Senate Confirms RFK Jr. as HHS Secretary
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Senate Confirms RFK Jr. as HHS Secretary

Senate Confirms RFK Jr. as HHS Secretary

Sen. Mitch McConnell voted no because of course.

The Senate confirmed Robert Kennedy Jr. as President Donald Trump’s Secretary of Health and Human Services, 52-48.

Sen. Mitch McConnell voted no because of course. He also voted against Tulsi Gabbard as Director of National Intelligence.

If McConnell voted no out of principal it would not make me mad. But he’s voting no out of spite like a toddler throwing a tantrum because his mom served him Kraft Mac & Cheese in noodle shapes instead of dinosaurs.


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This is great news. I must confess when I listened to his hearing on the radio I thought it was Stephen Hawking.

    Ghostrider in reply to E Howard Hunt. | February 13, 2025 at 12:07 pm

    RFK Jr.’s raspy, trembling-like voice is the result of a rare neurological condition known as spasmodic dysphonia, which has afflicted Mr. Kennedy for decades.

    Spasmodic dysphonia is a neurological disorder that causes involuntary spasms in the muscles that open and close a person’s vocal cords, resulting in a voice that presents with breaks and strained/strangled quality or breathy quality.

    An estimated 50,000 people in North America are believed to have spasmodic dysphoria. The cause of the condition is unknown.

      Paul Compton in reply to Ghostrider. | February 13, 2025 at 2:50 pm

      RE: Ghostrider and RFK Jr.’s Spasmodic Disphonia.

      There is a possible cure for Spasmodic Disphonia. Ask Grok or (Google, what’s Google?) about Scott Adams experience with the disease.

      Here is the key, but less nuanced, version of what you will find:

      “Surgery: Adams eventually found a surgical solution. He has mentioned in posts on X that he underwent surgery which cured his spasmodic dysphonia. Specifically, he credits Dr. Gerald S. Berke for performing the surgery that led to his recovery. ”

      He speaks of this regularly on his podcasts.

If RFK Jr was Chinese, McConnel’s Chinese wife would make him do the right thing and vote for confirmation, but alas, he’s not a Chinese immigrant.

“Ask what this country can do for you—not what you can do for this country.”

I’m looking forward to shrill hysteria from the MSM.

As long as the nominations get in

What can be done regarding Mitch McConnell? He is wasting a valuable Senate seat.

JackinSilverSpring | February 13, 2025 at 12:08 pm

McConnell is past his sell-by date. Let’s at least give thanks that he relinquished his status as Republican senate leader.

Well done, Bobby! Now, go forth and do great things!

Dinosaurs. Definitely dinosaurs. I’d be angry too.

I must admit that the campaign to make Kennedy appear uh, odd, has had an effect on me, however he does know a lot and he is another disrupter.

I can’t what to see what we are going to find out under his watch. Additionally I believe there has been talk that he might end drug advertising on Tv… that would be excellent!

I never thought I would ever say this, but I agree with Schumer. They did a great job of “Sanity Washing” Kennedy, but several decades of words and actions show that he is at heart an erratic flake. I firmly believe that we need a clear, objective review of our nation’s food and medical establishments. He is not the person to do this, and is frankly a ticking timebomb.

irishgladiator63 | February 13, 2025 at 2:05 pm

We’re looking at this the wrong way. Trump finally got McConnell to vote against confirming Democrats. 🙂

I’ll be anxious to see if RFK can find and terminate the source of the incentivization for hospitals to claim as many patients with Covid as possible. They’re STILL doing that! Just went through that a few months ago at a hospital emergency room, where both doctor and nurse tried to convince me I had Covid when it was obvious my problem was bacterial, not viral (tests proved I was correct). They both openly lied in order to coerce me into submitting to the nasal probe, which I refused.

The medical field is being overtaken by very dangerous people.

thalesofmiletus | February 13, 2025 at 4:06 pm

No surprise that the Turtle is in the pocket of big everything.

Cassidy voted for RFK, got in line in the vain attempts to save his seat.

Too little, too late. He was one of the seven asshats to vote to impeach trump, and Louisianians have long memories. Not to mention him voting freely and frivolously with the Biden administration.

Can’t wait for him to be primaried.

“If McConnell voted no out of principal it would not make me mad.”

I, personally, would much rather politicians vote out of principle rather than principal.