:

The U.S. DOGE Service is a component of the Executive Office of the President. The U.S. DOGE Service Trmporary Organization is within the U.S. DOGE Service. Both are separate from the White House Office. Mr. Musk is an employee in the White House Office. He is not an employee of the U.S. DOGE Service or U.S. DOGE Service Temporary Organization. Mr. Musk is not the U.S. DOGE Service Administrator.

Tags: Barack Obama, Biden Administration, DOGE, Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Trump Administration, White House