Tech Billionaire Reveals His ‘Red Pill’ Moment for Supporting Trump Was the ‘Fine People’ Hoax
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Tech Billionaire Reveals His ‘Red Pill’ Moment for Supporting Trump Was the ‘Fine People’ Hoax

Tech Billionaire Reveals His ‘Red Pill’ Moment for Supporting Trump Was the ‘Fine People’ Hoax

“in May 2024, I read an article that talked about Trump’s speech in Charlottesville, where he said there are good people on both sides, and the article said it was completely propaganda and didn’t actually reflect what he said”

Mark Pincus is one of the high-tech billionaires who supported Trump in the 2024 election. A lifelong Democrat, Pincus’s shift in support of Trump was seen as significant.

In a recent appearance on the All In Podcast, Pincus revealed that his red-pill moment came when he learned that the narrative around Trump’s ‘fine people’ comments was a media-driven hoax.

The Daily Wire reports:

Tech Billionaire And Lifelong Democrat Mark Pincus Reveals His ‘Red Pill Moment’

Pincus made the remarks during an episode of “The All-In Podcast” this week while discussing how he would read blogs that would reveal information faster than mainstream media and would often contradict what was being reported.

“I started feeling more uncomfortable and queasy with what was going on with mainstream media,” he said after coming across multiple examples of mainstream publications hiding information from the public.

“Then, in May 2024, I read an article that talked about Trump’s speech in Charlottesville, where he said there are good people on both sides, and the article said it was completely propaganda and didn’t actually reflect what he said,” Pincus said. “That he denounced the Nazis a bunch of times in his speech, so then I went and watched that video, and that was my red pill moment.”

“I think it was for a lot of people because it wasn’t just the media or politicians spinning it,” he continued. “That speech was one of the pillars of why you were supposed to hate Trump. Then you see Biden say that’s why he had to run a second time, and Obama says it, and Biden brings it up again at the DNC.”

Watch the video below:

It was absolutely maddening to watch Biden, Obama, Harris, and others repeat this lie on the campaign trail with no pushback from the media after it had been debunked repeatedly.

Dilbert creator and Trump supporter Scott Adams has called out this hoax many times, and he still is.

Even the left-wing ‘fact checking’ site Snopes eventually got the story right.

Featured image via YouTube.


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The “media” still has a very strong influence on public opinion. It is diminished, particularly recently, but is still strong enough that polling shows Richard M. Nixon as a worse President than Quid Pro Joe. The media of the day (1970s) had sufficient strength to take down a sitting President whom they hated for decades (after all, he worked at prosecuting Alger Hiss, a person they were absolutely positive had never, ever been a Communist). Worse yet, Nixon was a Republican! That he didn’t order the Watergate breakin, but did approve the coverup, was the worse thing (and still seemingly is) since 7 December 1941 (well, in their eyes until 6 January 2021, which they still believe was worse than Pearl Harbor, 9/11 and the firing on Fort Sumter rolled up in one).

FDR wanted to provoke Japan into war in order to join the war in Europe, is the theory. The day of infamy speech to Congress tends to support that, if you listen to it. By today’s cynical standards it’s pretty inartful.

    steves59 in reply to rhhardin. | January 19, 2025 at 11:19 am

    “FDR wanted to provoke Japan into war in order to join the war in Europe, is the theory.”
    No. It’s not “the” theory. It’s “a” theory, and a revisionist one that has almost no support among historians.
    FDR’s 8 December speech recognized that a state of war existed between the US and Japan on 7 December.
    It makes absolutely no mention of Europe.
    You’re bloviating again.

      There was discussion re joining the war in Europe. Hitler solved that by declaring war on us a day or so later. You can debate the run up to war in the Pacific due to our policies against Japan but not on the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor.

The fact that he was unaware of Trump’s actual comments (until May 2024?!) just shows how willfully ignorant this guy was. This wasn’t some hidden information that you had to do serious research to find. He believed what he wanted to believe.

    It wasn’t that you had to do serious research, it’s that it was hidden from news consumers by most all the historical news outlets. A guy, even a tech guy, driven enuf to become a tech billionaire usually has better things to do with his time than surf the web. For another example, Elon Musk didn’t realize how messed up the trans movement was and how much of it was harmful to kids until it impacted his family personally.

    Milhouse in reply to Chewbacca. | January 19, 2025 at 11:18 pm

    Why would he even suspect that the reports weren’t accurate?

So many of the Tech Bros never paid attention to government or the press during their formative years. Their focus in college and during their beginning business years were limited to technical areas. They only paid surface level attention to the news; they were literally soundbite consumers.

It was only after they reached senior levels in their firms where government policy actually had an impact on them that they began to pay ANY attention at all. Then comes the first realization – what the press reports about THEM is wrong. Finally arrives the day that this guy reached…. the press is not just wrong it’s maliciously and deliberately wrong.

    Christopher B in reply to Hodge. | January 19, 2025 at 11:51 am

    I listened to an episode of Uncommon Knowledge on YouTube where Peter Robinson interviewed Marc Andreessen. He talked briefly about his shift from pro-Hillary/Biden in 2016 to literally living at Mar-a=Lago like Musk (at least for a while, IIRC). He indicated all the crap that happened in the late Obama years and the into the Biden Reign of Error was what has driven a lot of tech executives to embrace Trump.

thalesofmiletus | January 19, 2025 at 11:01 am

I can’t get over how many “smart” people are duped by such obvious hoaxes. Is there some kind of Stockholm Syndrome going on? Are they held captive by their peers?

    henrybowman in reply to thalesofmiletus. | January 19, 2025 at 4:06 pm

    Well, look at it from the other side.

    People here believe that we just dumpstered a president who deliberately:
    • invited foreign criminals and spies to invade his country at will
    • destroyed its energy independence
    • used corrupt judges and nonsense charges to persecute his political enemies
    • had his son manage an organized plan to sell his influence, raking 10% for himself
    • illegally abstracted (before his presidency) boxes of classified documents
    • issues blanket pardons to all his criminal cronies
    • was non compos mentis through much of his administration.

    It reads like a bio of a storybook villain, like Sauron, or Vader, or Richard Wilkins III, doesn’t it? It’s such an obvious hoax!

    Except politicians have, and continue to, do and say incredibly outrageous things,

He makes no sense at all. Suppose Trump never made that speech. Since he was not a Trump supporter, there would have not been a red pill moment to switch his views. But since Trump would have not said what he said, then he should have been a Trump supporter all along.

Again, it’s makes no sense as it is a circular argument that never gets on track.

    Dolce Far Niente in reply to George S. | January 19, 2025 at 11:53 am

    I doubt if it matters whether it was the Charlottesville speech or any of the other instances where the MSM distorted and lied about Trump that redpilled this guy.

    Rapist, felon, liar, Nazi-lover, insurrectionist, racist… the constant drumbeat of the media over the last 9 years NEVER stopped, and it never had a basis in fact. But if you didn’t seek out alternative media, you would never hear anything different.

    So no, Joe Indifferent would NOT have been a Trump supporter, because all the media sources were telling him what a monster Trump was.

    henrybowman in reply to George S. | January 19, 2025 at 4:23 pm

    No, not a good argument at all.

    Though Pincus never brings it up from this angle himself, its obvious that what triggered him was discovering the massive conspiracy among his trusted sources to lie to him.

    If it had been one of the garden-variety smear conspiracies — such as “Donald Trump raped a woman in a dressing room,” he would have continued to believe, because you can rarely find a smoking gun that proves that a person didn’t do something.

    But the Charlottesville speech was public record, clearly didn’t include the message the conspirators were pushing, and non-mainstream sources were pointing that out, telling people exactly where to look for the proof.

    Though it’s technically possible to have your opinion changed by discovering that your opponent is actually an honorable and principled man, it’s much more common to get red-pilled by learning that your allies are despicable liars who have been playing you for a fool. I had that experience myself, in the gun-control community, and there’s no coming back from it.

BS indicators are peaking into the red.

He switched his vote for two reasons. Kamala wealth tax. Elon Musk made it more publicly acceptable.

There are many other Democrat billionaires who will never switch because they are too far gone.

I learned about the MSM BS well before Trump ran for President. When Trump ran it was clear to me that they were working with the DC Cabal. I voted for Trump and was happy to have him win in 2016.

I watched the 2020 election night and saw the steal and placing of Biden into the Presidency. It was clear to me that Biden was brain dead before election night of 2020 and the MSM knew it. The DC Cabal also knew it and allowed Biden’s Admin to run things into the ground.

By 2024 the country was failing badly and Biden was going down. The Dems were going to lose so they kicked out Biden at the last second for Kamala, which was a Hail Mary. Trump was going to win in any case and the Dems lost the Congress, but it still is full of RINOs. We have Trump come Monday but not his cabinet.

With a name like Mark Pincus, you have to wonder if the Jew-hatred on the left post 10/7 also played a part in driving him to support Trump, even though I venture he is not religious.

I think the same factor applies to Zuckerberg.

More than anything else, it reveals the complete steel-armored echo chamber these people live in. Not a SINGLE person he had contact with questioned that narrative for what… SEVEN years (2017-2024)?!?! And then he only happened to read an article about it himself…. in 2024.

It’s not because the information wasn’t out there. Literally every time it came up conservatives called it out for the lie it was. Anybody that didn’t hear about it before 2024 simply didn’t care what any conservative, anywhere, had to say.

Awful lot of rich lefty types getting red pilled. Almost like they’re trying to buy favor or are afraid of maybe getting investigated.