NYC Subway Slasher with 87 Priors Caught (UPDATED)
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NYC Subway Slasher with 87 Priors Caught (UPDATED)

NYC Subway Slasher with 87 Priors Caught (UPDATED)

Despite Governor Kathy Hochul’s assurances, the New York City subway system remains in crisis. Following a string of high-profile crimes, stabbings, and killings, yet another violent offender is on the loose in the subway system—this time, a repeat offender with a staggering criminal history.

Meet Jamar Banks. As described by the New York Post, Banks is a “man with a history of mental illness” and an extensive rap sheet with 87 prior arrests (yes, you read that correctly), dating back to at least 1997.

Read more from the New York Post:

A knife-wielding maniac with a history of mental illness and 87 prior arrests is wanted in connection with at least two stabbings in the subway this week, The Post has learned.

Cops searching for Jamar Banks were warned to use “extreme caution” when encountering him because he is believed to be armed with “a large knife,” according to a message sent to police officers and obtained by The Post.

The Post went on to describe his most recent attacks and lengthy rap sheet:

Banks is wanted for allegedly approaching a 31-year-old man from behind on a 2 train at 14th Street and Seventh Avenue in Manhattan on Wednesday and starting an argument, before stabbing him in the back and running away.

He’s also suspected of knifing an off-duty MTA cleaner in the back and armpit around 6 a.m. Thursday, after starting an argument with the victim on a northbound 6 train platform at the Pelham Bay station in the Bronx, police said.

The attacker fled after the stabbing.

Both victims were taken to hospitals in stable condition. 

Banks’ rap sheet includes arrests for charges including attempted murder, weapons possession, assault, criminal trespassing, turnstile jumping and petty larceny, police sources said.

As The Post continued, in detail, covering Banks’ previous criminal activity one phrase stood out: “The outcome of the case wasn’t immediately clear.”

When will New York City start taking the prosecution of career criminals seriously?

Update: 3:15 PM

Jamal Banks has been captured after pulling a “large knife” at another station.

NOTE: The headline has been changed to reflect that the suspect has been caught.


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Any citizen who takes this guy down (or shoots him as he comes after him with a knife) had better hide his face and get out of there before the police come. Alan Bragg will prosecute the Good Samaritan to the full extent of the law (and then some) while letting the bad guy go.

    henrybowman in reply to OldProf2. | January 5, 2025 at 6:59 pm

    No amateurs need apply. It’s important that a guy like this get taken down by a properly diverse team of Only Ones — a female three-quarters his size, a Hispanic bull with the only muscle on the platform, and three charter members of the Subway Footlong Appreciation Society., who aptly demonstrated for us how the minimum design width of NY subway doors is determined.

Dayum, is that security footage?
I’ve seen portraits with worse detail.
Knife and all, just like he was proudly posing for one.

Ooh, they gottum. 😲
By Friday, he’ll be back ridin’ the A Train, with 88 priors. 😂