When They Say ‘Globalize The Intifada’ They Mean Like The New Orleans Terrorist Mass Murder

One of the most common phrases at ‘pro-Palestinian’ rallies and protests is the call to Globalize the Intifada, or as at Cornell, “There is only one solution, Intifada revolution.”

The Intifada was the bloody suicide bombing campaign launched by Yassar Arafat in late September 2000 which lasted for almost five years, killing over 1000 Israelis. They bombed restaurants, buses, crowded markets, and even a Passover Sedar. It only ended when Israel launched Operation Defensive Shield to take back parts of Judea and Samaria (the ‘West Bank’) it had previously ceded to the Palestinian Authority.

So when they call for an Intifada, we know it is a call to violence. If there were any doubt, at many ‘pro-Palestinian’ rallies and protests you see flags of Hezbollah, Hamas, and ISIS. Israeli is not the only target, they take down and burn American flags and call for the destruction of the U.S. and capitalism in what is referred to as the ‘red-green’ alliance of the far left and Islamists.

Earlier this week an American Muslim ISIS supporter drove his car into a crowd in New Orleans, killing over a dozen people. Car rammings also have been one of the Palestinians’ and ISIS’s favorite tactics.

Here’s my Hot Take, excerpted from today’s full podcast.

Transcript – Autogenerated, may contain transcription errors

People need to wake up to the fact that these are not benign chants that people are doing. At ‘pro-Palestinian’ rallies you frequently see terrorist flags. You see ISIS flags displayed.People need to understand that the movement — and I’ve been saying this for a long time, particularly since October 7th — that people need to understand that the movement against Israel at its core is an anti-American movement. It’s an anti-Western civilization movement. It’s an anti-capitalist movement.And we’re seeing that play out in real time with the protests taking place in the streets, calling for violence, celebrating terrorists, including ISIS. And an ISIS follower committing a mass murder in New Orleans. It’s all interconnected.The left loves to talk about intersectionality. Well talk about the intersectionality of violence and threats to our society that come from the pro-Palestinian movement. It has become, they frequently refer to themselves as the omni-cause, that they have managed to link it, no matter what the issue is, it somehow relates to Palestine, they say.Well, unfortunately, no matter what the hatred is, it also seems to relate to Palestine.They carry Palestinian flags at all of these protests, calling to tear down the United States to tear, to tear down Western civilization.So people need to wake up to what’s going on. It is a serious problem. This might be a one-off, or it might be a precursor to a broader movement in which we see more and more terror attacks.

Tags: Hamas, ISIS, Israel, Legal Insurrection Podcast, William Jacobson Hot Take