MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell Smears American Veterans as Bigger Terror Threat Than Illegal Border Crossers

This was a shocking new low, even for MSNBC.

This week, host Lawrence O’Donnell suggested that American veterans, specifically Army vets, are a greater terror threat than illegal immigrants crossing the southern border.

O’Donnell used the suspect in the New Orleans attack this week and Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City bomber, as examples.

FOX News reports:

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell claims US military personnel pose greater threat than illegal immigrantsMSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell argued that Americans should look to their fellow citizens, specifically U.S. military personnel, and not illegal immigrants, as instigators of terrorism within the U.S. in a segment Thursday.”The simple fact is, this country has suffered more deadly terrorism at the hands of American-born citizens who are veterans of the United States military than people who have crossed into this country at the southern border,” O’Donnell said. “It is very clear from the evidence that if you want to worry about terrorism in this country, the United States Army is a much bigger problem than the southern border.”…O’Donnell used examples of military veterans, including Timothy McVeigh, the domestic terrorist behind the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, to argue that American veterans have perpetuated more violence than immigrants have in U.S. history.”Timothy McVeigh parked a truck outside that building loaded with explosives in an act of homegrown American terrorism,” O’Donnell said. “Timothy McVeigh’s hatred of the American government was not tamed in any way by his service in the American military. So, too, with America’s latest terrorist attack in New Orleans on New Year’s Eve, with an American military veteran driving a pickup truck through a crowd to murder 14 people.”

Here’s the clip:

There was a time in this country when a moment like this could get a news host fired, but we’re clearly past that point.

Even the Associated Press is pushing this narrative:

New Orleans attack and Vegas explosion highlight extremist violence by active military and veteransWhile much remains unknown about the man who carried out an attack in New Orleans on New Year’s and another who died in an explosion in Las Vegas the same day, the violence highlights the increased role of people with military experience in ideologically driven attacks, especially those that seek mass casualties…Service members and veterans who radicalize make up a tiny fraction of a percentage point of the millions and millions who have honorably served their country. But an Associated Press investigation published last year found that radicalization among both veterans and active duty service members was on the rise and that hundreds of people with military backgrounds had been arrested for extremist crimes since 2017. The AP found that extremist plots they were involved in during that period had killed or injured nearly 100 people.

For decades now, there has been an ongoing media narrative of ‘not all Muslims’ which was intended to downplay the threat of Islamic radicalism, but apparently ‘not all veterans’ is not applicable.

I would say that MSNBC should be ashamed, but they’re clearly not capable of that.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Border Crisis, Illegal Immigration, Lawrence O'Donnell, Media, Media Bias, Military, MSNBC, Terrorism, Veterans