Tim Walz Endorses David Hogg for DNC Vice Chair
I’m laughing.
Failed VP candidate Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) announced his endorsement for anti-gun David Hogg for Democratic National Committee vice president.
“David Hogg represents exactly the kind of bold, dynamic, and courageous leadership our party needs right now,” Walz wrote on X. “He has a unique ability to connect with the American people and to speak to the strengths of our party.”
He added: “I couldn’t be happier to support him for DNC Vice Chair.”
David Hogg represents exactly the kind of bold, dynamic, and courageous leadership our party needs right now. He has a unique ability to connect with the American people and to speak to the strengths of our party.
I couldn’t be happier to support him for DNC Vice Chair. pic.twitter.com/sHlX2fmUmD
— Tim Walz (@Tim_Walz) January 10, 2025
Walz told Politico’s Playbook that Hogg has a “unique ability to connect with the American people and to speak to the strengths of our party. This is exactly what we need right now: experienced, thoughtful and energized leadership that meets people where they are and takes bold action to win. I couldn’t be happier to throw my support behind him and his vision for the party, and I look forward to working with him every step of the way.”
David Hogg became a national name after the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL, school shooting.
Hogg told ABC News three weeks ago he intended to run:
“I think this role is a great way of, for one, bringing newer voices into the Democratic Party,” Hogg told ABC News. “I just want to be one of several of those voices to help represent young people and also, more than anything, make sure that we’re standing up to the consulting class that increasingly the Democratic Party is representing instead of the working class.”
The DNC offers four opportunities to serve in a vice chair capacity — three general vice chairperson roles and one vice chairperson for civic engagement and voter participation.At 24, Hogg is considerably younger than the declared candidates for DNC chair, notable after Vice President Kamala Harris’ pitched herself as a “new generation of leadership” during her presidential bid.
Hogg used the shooting to gain a national platform to fight against guns.
The left propped up Hogg, splashing him all over the place.
Remember when Harvard accepted Hogg? Yeah, he had a decent SAT score but nowhere near to others accepted into the school.
Hogg even tried to launch a pillow war against MyPillow’s Mike Lindell. He quickly abandoned it once it came to light that, well, it’s not that easy to just DO SOMETHING.
The left tried to cancel Fox News host Laura Ingraham because she said he whined after many California colleges rejected him.
Well, as Kemberlee pointed out, Hogg spent months (and still does!) using derogatory terms to describe us who enjoy guns and support the 2nd Amendment.

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Wow, Tim Walz is more out of touch with the American public than we thought.
Picture caption; Hogg-Nuts
Ya gotta Walz with the Hogg what brung ya.
Walz is the one that brought the Hogg into the DNC living room to eat slop. Food for thought.
I wonder if Tim is going to let Hogg take his shotgun? No loss I guess, he doesn’t seem to know how to load it.
Oh please YES!!!!
Hogg is a mini-celebrity – famous for being famous – with no real skills that I can see at political organizing. His one attempt at business ended two months after he started:
With that track record the question is: are the Communists dumb enough to put him in a position of power where he would have to actually deliver results instead of post on social media and mug for the camera?
He’s not even a good celebrity, as you point out – he was nearby someplace when something happened. Even leftists shake their head when he posts on X.
Correct. He was “someplace when something happened.”
Just because I may have been near a car accident doesn’t mean that I survived the accident.
“Even leftists shake their head when he posts on X.”
For example…
And this was from back when the left OWNED (pre-Musk) Twitter.
Perhaps Tim Walz should have viewed that post before promoting him.
He is the Paris Hilton of gun control.
At least Paris Hilton has an appeal.
What David needs that Paris had is his own sex tape.
Getting something freaky on with an AR-15, or maybe a MAC 10.
Hey — Chuck Schumer had one.
But no house now that Newsome has let the state burn to the ground. If only she had somewhere to stay….
Perhaps he is the gay man’s Paris Hilton of gun control.
“are the Communists dumb enough to put him in a position of power where he would have to actually deliver results”
Probably. Even if he fails, the chances of their houses burning down is pretty minimal.
Yes. They nominated Harris
Laugh all you want; he is a very dangerous young man. Germans laughed at a failed artist.
Frankly, any Democrat politician is dangerous. He will be one of their rising stars, groomed for faux success. Beto has faded…. up comes Hogg.
Maybe Hogg and AOC can get married and have children. R-t-rd-d children, but children nonetheless.
Chief, be careful. You’re making an argument for abortion.
Maybe Hogg and Greta Thunberg would make a nice couple.
That is one scary thought! I shudder to think of how messed up the kids would be….
Yes! Embrace the lunatic extremist fringe of your party, that’s the solution to your problems! Do it!
Why didn’t Little Timmy endorse Kamala for the position?
I find it very fitting that the party who’s entire worldview revolves around promoting people based on their level of victimhood would choose to be led by someone who’s only claim to relevance is as a victim.
If it hadn’t been for the shooting (during which this particular “victim” was never actually in danger) we would all be saying “David who?”
We still are.
Desperately trying to stay relevant
ahhh they make a cute couple.
In that regard, I wonder if David can confirm a tattoo on Timmy’s upper thigh?
Who is really surprised that the first soy VP candidate loves him, a good little soy boy??
Well, an endorsement by Tim Walz is pretty damn persuasive in its own right, but I’m holding off deciding until I hear from Paul Krugman and Lyndon LaRouche.
So, what does this DNC Vice Chair actually do? If this activist clown gets the gig, what will be his powers and duties?
Coffee, drycleaning, second set of books.
Hogg is appropriately named for his career as a.grifter.
The gayest VP pick in history endorses a media darling soiboi whose only claim to fame or relevance is that he was once danger-adjacent in high school.
Seems inevitable.
Sorta like Walz’ pretend war zone.
They are still one stooge short. Maybe lactating Mayor Pete might join the new fraud squad.
I am trying to imagine what David Hogg and Greta Thunberg’s child would look like…..
Then again, maybe Walz is interested!
I’m old enough to remember one president who looked at a dead criminal and said, “If I had a son, he would look like that.”
Unfortunately, Obama never had a son so one night after watching Benjamin Button, he adopted Joe Biden as his own and the rest is history.
Visualization aid.
I’m all for this–a mismanaged DNC only helps Republicans and conservatives
Is that whiney ass attention whore still around? Maybe he can team up with Greta to protest something or other.
The Cindy Sheehen and Code Pink of gun control. True legend in his own mind.
I look at Hogg and immediately get the image of that old movie “Children of the Corn”….
I honestly can’t think of a better choice to lead the DNC than that annoying pissant
I just read the headline and just spit my coffee laughing so hard.
I am reading a book called
Bad Therapy: Why the Kids Aren’t Growing Up by Abigail Shrier
I just read the section about a kid called Nicholas Cruz that was part of the SEL program at Parkland High. His mother was his ghost or shadow.
Thanks to DEI and SEL, Hoggs is famous and 17 people are dead. Great read, not sure if the book was recommended here, but I am glad I am reading it.
After Hillary Clinton or Kamala Harris, I couldn’t think of a worse possible pick. That little clown is the poster-child for ‘getting owned on the Internet.’
Thank you, Democrats!
Isn’t this the boy who happened to stay home from school the day of the shooting? Then he jumped on his bike to the school to become famous as a survivor? And isn’t his dad in the FBI?
who gives a &:$* about the dem politburo? Who cares!!!
Just in case you wondered Hogg graduated from Harvard… although it might be more accurate to say that Harvard graduated Hogg.
“…between 2009 and 2014, a legacy applicant to Harvard had a one in three shot of getting in.”
“…a child on the “dean’s interest list” — a term used by admissions officers often to denote a relationship to donors — had a 42.2% chance of admission.”
One weirdo endorses another.
You’re supposed to gain wisdom and perspective as you get older. Tim Walz proves that view is a crock of shit.
Nah, he must have been even more of an idiot as a child
Ya know lil’ Davey I am not sure that is much of an “endorsement”.
In the Navy I used to say a prayer. I t wasn’t an original prayer. “Lord, bless me with stupid enemies.
In this, the Year of Our Lord 2025, I feel richly blessed.
David Hogg announced in February 2021. Good Pillow. In April 2021 he quit the company and announced his cofounder, some guy named LeGate, was taking complete control. Hogg forgot to trademark the name Good Pillow. I just looked into it. Good Pillow still exists but it belongs to neither Hogg or LeGate.
His “unique ability to connect with the American people” translates into regularly getting his butt handed to him on X after saying something gobsmackingly stupid.
I do credit him for one thing. Helping to further trash the Harvard brand (and the Ivy League brand generally). Harvard accepted him after several campii in the UC system rejected him. Including my Alma Mater UC Santa Barbara. Let me tell you about UCSB, at least how it was in the mid 1980s. I chose it because it was one of Playboy’s top 10 party schools in the country and the only one where I could pay in-state tuition. Halloween was wild. There’s an unincorporated shanty town hard against the campus boundary called Goleta. It was tradition that the houses on the street right on the beach had open parties. At one point on my first Halloween I’m sitting on a sofa with a girl on my lap, a keg cup in one hand, my other inside her top (don’t hold this against me it was 40 years ago; I’m just giving the flavor of one of the schools that rejected Harvard-alum Hogg). I had no idea whose house I was in or who the girl was. But we were both happy.
We joked UCSB stood for University of California Surfing Branch. Every year the NCAA championship came down to either US or Pepperdine. We hosted the Inter-Sorority Volleyball Tournament every year. Girls from 8 Western states gathered to play volleyball on our beach. Every Friday the Geology department had a kegger on the roof of their building.
Believe it or not I graduated with a 3.76 GPA even though I took advantage of all the recreational opportunities. Here’s one example why. I took a 5 credit Anthropology course that had no mid-term, no final exam, no homework, and no term paper. Just a 25 question true and false quiz, and at least12 questions were true or false. If you got 12 questions right you passed. So if you marked all the questions true, or all false, you’d pass. Naturally almost everybody took the class pass/fail. I took it for a grade. And it only met once a week on Wednesday from 7pm to 9.
I didn’t have to outrun the grizzly to get a high GPA at this party school. I just had to outrun the other students who came stumbling in at 8:30 to take the quiz.
I had a few before the class started but I showed up on time to ignore the lecture and read the assigned chapter the quiz would be based on. The lecture merely being a rant by a bitter old professor about how he wasted his life going into a worthless field like Anthropology and how he should have been an mechanical engineer. Every week.
The chapters were short; the material wasn’t hard. Some other guy and I aced every quiz and shattered the curve. Then we’d all hit the bars.
That’s one of the schools that rejected David Hogg before “elite” Harvard accepted him.
How darling, Little David has found a big brave man friend, with a gun!
Headline should read: Idiot governor nominates Idiot school boy to policy post.
The more I think of it, the more I believe that if Kamala Harris had chosen a solid, down-to-earth running mate with a good record instead of a clown like Walz, she would have been much more competitive in the election, possibly winning it outright, or at least winning the popular vote.
Or perhaps her own faults would have stood out more.
…and folks, this is Exhibit why the Democrats couldn’t beat a racist moron with a criminal resume that couldn’t get him hired at Walmart.
I bet Walz would like to have a slumber party sleeping on his Hogg.
Now, THERE’S a couple!