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Pro-Islamic Terror Groups in the United States Are Active and Growing

Pro-Islamic Terror Groups in the United States Are Active and Growing

“a long-running Islamist campaign to radicalize Americans and undermine our country”

We should investigate which of these groups, if any, are connected to the anti-Israel movement on college campuses.

The Washington Times reports:

Pro-terror Islamic organizations in the U.S. are active and growing

Maybe you were surprised to learn that the New Year’s morning Islamic terrorist massacre in New Orleans was committed by a Texas-born U.S. Army veteran who embraced ISIS ideology. You shouldn’t be.

You probably don’t even know that a Cape Cod man died after setting himself on fire near the Israeli consulate in Boston this past Sept. 11, having released a video saying, “We are slaves to capitalism … Free Palestine.” But that shouldn’t surprise you either. These are not random events. They are the result of a long-running Islamist campaign to radicalize Americans and undermine our country.

One under-acknowledged avenue through which Islamists in America invite an evil anti-West ideology is by establishing sham organizations that masquerade as humanitarian entities but are institutional fronts for terrorist groups.

Democrats opened the immigration floodgates to foreigners who, far from not sharing American values, seek to dismantle and destroy our Judeo-Christian way of life. Now safely ensconced within our borders, they’re capitalizing on liberal ignorance and establishing organizational mechanisms to import their hatred from abroad.

Democrats are refusing to penalize Islamist groups for peddling agendas rooted in Islamic radicalization and an anti-Western ethos. Liberal lawmakers may not have George Soros’s money, but they’re willing to use their legislative heft to protect groups that propagandize against America.

Late last year, the overwhelming majority of Democrats declined to vote in favor of a resolution that would grant the IRS greater authority to strip the tax-exempt status for non-profit groups that support terrorism.

With only 15 Democrats backing the measure that also alters the tax code so that American hostages returning home don’t incur financial penalties, The Stop Terror-Financing and Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act passed the House in a 219-184 vote on the strength of Republican votes.


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Rooting out terrorists in America needs to be a priority, start with mosques.

Not surprising that the Unhumans amid (and “above”) our ranks are also UnAmericans.