Rand Paul Lashes Out During RFK Jr. Hearing: ‘The Discussion Over Vaccines is So Oversimplified and Dumbed Down’
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Rand Paul Lashes Out During RFK Jr. Hearing: ‘The Discussion Over Vaccines is So Oversimplified and Dumbed Down’

Rand Paul Lashes Out During RFK Jr. Hearing: ‘The Discussion Over Vaccines is So Oversimplified and Dumbed Down’

“Submit to the government. Do what you’re told.”

Sen. Rand Paul, a physician by trade, lashed out at his colleagues on the Senate health committee during Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s hearing.

I transcribed the whole five minutes for you guys:

I love vaccines. But, no, you’re not an anti-vaxxer if you question the ingredients. You’re not an anti-vaxxer if you ask questions:

All, I think the discussion over vaccines is so oversimplified and dumbed down that we never really get to real truths, and it’s why people up here are so separated from real people at home.

So we talk about Hepatitis B. It’s a terrible disease. It could lead to liver failures, the chairman said. But the reason you have distrust from people at home and why they don’t believe anything you say, they don’t believe governed at all is you’re telling my kid to take a Hepatitis B vaccine when he’s one day old. You get it through drug use and sexually transmitted. That’s how you get Hepatitis b. But you’re telling me my kid has to take it at one day old. You’re not…that’s not science.

And so every person with a bit of common sense, even people who don’t resist vaccines, I’ve vaccinated all my kids, I believe vaccines are one of the modern miracles beyond all pale. The Speckled Monster is a great book about the introduction of the smallpox vaccine in 1720 into our country. All miracles.

But I’m not a one size fits all. It’s not all or nothing. I chose to wait on my Hepatitis B vaccine, and we did it when they went to school. Does that make me an awful person? Does that make me an anti-vaxxer? Because I questioned the government dictate of whether I do it? And I’m not speaking for anybody else. I’m only speaking for myself. But for goodness sakes, let’s have an honest debate about these things.

The COVID vaccine, if you ask me, my opinion, though reporters run up and down the soil and they say, you still anti-vaccine? No, I’m pro-vaccine. But on the COVID vaccine and on the COVID illness, there was a thousandfold or more difference between the elderly and children. If you don’t acknowledge that, you’re committing malpractice. You’re showing your ignorance. If you say a six month old must be mandated to get it…the science is not there. So all this blather about the science as this, and the science says that. No, it doesn’t. The science actually shows that no healthy child in America died from COVID. Look it up. No healthy child died from COVID.

And so the thing is that it’s a thousand fold greater. So if you ask me, my advice as a physician, if you were 65 or older or overweight in some other conditions, I would have said, hell yes, I’d take the COVID vaccine. The risks of the disease were real and much greater than the vaccine.

But if you ask me, should my healthy six month old get it? See? These are the nuances you’re unwilling to talk about because there’s such a belief in submission.

Submit to the government. Do what you’re told!

There is no discussion. There ought to be a debate. You’re not going to let him have the debate because you’re just going to criticize and say it is this and admit to it, or we’re not going to appoint you.

But it’s more complicated than that. And this is why people distrust government, because you’re, unwilling to have these conversations.

And go home. Ask your Democrat young mothers, your Republican young mothers if they’re vaccinating their kid for hepatitis B, and they’re like, well, do I have to do it on day one to this precious little baby. Is there science to say you shouldn’t do it? Probably not, but it’s my kid. There isn’t clear cut science saying not to.

But on autism, there’s no good science of anything to show what causes autism. We don’t know. It’s a profound disease. I know many moms here and dads who have kids of autism. I know them personally. I’ve met their kids, but the thing is, they saw their kids developing completely normal. Maybe speaking 100 words go to no words at about 15 months of age.

Now there isn’t proof. There isn’t proof that the vaccines cause it. That’s true. There isn’t proof that it causes it, but we don’t know what causes it yet. So shouldn’t we be at least open minded? We take 72 vaccines. Could it be? I don’t know. But we shouldn’t just close the door and say we’re no longer because we believe so much in submission, we’re not going to have an open mind to study these things.

And so it’s sort of this crazy notion, schizophrenia, I would put in the same notion. You have a kid who’s completely normal to 18 or 19 and their brain goes haywire. How does that happen? It’s the most bizarre disease. Shouldn’t we be open? Could it be our food? Might be vaccines, it might be our food. But autism is more common. I don’t know. About the schizophrenia statistics. But autism is more common. Shouldn’t we want to be open minded?

Instead, we’re so close minded and we’re so consensus driven that the science says this. Well, science doesn’t say anything. Science is a dispute, and ten years from now, we could all be wrong.

We were told in the beginning, 20 years ago, it did this enormous study, and they said everybody over 50 should take an aspirin. I thought, well, it’s a pretty good idea. It makes sense. But you know what? 20 years later, they measured it and they found if you had no heart disease, and you were taking aspirin, your chance of dying from a brain bleed or from a stomach bleed were greater than the risk of heart disease. You have heart disease? They still say take an aspirin. If you don’t, they’ve changed their mind 20 years later.

But would you have all said I was crazy and I should no longer be in public discourse if I had said 20 years ago I don’t feel like taking an aspirin? I ride my bike all the time. I’m afraid I might hit my head.

But that’s what this country is about. It’s what dissent is about, so. Just ask you to look at the larger picture and give the guy a break. Who says I just want to follow the science where it leads without presupposition?

I think really what we have up here is presupposition. You’ve already concluded it’s absolute that autism isn’t caused by it. We don’t know what causes autism, so we should be more humble than what we say. Sorry, I didn’t. Get to a question.


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nordic prince | January 30, 2025 at 2:30 pm

There ought to be vigorous debate and honest discussion, but with so many Congresscritters receiving money and whatever else from big pharma, I doubt such a debate could ever be had in today’s climate. Just witness how many legislators are losing their ever-loving minds, screeching like banshees at RFK Jr.

Democrat media: Rand Paul says everyone needs to “Submit to the government. Do what you’re told.” See Facism!!!

Schizophrenia typically doesn’t show up until the teens.

Autism is typically diagnosed around age two.

    Valerie in reply to Petrushka. | January 31, 2025 at 4:06 am

    We don’t know what causes either one of them. Some scientists think both are multifactorial — have several causes.

    jagibbons in reply to Petrushka. | January 31, 2025 at 9:04 am

    My now adult child was diagnosed on the spectrum at age 7. No signed prior to that. Could it have been a vax? Not sure. But it is absolutely worth the conversation, investigation, study and debate.

He has a very good point. There’s not a damn thing in the world that shouldn’t be questioned. Especially things that are related to science which should always be questioned. Science that is beyond question or, settled as they say, is nothing more than Dogma.

I have no room for other people’s irrational Dogma and I won’t tolerate it. When it comes to vaccinating my kids I made very clear that if a doctor ever stuck a needle in my kid without my permission I would kill them.

    DaveGinOly in reply to Ironclaw. | January 30, 2025 at 10:36 pm

    One of the senators even made that stupidest, anti-science/”I’m ignorant of science” remark – “The science is settled.” There is settle science. Settled science consists of those theories and beliefs that have been proven wrong. As a process, science doesn’t generally set out to prove things right, it sets out to prove theories wrong. A theory that withstands a hundred years of attempts to prove it wrong (like Einstein’s theory of relativity) gives great confidence the theory is correct, but it does not prove the theory correct. The best that can be said is that a theory represents our best understanding of something, but it takes only one failed test to discredit a theory no matter how well-established it may be. People opposed to continued inquiry into something they consider “settled” are actually anti-science, because science works via perpetual inquiry that seeks to falsify the status quo, spurring new theories and efforts to disprove them, as the cycle continually seeks to improve our understanding of many things for which our understanding will never be perfected.

Sen Paul was spot on today. The distilled essence of much of the past few decades has been the message of ‘submit to the gov’t’ or to the ‘authorities who know best’. That hasn’t panned out….except for the grifters.

    Tionico in reply to CommoChief. | January 31, 2025 at 2:02 pm

    I would be far more likely to trust government if I were not so keenly aware of the perverted and incestuous relationship between government, big pharma, big medicine and big insurance. This is nothing less than a corrupt cabal of unscrupulous get rich quick schemers. Their own wealth is their goal NOT my health. And gummit are not much more than rubber stanpers to enable them.
    When the inventor o the mRNA achnology came out ad flat stated this tech CAN NOT cinfer immunity to any virus, yet Phautchee and Company insisted on running with it, I lost what little trust remained in our present medical “system”. Then they fast tracked it, rugged the “trial results”, then mandated it. Moderna and others made millions, millions died.. including a very dear friend of mine. They wanted me to take a shot that would turn my body into a factory making a POISON and releasing it into my body, with NO off SWITCH?

    Hate ta disappoint ya, but I just aint that stupid. Take yer shot and shove it.

    I trust science, but that ain’t science. Don’t give a rip what the Phautchee Unit says.

JackinSilverSpring | January 30, 2025 at 4:05 pm

Science doesn’t say a damn thing about anything. It is not a person, it’s a methodology to eliminate untruths, but the methodology can never lead to the truth, only what appears to be the truth by a process of elimination. The next experiment may show that the apparent truth is equally untrue. When you hear “the Science says” what you’re hearing is some scientist or group of scientists reporting the results of an experiment. Sometimes they hype the experiments outcome to get grant money for further research. In such cases, one must be very wary of their “science.”

“Now there isn’t proof. There isn’t proof that the vaccines cause it. That’s true. There isn’t proof that it causes it, but we don’t know what causes it yet.”

And unless you stuff the mandates and give people a free choice to take it or not to take it, you’ll never have that proof, because you’ll never have contrasting cohorts. Absolutely right.

janejohn@gmail.com | January 31, 2025 at 10:24 am

To paraphrase an old joke, what do you get when you mix politics and medicine? Answer: Politics.