Comedian Tim Dillon Raises Serious Question About California Fires – What if it’s Terrorism?
“the only people that seem to have some type of clue seem to be actively working against the public interest all the time in any way that they can”

There has already been a ton of speculation about the fires in California, but comedian Tim Dillon just threw out another crazy possibility. What if it’s terrorism and more to the point, how would we know?
In his most recent podcast, Dillon suggested that if he was in charge of a terror cell, he would command his charges to dress and live as homeless people, a move that would almost guarantee that no one in the Los Angeles area would bother them at all.
He’s absolutely right. Watch this clip (very strong language warning):
Tim Dillon on LA Fires.
— Gene Mikhov (@genegmb) January 15, 2025
Dillon also blasted the city for being unprepared.
FOX News reports:
Podcaster Tim Dillon goes off on government handling of LA fires: ‘Completely, woefully unprepared’
Los Angeles-based comedian and podcaster, Tim Dillon, tore into the government’s handling of the wildfires on an episode of “The Tim Dillon Show” on Monday.
“Entire swathes of the city are gone. There was no water in the f—ing hydrants. Nobody cleared any of this brush, they didn’t do any controlled burns, they didn’t prepare any of these areas,” says Dillon, adding that these measures were ignored because “we didn’t want to upset a fish.”…
Dillon also expressed his frustration with California’s leadership, saying, “you go to bed thinking someone’s in charge. No one’s in charge. No one’s in charge. That’s the thing.”
He added that “the only people that seem to have some type of clue seem to be actively working against the public interest all the time in any way that they can. The only people that seem to have any power in this society are actively making your lives harder and more dangerous by the minute, by the way. The only people that seem to have any authority or control are doing terrible things constantly that you can’t do anything about.”
Here’s another clip (again, strong language warning):
"Entire swaths of the city are gone.
There was no water in the hydrants. Nobody cleared the brush, no controlled burns, nothing.
The Pacific Palisades reservoir was offline when the fires arrived.
— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) January 14, 2025
Tim Dillon is a very interesting character. He is a gay man with a record of being somewhat conservative or at least Republican. He did a friendly interview with J.D. Vance shortly before the election. He mostly does stand-up comedy now but is a former child actor who appeared on Sesame Street at one point. He is also a former New York real estate broker.
He is a friend of Joe Rogan and has appeared on the Rogan podcast multiple times, while also regularly producing his own podcast. You can watch the entire latest episode below if you like.
Featured image via YouTube.

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What if it’s incompetence in leadership? The Governor, the Mayor, the Fire Chief, etc, etc?
Is it incompetence if they’re the terrorists?
What if that is all there is. Decades of praying to Gaia and shear incompetence. What if there is not vast conspiracy or terrorist plot just leftists running around destroying crap because they are just plain stupid?
That’s just crazy talk. Not even worth discussing!
What if the goal is to depopulate Southern California?
I think so. It should then be walled off by bordering states.
What if we went for four years without a president?
Heaven knows who’s been running the country, Mr Allison. Yeah, it could be terrorism.
This was the very first thought that cross my mind. We let 10 million plus people, completely unvetted, stream across our border the past four years. How many are ‘military age males’ from countries that are hostile to us? How easy would it be for them to just spread around the country and look for soft targets of opportunity?
Joe Biden and his cabal should hang by the neck until dead for their treason.
Burn it to the ground, give those that lost everything $750 while chasing them out of the state, then gift it to the newcomers.
That sure seems feasable….are your local metro areas pursuing a concerted effort to flush out and agitate vagrants?
The accumulation of fuel isn’t terrorism.
But setting those fires could
A decades long process of deliberately preventing the removal of ladder fuel, creation of fire breaks, building and filling water reservoirs could absolutely be part of a long-term plan. At minimum the foolish polices created an opportunity to be potentially exploited by terrorists.
It may turn out to be nothing of the sort just random chance that
1. fires started near simultaneously in widely separated areas
2. during a forecast period of high winds
3. after a bit of drought/dry conditions
4. in areas where water available for fire fighting was deliberately reduced (117 million gal reservoir offline)
5. with reduced fire budgets, fewest # of firefighters in over a dozen years
6. where State/Local politics prevents adequate brush/ladder fuel removal, construction of fire break
7. During a time where the Mayor is on another Continent
8. Arrested arsonist, reported arsonists and detention of suspected arsonists
There’s a few other things as.well but that’s quite the accumulation of serendipitous events, perhaps we shouldn’t be dismissive of the possibility of terrorism. Hiring some Meth head tweakers or homeless rando to do the dirty work of arson isn’t far fetched nor is disguising someone as homeless to do it.
This reminds of an engineering term – tolerance stacking.
Make enough parts on the edge of their design tolerances, and when you put them together the mechanism doesn’t work, even though all the parts are “within tolerances.”
Wildfires have been occurring since before there were people. People aren’t necessary for the occurrence of wildfires. Yet there are things people can do, and not do, that can promote wildfires, more dangerous than they’d be if people weren’t involved (like suppressing fires that would regularly clear out debris/fuel, preventing hotter fires by limiting fuel to future fires).
Here we have a situation in which none of the governments’ (meaning state and local govt) actions or inactions were potentially disastrous on their own. But when stacked together, they set the scene for disaster.
Very true. It could absolutely be the case the actions and deliberate inaction of State/Local Gov’t were just the creation of happenstance..
This doesn’t automatically rule out the possibility that bad actors then patiently waited until short-term drought conditions coupled with very high wind conditions arrived and then deliberately set the fires.
I love this insight!
The proper combination of barely tolerable Democrats results in too-toler-tarianism!
The “accumulation of fuel” didn’t just happen. It was a deliberate process, neglect being the most charitable way of explaining it.
But it definitely didn’t come about due to an act of God or other freak of nature. It was man-caused, and it could have been prevented or mitigated.
If the public doesn’t know whether they’re under attack or just having a run of bad luck, it makes for pretty sh*tty terrorism.
But it works.
Disagree. It’s effective terrorism b/c now every bit of ‘bad luck’ comes into question as potential terrorism. Creates lots of chaff as a distraction from the next strike as the public demands scarce LEO investigation of everything as terrorism. While LEO is chasing shadows the real attacks can slide through the cracks.
The disaster is already being used to promote “fighting climate change.” This is a goal of some terrorists. Even if those particular terrorists aren’t involved, an event that leads to the adoption of more “green” legislation and regulation is damaging to the country. This generalized, economic damage may be part of any terrorist’s purpose.
And the economic damage is the underappreciated point many miss. If a hostile Nation dropped a dozen bombs on the same areas in the rainy season the economic impact might have been less. The point is that the vulnerabilities can be exploited. It doesn’t matter to those who exploit them if they were intentionally created or the unintended result of dumbass policy decisions, all that matters is the existence of these vulnerabilities.
Au contraire – terrorism that flies under the radar is a rather effective means of implementation, because it provides its own cover and allows its actors to carry it out unnoticed since no one suspects it’s terrorism. Hiding in plain sight, if you will.
Entirely the opposite is true.
It’s like realizing that the perfect crime is not one that is impossible to solve, but one that is impossible to detect in the first place.
Although one may argue it is more correctly war than terrorism. But destroying morale is in itself a terrorist tool.
Unless said terrorism is intended to tear down and destabilise in the long term, the overall goal to so weaken the intended target as to render it unable to resist a minor concerted effort to overtake and subdue.
If politicians were doing their jobs these fires would not be out of control. They are probably the terrorists, through gross stupidity.
Well, it’s not as if al-Qaeda hasn’t threatened us with this in the past.
And there are those in the Muslim world looking at the fires with a good dollop of schadenfreude.
P.S. – I LOVE MEMRI. Awesome website.
I agree. Would be nice if people in the US State Department would check the MEMRI site. (But maybe they would agree with what they learn.)
Interesting. Similar to this.
This was my first thought. Anyone who’s lived in SoCal understands there are a few things that would inflict maximum damage and are pretty vulnerable. Of course we’ve just seen hillside fires during Santa Ana winds, but also key freeway interchanges, and the LA, California and Colorado River Aqueduct systems. Major damage to these would be disastrous to the region.
Typically terrorists claim responsibility, knowing that someone did it and is willing to do it again is what creates more terror. But it could be. Or criminal gangs, creating looting opportunities, and likely some share of the fires are from homeless camps.
Most likely culprits are homeless people with campfires and illegal alien gangs starting fires for the evacuation of properties they can then loot.
What about the Maui fire? Hit targeted homes inhabited by regular people, but the super wealthy did not occur any damage. In this fire, it hit everybody. I’ve seen maps that show multiple places were fire started.
So we’re actually debating whether there was a terrorist attack or if this is just how Democrats run a state/city.
There’s a campaign ad in here somewhere.
In other words, they’re indistinguishable.
Though it’s old news.
40% of the Democratic Platform qualifies as terrorism against 50% of the population.
Purposeful arson perhaps but terrorist usually want you to know who did it. The whole point is that you know who did it and you’re scared they’ll do it again
There are so many different definitions of what terrorism is or isn’t.
But consider this:
This is pretty clearly terrorism. But there’s no requirement that the people know who is responsible for it. In fact, it’s advantageous that they NOT realize who it is.
Even more scary when no individual or group claims responsibility b/c the public can’t demand the ‘authorities’ go find them. Nor can the public be wary of a particular profile and up their security in response to particular things or actions. Using a massive homeless population to hide within would be clever.
Japan firebombed northwestern US with balloons and started a few fires, but the US prevented publication of the news and the Japanese stopped, thinking it wasn’t working.
Its the zombie apocalypse of homeless junkies.
Homeless junkies with mental illness sleeping outdoors in January. They lost control of their fires due to wind gusts.
CA is the promise land for homeless junkies, due to leftist policies.
Arab terrorists in Israel set fires in the forests all the time. It’s the cheapest and easiest terrorism you can do, and every so often it can yield a massive payoff.