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Soros, Clinton to Get Presidential Medal of Freedom in Partisan Payout

Soros, Clinton to Get Presidential Medal of Freedom in Partisan Payout

Soros and Clinton are known for their myriad scandals and connections to left-wing causes.

President Joe Biden will bestow the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor, upon Hillary Clinton and George Soros in a ceremony this Saturday at the White House.

The announcement has already sparked controversy—not for the ceremony itself, but for its glaringly partisan overtones.

Clinton, the former secretary of state and twice-failed presidential candidate, and Soros, the billionaire Democratic megadonor who has spent decades bankrolling left-wing causes, are being hailed by the Biden administration as paragons of “decency” and “exemplary contributions.”

Soros and Clinton are known for their myriad scandals and connections to left-wing causes.

From the New York Post:

Soros, 94, has been one of the most prolific fundraisers for the Democratic Party in recent history. 

The Hungarian-born hedge-fund billionaire gave more than $175 million to Democrats during the 2022 midterms, according to Federal Election Commission records. 

In 2024, Soros funneled another $60 million for House and Senate Democrats and other left-wing causes through his Democracy PAC, records show. The left-wing investor has also come under fire for funneling tens of millions of dollars to groups supporting anti-Israel protesters on college campuses. 

The White House described Soros as “a philanthropist who four decades ago founded the Open Society Foundations” and “through his network of foundations … has supported organizations, and projects across the world that strengthen democracy, human rights, education, and social justice.”

Clinton’s controversial history seems to be brushed aside as well. More from The Post:

The former first lady, secretary of state and New York senator “made history many times over decades in public service,” the White House said. 

In 2016, Clinton made history when she became the first woman nominated for president by a major United States political party. 

Her bid to become the nation’s first female president came up short when President-elect Donald Trump defeated her in the 2016 race. 

Clinton was the subject of an FBI probe over her use of a private email server during her time in the Obama administration but was never charged with a crime.

Clinton’s 2016 loss to Donald Trump remains a defining moment in modern politics, exposing deep divisions within the electorate. Her post-election life has been marked by attempts to rehabilitate her public image—efforts that range from calculated to desperate. Saturday’s ceremony serves as the latest chapter in this ongoing PR campaign.

Seventeen others, including many celebrities, athletes, and less controversial public figures, will also be honored at the ceremony.


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I’d bet that even democrats are against it.

Biden cements his place as the most corrupt and ethically challenged president. Rewarding henchmen.

Soros is a convicted international felon. His “philanthropy” is dedicated to fomenting civil and financial discord. Dark Brandon is Soros’ puppet.

    Milhouse in reply to Solomon. | January 4, 2025 at 3:50 pm

    “Convicted” in France of a “crime” that couldn’t have been charged here, on “evidence” that wouldn’t be accepted here. That’s no different than being “convicted” in the USSR of teaching religion to minors, or in China of reading the wrong books.

    He has no scandal in his past, just some very wrong and poisonous ideas and the money to support them.

      Ironclaw in reply to Milhouse. | January 4, 2025 at 6:55 pm

      How much does that nazi-sympathizing piece of shit pay you?

      dawgfan in reply to Milhouse. | January 4, 2025 at 7:39 pm

      Comparing France, a NATO ally, to the USSR and Communist China? I would have thought that was even beneath you.

        Milhouse in reply to dawgfan. | January 5, 2025 at 3:16 am

        What the fuck difference does it make whether a country is our ally or our enemy. I remind you that the USSR was our ally too, That didn’t make it any better, and it certainly didn’t make its so-called “justice” system any better. You tell me what you think is the significant difference between what passes for “justice” in France and in the USSR. The fact is that he did nothing that we would recognize as a crime, and in fact nothing to be ashamed of.

        The fact that you defend Donald Trump against his conviction in NY but condemn Soros for his conviction in France, and that you do so for no other reason than that you like Trump’s policies and don’t like Soros’s, says all we need to know about your own moral character. Someone who decides his positions according to whose ox is gored is a deeply dishonest person.

      gonzotx in reply to Milhouse. | January 4, 2025 at 9:58 pm

      Oh dear God, that’s total BS

No medal for Hunter? I’m shocked…

How low can he go? I shudder to think about it.

I’d rather see the utterly vile crone Clinton receive a consolation medal, than the presidency.

We don’t appreciate enough what #45/#47 accomplished, and, the great public service that he rendered, in denying the White House to this manifestly undeserving, lawless, corrupt, imperially arrogant, narcissistic, incompetent, loathsome and insufferable harridan.

Hillary: for very nearly, within a hair of becoming POTUS. So near and yet so far.

Easter Bunny: when POTUS was very nearly, within a hair of being lost, the Easter Bunny saved the day.

Soros: for sowing corruption near and far wherever a democrat would take his cash and add another stooge to his collection

Take note: political party that reflexively calls anyone they disagree with “Literally Hitler” in an attempt to smear gives a medal to a man who literally supported Hitler.

You cannot make this up. If you were to write this in a book, your editor would send it back with a note saying “I quit!”.

You want proof of evil walking the planet? Look no further than George Soros and Joe Biden.

    Milhouse in reply to Peter Moss. | January 4, 2025 at 3:53 pm

    a man who literally supported Hitler.

    No, he did not. Soros may be an evil man, but this is an evil smear that is not justified by anything he has done in his life. Throwing around such accusations is inherently evil, no matter who they’re about.

    And no, he did not admit it in some interview, and anyone who claims he did has not listened carefully to the interview, or is outright lying.

      sequester in reply to Milhouse. | January 4, 2025 at 4:28 pm

      People can judge for themselves:

      Interviewer “That sounds like an experience that would send many people to the psychiatric ward”

      Soros: No problem ….

      What he admitted in the interview to which you refer is this:
      He had no sympathy for victims of the Holocaust, even while it was being perpetrated, and, the thought that if anyone made it through, even if it were at the expense of other victims, it certainly should have been him.

        Milhouse in reply to Ira. | January 5, 2025 at 3:25 am

        No, he did not say that. On the contrary he said that he was very conscious at the time that there but for the grace of God went he, that what he saw happening to others could very easily happen to him too, at any moment.

        What he said is that he does not suffer from survivor’s guilt. That is a good thing, a wonderful thing, and any moral person should be happy for him that he was spared that emotional disorder. Survivors’ guilt is a real and horrible thing, one that should not be wished on anyone. It is certainly not a virtue, and not having it is not a vice. If only all survivors were spared it.

        If you don’t know what survivors’ guilt is, look it up.

        He also did not say and did not imply, and it’s simply not true, that his survival came at anyone else’s expense. He harmed no one, he did nothing to help harm anyone. His later political views can’t change that.

          ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to Milhouse. | January 5, 2025 at 4:06 am

          What he said is that he does not suffer from survivor’s guilt. That is a good thing, a wonderful thing, and any moral person should be happy for him that he was spared that emotional disorder.

          You cannot help yourself but to disingenuously twist everything. What Soros did does not bring on “survivor’s guilt”, you blithering idiot. He did not “survive”. He “collaborated”. You try to portray yourself as being too stupid to know the difference.

          Now, people who collaborate to survive can argue that they had no choice – and many understand that (depending on the circumstances) but they do not suffer from “survivor’s guilt”. Survivor’s guilt is when two guys are in Treblinka and one survives because the Allies broke down the fences just before he was to be walked into the gas chambers, but the other isn’t so lucky. That was NOT Soros’ circumstance.

          Soros was a collaborator and he goes on to say that he feels fine about having done it. That is not admirable in any way, shape, or form, and if you think it is then you are a disturbed, twisted wreck of a human being.

          A normal person might collaborate in order to survive but a normal person will feel very guilty about having done it and that guilt is well earned. That is not to say that it was wrong, but it was shameful, at the very least, and indicative of weakness, at the very least.

      Ironclaw in reply to Milhouse. | January 4, 2025 at 7:09 pm

      We’ve been through this before.

      He literally said it, he collaborated with nazis.

      healthguyfsu in reply to Milhouse. | January 4, 2025 at 8:41 pm

      He admitted to helping Hitler and said he had to do so.

        Milhouse in reply to healthguyfsu. | January 5, 2025 at 3:19 am

        No, he did not admit any such thing. You are a fucking liar and deserve to suffer what he suffered for making up such an accusation.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to Peter Moss. | January 4, 2025 at 6:38 pm

    It is clear that Soros is twisted, I wounder if his time working for Hitler is the cause, or was Soros just a bad seed?

Denzel Washington? I’d hope that he would get the big picture…. He legitimizes this.

    gonzotx in reply to alaskabob. | January 4, 2025 at 10:01 pm

    Denzel use to be a man of high morals but something happened to him in the last decade

    He even went to diddy parties, but I don’t believe he partook in the sexual perversion

One would be hard pressed to find any individual in American history that has disrupted, for the worse, the society in which he resides. The label (rich) evil genius comes to mind. He found a soft spot in American criminal justice system: the elected state or local prosecutor. If the prosecutor doesn’t prosecute or if they down grade the charges, the police, judges, and legislators have few, if any, tools to bring forth justice. The governors, such as DeSantis, can take action but that seems to be all too rare. Elections or recalls occur only after a lot of damage has been done. And sometimes enough funding is offered to persuade the electorate to ignore rationality.

    Milhouse in reply to Arnoldn. | January 5, 2025 at 3:28 am

    The soft spot was there, and anyone could have taken advantage of it, for good or evil. He did so for evil, and for that he deserves condemnation. But it doesn’t justify making up grotesque libels about his childhood.

UnCivilServant | January 4, 2025 at 5:15 pm

Is there anyone who regards this as anything but a political award?

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | January 4, 2025 at 6:16 pm

Except for the dead people, Soros is the only one smart enough to not go to that sh*tshow. He sent his loser son, instead.

Soros cannot leave this world soon enough. I predict his retard son will either have gone through the entirety of his inheritance within 10 years … or will end up imprisoned and never seen or heard from again, like he deserves.

Soros is the antithesis of freedom! He has caused more deaths than we will ever know because of the evil people he helped get elected. He and Clinton are examples of evil people with no soul.

Soros is definitely a destructive force in the US and the world. If you want to know why he does what he does, read this book:

Or ask the following:
“summarize the book “return of the strong gods”.

Or persist in ignorance.

    Milhouse in reply to gibbie. | January 5, 2025 at 3:29 am

    Yes, he is a destructive force, but he means well. He sincerely believes that his policies are the best for everyone, and are the best way to prevent the return of Nazism and communism. He’s very wrong.

      ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to Milhouse. | January 5, 2025 at 6:18 pm

      Yes, he is a destructive force, but he means well.

      Complete and utter bullsh*t. You just love making up BS like this.

      But … to give you the benefit of the doubt – which you certainly do NOT deserve – show me one bit of evidence that leads you to believe that this miserable psychopath “means well”.

      Anyone with a brain knows that Soros does not “mean well”. He is out to destroy Western society for demented emotional reasons and his general idea of an empty existence.

      But you go way out of your way to try (unsuccessfully) to make excuses for him. Why is that? You did the same for a lot of the tr@nnie debates, too.

      gibbie in reply to Milhouse. | January 6, 2025 at 7:58 pm

      Soros paves the road to hell with good intentions.

And the Medal of Freedom joins the list of awards that mean nothing. Nobel. Pulitzer. Oscar…

Election denier hillary gets medal for losing in 2016?

Hillary and Soros. Why did Biden leave out Satan?

What did Kamala Harris get? A Presidential Participation Medal?

What a way to completely devalue “the nation’s highest civilian honor”. It is, forever, trash now. 🚮