Sen. Mazie Hirono Establishes that No Trump Nominees Have Made Unwanted Sexual Advances
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Sen. Mazie Hirono Establishes that No Trump Nominees Have Made Unwanted Sexual Advances

Sen. Mazie Hirono Establishes that No Trump Nominees Have Made Unwanted Sexual Advances

“Since you became a legal adult, have you ever made unwanted requests for sexual favors or committed any verbal or physical harassment or assault of a sexual nature?”

Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI), widely believed to be the dumbest senator, has opened each of her questioning rounds of President-elect Donald Trump’s nominees with two questions: 1. Have they ever made unwanted sexual advances to anyone? 2. Have they ever entered into a settlement over this type of conduct?

Although a negative response to the first question would render the second unnecessary, she asks it anyway.

In the clip below, her allotted time with former North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, who Trump has nominated for secretary of the Interior Department, begins.

Reading from her notes, Hirono asks, “Since you became a legal adult, have you ever made unwanted requests for sexual favors or committed any verbal or physical harassment or assault of a sexual nature?”

After Burgum replies that he has not, she asks, “Have you ever faced discipline or entered into a settlement related to this kind of conduct?”

Even the foreign press found her questions to be inappropriate. Sky News Australia slammed Hirono’s offensive behavior in an article titled, “This lady has issues.”

While these inquiries may have been relevant during Defense Secretary nominee Pete Hegseth’s hearing, they were utterly ridiculous for all of the others. Nevertheless, she asked the same questions of Attorney General nominee Pam Bondi.

Hirono’s humiliating deportment during the hearings this week has drawn much derision from the press. All warranted.

Hot Air’s Ed Morrissey took a swing at her in an article titled, “Must Watch: Mazie Hirono’s Day-Drinking Questioning of Hegseth.” He doesn’t actually believe Hirono had been drinking, only that she slurred her way through her allotted time and refused to even listen to Hegseth’s response before abruptly cutting him off, saying, “I’m not hearing an answer to my question, so I’m going to move on.”

Morrissey wrote:

Oh, the irony.  Senator Mazie Hirono really wanted to impress upon people that Pete Hegseth got drunk occasionally in the past. Apparently, Hirono thought the best way to deliver that message was to model what being drunk on the job actually looks and sounds like.

Not that Hirono was actually drunk, mind you. But the Hawaii Democrat certainly did a good impression of it, slurring her way through questions like this while apparently not recognizing the answers.

What was the point that Hirono expected to make here? If previous drinking was disqualifying for public office, we would have a Senate consisting of … Mitt Romney. And not even Romney now, since he’s retired.

One X user replied, “Her questioning alone is all that is needed to confirm Hegseth; she is panicked, scared and defeated….and they all know it. Just a rude, pompous and arrogant woman struggling to be relevant. Just another Democrat.”

Another summed up Hirono’s conduct perfectly in the post below:

Hirono distinguishes herself again in the next clip.

It was Pam Bondi who finally delivered the smackdown that Hirono deserved. On Wednesday, Bondi turned the tables on the pompous and unworthy senator for refusing to meet with her prior to the confirmation hearing.

While Hirono’s performance during the hearings may have been the most grating, the other Democratic senators were not far behind. Many embarrassed themselves—some more than others.

Hirono first came to my attention during the 2018 Senate confirmation process for Associate Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. She said that all women must be believed. Her contempt for Kavanaugh and her ultra-partisan support for his accuser Christine Blasey Ford could not be concealed. At the time, Hirono told reporters, “I just want to say to the men in this country, just shut up and step up. Do the right thing.”

Hirono, 77, has served as the junior senator from Hawaii since 2013. She previously served three terms in the House of Representatives. And every time I hear her open her mouth, I marvel over why in the world the people of Hawaii keep reelecting her.

Elizabeth writes commentary for The Washington Examiner. She is an academy fellow at The Heritage Foundation and a member of the Editorial Board at The Sixteenth Council, a London think tank. Please follow Elizabeth on X or LinkedIn.


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AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | January 17, 2025 at 7:06 pm

Hormone is so horny, she’s trolling for some “D,” and maybe a little “V.”

With a mug like that, she couldn’t get boned by a dig without a chop.

Every time this fool/tool opens her mouth I hear the ocean.

    guyjones in reply to Romey. | January 17, 2025 at 7:16 pm

    The shrew-termagant’s skull is as empty as an old conch shell that one finds washed up upon a beach.

    diver64 in reply to Romey. | January 18, 2025 at 5:22 am

    She strikes me as a less intelligent Kamala. Woefully unprepared and resorting to reading whatever is put in front of her. She also is not curious enough to listen to anything just keep asking questions on the sheet in specific order with no deviation. She says she asks the first 2 questions of everyone regardless of who they are. She has never explained what the purpose of that is or pursue anything.

I know there has to be a lot of stiff competition in the senate, but I think that Macy hirono definitely has the dumbest member title locked up.

    guyjones in reply to Ironclaw. | January 17, 2025 at 7:28 pm

    There is a lot of competition, in that wretched Party, for sure. Some choice observations of that stupidity, witnessed over the past week, in no particular order:

    * (Rubio hearing): Shaheen wants the U.S. to shower Syria with foreign aid money, even though that failed state is now run by an al-Qaeda acolyte and committed Islamofascist/Muslim terrorist who will continue to wage “holy war” against Israel;

    (Bessent hearing): Cantwell praises crime boss, Biden, for allegedly “creating” 16 million new jobs during his wretched tenure, even though most of those jobs merely represented jobs that had been lost/destroyed, under Biden’s and the Dhimmi-crats’ irrational, tyrannical, hysterical, impoverishing and indefensible Wuhan virus lockdowns and diktats;

    (Zeldin hearing): Comrade Sanders thinks that the only reason communist China is being perpetually bashed now is because it’s allegedly “fashionable,” and he thinks that the U.S. needs to work with the Chinese regime on “climate change” — as if that regime gives a damn about environmental do-gooding, while the U.S. and west engage in self-imposed, national security-threatening and economy-threatening “green” energy schemes;

    *Burgum hearing): Angus King criticizes Burgum for accurately and rationally stating that wind and solar energy are fairly described as “intermittent” power sources, because the sun isn’t always shining, and, the wind isn’t always blowing. He wants Burgum to commit to “renewable” energy, as part of U.S. energy production.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Ironclaw. | January 17, 2025 at 7:33 pm

    She certainly doesn’t have the “stiff” part locked up. Her face would make a corpse’s scrotum dry up.

    MAJack in reply to Ironclaw. | January 18, 2025 at 11:49 am

    I vote Ed Markey for dumbest male, Hirono for dumbest female.

The miserable, stupid and noxious crone-harridan asked the same question of then-Judge Coney Barrett, during her SCOTUS confirmation hearing. It’s some idiotic stunt with her, and, it has a history.

    diver64 in reply to guyjones. | January 18, 2025 at 5:26 am

    It puzzles me why she is even asking. By the time someone gets to the hearing stage it would be well known if they had a yes to her first 2 questions.

      guyjones in reply to diver64. | January 18, 2025 at 9:09 am

      I think it’s some sort of nod to “Me-Too” virtue-signaling.

      Concise in reply to diver64. | January 18, 2025 at 10:01 am

      “Since you became a legal adult, have you ever made unwanted requests for sexual favors…?” Well, as Chris Rock once joked:
      “What’s the difference between sexual harrassment and just being an idiot? I mean, if my father didn’t harrass my mother, I wouldn’t be here! I mean, I understand some sexual harrassment.. if a man is your boss and says, “Hey, sleep with me, or you’re fired.” That’s sexual harrassment. And that’s the only thing that’s seual harrassment! Everything else falls under “Just trying to get laid.”harassment exists, but everything else is just trying to get laid.”

        AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to Concise. | January 18, 2025 at 1:38 pm

        It’s sexual harassment if some average looking shlub asks a woman on a date.

        If an average looking shlub has big bucks, it’s not harassment, it’s a date.

        Mark Zuckerberg couldn’t get laid until he made millions. Why do you think he created FB? To make fun of women who refused to date him.

      Easy. It’s a setup for future smears.

      Picture a nominee who has gone through this clown show and taken their position, only to have some left-wing nutball with an implausible story about having been groped in an elevator or parking lot or somewhere at sometime gosh I can’t remember the year but it destroyed my life etc… Now, instead of doing their job, the Dems in the House and Senate demand their every moment be devoted to defending against this fine outstanding citizen no don’t look at their past history of pure fabrication etc..

      I have to wonder why *anybody* is willing to be nominated for *anything.*

She mirrors the quality of the judiciary in Hawaii and their “Aloha Spirit” that supersedes the US Constitution. Note to the Senator: no worries for her…no one is that desperate.

    healthguyfsu in reply to alaskabob. | January 18, 2025 at 9:20 am

    Hawaii really does fit the moniker: Morons in Paradise.

    Milhouse in reply to alaskabob. | January 18, 2025 at 9:54 am

    OMG not this nonsense again. The Hawaii Supreme Court never said or implied that the Aloha Spirit supersedes the US constitution. Obviously it does not.

    Nor is it “their ‘Aloha Spriit'”, as if the judiciary had made it up. The “Aloha Spirit” is a core principle of Hawaii state law. Its constitution says so. And therefore all state courts have a duty to apply it to all questions of state law, which is what the supreme court properly did.

    It was widely misreported by careless reporters, including on LI, that the second amendment to the US constitution does not apply in Hawaii, but that is just not true. It explicitly acknowledged that it does apply, and that it does indeed protect an individual right to keep and bear arms, and that neither the Aloha Spirit nor the Law of the Paddle applies to it. It turned down the petitioner’s 2A challenge to his conviction on the grounds that he had no standing, since he’d never bothered to apply for a license.

      Milhouse in reply to Milhouse. | January 18, 2025 at 9:56 am

      Oops, that should have read “that it ruled that the second amendment…”

      Concise in reply to Milhouse. | January 18, 2025 at 1:00 pm

      They Aloha Spirited away his rights under the state constitution in 40 plus pages and then, in a couple of paragraphs, grossly misapply (so grossly as to amount to just a casual disregard) controlling S.Ct. precedent to eliminate his Second Amendment rights in favor of their Aloha Spirit gibberish.

      So, an opinion that essential enforces their version of the Hawaiian spirit unchallenged by the US Constitution. I think its fair to say that they felt Hawaiian law superseded the Constitution.

        Milhouse in reply to Concise. | January 18, 2025 at 4:03 pm

        Their analysis of the state constitutional issue seems completely correct. The Hawaii state constitution does not recognize an individual RKBA.

        The 2A issue takes up one page at the very end of the decision, and all they say is that to have standing he had to have applied for a license and been turned down. Since he never applied, he has no claim.

        Whether that was right or wrong, it was definitely NOT a claim that the constitution doesn’t apply, or that it’s subject to the Aloha Spirit and the Law of the Paddle.

          4rdm2 in reply to Milhouse. | January 18, 2025 at 4:48 pm

          Why are lefty things like this the only things you are willing g to go so aggressively to the Matt for?

          Concise in reply to Milhouse. | January 18, 2025 at 9:10 pm

          Their analysis was ridiculous and they ignored controlling S. Ct. precedent to deny him his 2A rights. As Thomas noted in the denial of cert. (denied only given the procedural posture of the matter), Hawaii disregarded controlling S.Ct. precedent:

          Judicial review of a license denial may be one way that an individual can challenge state overreach. But, because the constitutional violation occurs as soon as an individual’s right to bear arms is inhibited, States cannot mandate that would-be gun owners go through an unconstitutional licensing process before they may invoke their Second Amendment rights. Any other rule would impermissibly demote the Second Amendment “to the status of a poor relation” among constitutional rights. Knick, 588 U. S., at 189 (internal quotation marks omitted). Had the Hawaii Supreme Court followed its duty to consider the merits of Wilson’s defense, the licensing scheme’s unconstitutionality should have been apparent. We have made clear that the Second Amendment is a right “guaranteed to all Americans,” whose exercise cannot be conditioned on a showing of “special need.” Bruen, 597 U. S., at 70–71 (internal quotation marks omitted). Yet, in restricting license eligibility to Hawaiians with “‘exceptional case[s],’” or who otherwise could show special “urgency” or “need,” the Hawaii regime did just that. Hawaii’s onerous restrictions closely paralleled those in the New York regime we held unconstitutional in Bruen.

          The Hawaiian court’s opinion is an embarrassing disgrace and indefensible on its merits.

          Milhouse in reply to Milhouse. | January 19, 2025 at 1:45 am

          Why are lefty things like this the only things you are willing g to go so aggressively to the Matt for?

          That is not true.

          Milhouse in reply to Milhouse. | January 19, 2025 at 2:00 am

          The analysis is not ridiculous. The Supreme Court has explicitly said that licensing is OK, in principle. Thomas may be correct that had they considered the merits of his defense they would have found this particular scheme to be unconstitutional (as indeed it was). But it’s not ridiculous to say that its unconstitutionality was not in evidence before the court, and that since had had not been harmed by that unconstitutionality (since he never bothered applying) he had no standing to bring it into evidence.

          In any case, all of this is irrelevant. Even if the court was wrong to apply that standard to his standing, the fact remains that it never, even once, said or implied that the 2A is not in effect in Hawaii, or that it’s subject to the considerations that control state law in that state.

Sen Hirono doesn’t seem well. Looking around at the d/prog Senators neither do a substantial number of their Senate Caucus. Old, tired, out of touch, gibbering about nonsense. Maybe that’s why they didn’t object to the same things in Biden?

I remain convince Hawaiians voted her into the house and Senate just to get her off the islands.

I would have liked to see what the Senator would have done with this answer to her first question, “Of course, Senator, I have on occasion made an unwanted sexual advance. I have a happy, fulfilled marriage and sometimes my spouse does not feel like having relations for one reason or another.”

As a resident of Caliphornia, I welcome Hawai’i’s step up to stupidest Senator. Now, Schiff will lead in most corrupt. Crap.

    Andy in reply to Frank G. | January 17, 2025 at 7:54 pm

    oh Patty Murray is looking like Einstein in comparison now. She once held the title of dumbest tool in the senate. Murray hasn’t gotten smarter, the bar has just gotten lower.

I’m wondering what it would be like to have such a question asked of you and to have the gonads to stare her down and then tell her that her question is beneath the dignity of the Senate and then tell her to go to (bleep) but only after yielding time back so someone can ask a relevant and intelligent question.

1 HI elects morons— and catches fire.
2 CA elects morons— and catches fire.
3. Wa and Or— have elected morons…. fire season this year should be awesome.

On a more serious note. I think she’s had a a few micro-strokes. We heard the same slur from Biden in the lead up to the 2020 election.

My mother- 88 now had the same slur when the micro-strokes started hitting. Her decline has mirrored Biden’s. Some of it was driven by a heat related event when she didn’t turn the AC on a few years back along with a few falls. Memory fading and now difficulty with some words and names.

Mom was a thousand times fitter than her at that age and looking at Hironos flabby face, you know her blood pressure and blood sugar are through the roof. I’ll bet a C-note she’s diabetic. So- stroke or damage to the what little egg she had in that cranium is very likely. Also- she’ll be tripping and falling soon- so watch for that. Anyone who has cared for an elder knows all the signs.

    MajorWood in reply to Andy. | January 17, 2025 at 10:29 pm

    We are knocking down dams and draining resevoirs in preparation, cause that way the little salmons can swim through a trickle creek rather than find the far end of the pond from the start.

Hirono is proof that a complete moron can reach a position of power in this country.

The next Republican who runs against Hirono just received a huge gift, and plenty of material for campaign ads.

    TargaGTS in reply to ChrisPeters. | January 18, 2025 at 7:25 am

    Forget it Jake, it’s Chinatown.

    HI is the 5th-bluest state in the nation; just a hair deeper blue than California. Hirono won reelection last year by 34-points. Trump didn’t even get 38% of the vote. Hirono could strangle a child on national TV and still get reelected so long as the child was blond and of European ancestry. HI is really more of a city than a state…and not even a very big city. WAY more votes were cast for president in Hamilton County OH (Columbus) than cast in the entire ‘state’ of HI.

      healthguyfsu in reply to TargaGTS. | January 18, 2025 at 9:23 am

      Most people of means don’t claim residency there because it is ridiculously expensive.

      henrybowman in reply to TargaGTS. | January 18, 2025 at 5:33 pm

      It tickled me pink my first visit to Hawaii to discover that they had an Interstate highway. It really should have ended in a boat ramp, I mean, you couldn’t even use it to get to the other islands!

Not at her an any rate. Nor have any of the other approximately 4 billion males on the planet.

I have referred to her as Hazy Mazie for years now. She is a bubble head who gives bubble heads a bad name.

Christopher B | January 17, 2025 at 9:30 pm

Did she ask the same questions to Biden’s nominees?

The Dem party appears to be the drinking party! I bet Mazie and Kamala can really pound them.

Although a negative response to the first question would render the second unnecessary, she asks it anyway.

No, it wouldn’t. It’s not necessary to have made any such advances in order to have settled a claim that one had.

“Since you became a legal adult, have you ever made unwanted requests for sexual favors

Excuse me? Who hasn’t, at one time or another, make an unwanted request of this nature? I suppose there are people who have no interest in such things and have therefore never made any such requests at all, and thus not made any that were unwanted. And I suppose there may be someone, somewhere, who is so desirable that s/he’s never been turned down. But most people have at some point made a request which the recipient didn’t want and turned down. Even those who were completely abstinent before marriage and have never sought to stray from their marriages must still have occasionally asked their spouse when the spouse didn’t want to be asked.

So long as they took “no” for an answer, what could be wrong with having made the unwanted request?

If the citizens of Hawaii aren’t ashamed of her then inbreeding has taken a toll.

Pineapple for brains…