Biden Shames Presidential Medal of Freedom Even Further by Giving it to “Science Guy” Bill Nye
Nye is to science as Biden is to great statesmen.

We reported that Biden bestowed the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor, upon Hillary Clinton and George Soros, as the occupant of the Oval Office rewards those who have helped heap partisan progressive destruction on this country’s political institutions and legal system.
Biden has shamed the respected honor even further, awarding it to one of the biggest promoters of pseudoscience in history: “Science Guy” Bill Nye.
According to the White House, the Presidential Medal of Freedom is presented to those “who have made exemplary contributions to the prosperity, values, or security of the United States, world peace, or other significant societal, public or private endeavors.”
Before being presented the medal, a White House citation was read aloud during the ceremony, explaining that as “Bill Nye the Science Guy,” his comedic television persona, Nye has earned “the trust of millions of children and families.”
“By sharing the magic of fun and science [Nye] inspires generations of Americans to follow facts and reason and leave the world better than we found it,” the citation read.
Biden awards fake scientist and fringe climate extremist Bill Nye the Presidential Medal of Freedom, our nation's highest civilian award
— Jake Schneider (@jacobkschneider) January 4, 2025
The purpose of giving Nye (who is not in fact a "science guy") this award was so that when he is mentioned in the media going forward he can be referred to as "Presidential Medal of Freedom winner Bill Nye" – how dare you question Nye, he's a PMF winner.
— William A. Jacobson (@wajacobson) January 5, 2025
The scientific hackery this man has engaged in is legendary and spans all the sciences.
Let’s start with Nye’s discussion of climatology. The last time we wrote about Nye, who has a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell University, we offered his climate-cultist thoughts on Hurricane Milton and Category 5 catastrophic storms. During an interview with MSNBC during the presidential campaign season, he insinuated that a vote for Vice President Kamala Harris would help prevent climate change.
The other side, as we often call it, as no plans to address climate change. No plans for long-term dealing with the sorts of problems.
If you have young voters out there, encourage them to vote. People say, “What can I do about climate change?” If we are talking about it, and associating it with big storms like this, that would be really good. But the main thing is vote.
Today, MSNBC brought @BillNye on air for an analysis of Hurricane Milton and to offer his expertise on tropical cyclone dynamics. He told their viewers that if we vote for Kamala Harris, we can suddenly put a stop to category five hurricanes in hurricane season.
— Chris Martz (@ChrisMartzWX) October 8, 2024
In 2017, he opined about biology as he jumped aboard the “non-binary” bandwagon.
Nye said: “Female or male. Gay or straight. Pink or blue. We were taught to see these as binary. Now, we’re realising it’s more like a kaleidoscope.”
He uses the example of sex and how it used to be taken at face value, but now science is coming to understand it as a more complex thing.
“Take sex. We used to think to was pretty straight forward. X and a Y chromosome for males, two Xs for females.
“But we see more combinations than that in real life. And even for people with just two sex chromosomes, hormones can vary wildly. So can anatomy,” he explained.
That is why there is the Bill Nye Quadrant of Scientific Research
— Leslie Eastman ☥ (@Mutnodjmet) January 6, 2025
Nye has absolutely no hesitation in bending “science” to support any crackpot theory. In my post on the “Bill Nye Spectrum of Scientific Research,” he discussed population control in the season finale of his Netflix show “Bill Nye Saves the World,” suggesting potential policies to penalize people in developed countries for having more than two children.
During a panel discussion, Nye asked, “Should we have policies that penalize people for having extra kids in the developed world?”
His guest, Dr. Travis Rieder, supported this idea by noting that American children consume 160 times more resources than children in developing countries. When Rieder suggested they should “at least consider” such policies, Nye pushed further, stating that “at least consider it” means “do it.
In conclusion: Bye is to science as Biden is to great statesmen. This crop of Presidential Medal of Freedom recipients perfectly reflects the quality of president who handed out the honor.

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And yet, not even a posthumous medal for Captain Kangaroo. #Sad
I hope the GOP is watching and finally coming to the understanding that politics is about rewarding your friends and punishing your enemies. “””Conservatives””” have a habit of doing it the other way around.
Perhaps a posthumous medal for Shamsud-Din Jabbar for being diverse and inclusive.
“Bye is to science as Biden is to great statesmen.”
Leslie, this looks like a Freudian slip. He’s not dead yet.
I’ve always wanted to ask Bill Nye for his thoughts about the fact/value dichotomy.
Just kidding.
Heroes of the White House staff. They were helpful with the narrative.
His relevancy check bounced in 1993.
I heard Biden gave Kamala Harris a Participation Medal.
a fraud is awarded a medal from an even greater fraud
what a thing to have on your cv–” fjb gave me a medal ! ”
what a damning benediction / epitaph
>>what a thing to have on your cv–” fjb gave me a medal ! ”<<
Yeah, he could put it right under his qualifications. A Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. Yep, Bill Nye The Science Guy's only qualification is an under-graduate degree in mechanical engineering. Makes him an expert on all things scientific, right? Right?!??
Biden is having his lawyers check to see if he can give a Presidential Medal to himself because he says, “I deserve it more than anyone I know.”
Then after a minute of attempting to think he mumbles, “Of course Hunter deserves one, too.”
Look at the bright side. All of this has actually made the Babylon Bee the top contender for the Nobel Prize in Literature.
The Bee is very close to being actual real news. These days you can hardly tell the difference between satire and truth since they are nearly the same thing
What a devaluation of this high honor. Whatever Leftists touch, they turn to a piece of turd.
Just like what was done with Nobel prizes.
Next, Biden will appoint his favorite horse to the senate.
Or so I’ve heard it reported, perhaps at NPR. Not sure, maybe ny times .
I thought Hunter was the one with the hookers…oh, you said horse…my bad.
Lol I was going for the parallels with Caligula, tho I confess don’t know much about it other than both President Biden and Emperor Caligula
– completely without any ethical standards
-completely for himself only
-absurd mockery patronage/awards eg ?rumored to have appointed his favorite horse to the Roman senate
Besides, Hunter’s vice is crystal, not horse.
Fauci already got his, so that’s half a horse right there.
In the afternoon when Biden needs to relax from all his hard work the Easter Bunny changes into a horse costume and Biden rides around saying yeehaw.
Never has a man who has accomplished so little received so much adoration. Nye has an MS in Engineering and worked for a few years as a Jr Engineer at Boeing. For the rest of his adult life, he’s worked in showbusiness. And yet, they’re acting like he’s Edison or Bell…neither of whom was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom (it was created by JFK as a tool to reward political loyalty).
I seem to remember at Boeing he was a rivet inspector. Maybe Boeing needs him back.
BS, not even MS
Yes, that’s correct. I blame myself for believing another article on Nye which – it turns out- fallaciously reported he had an MS in Mechanical Engineering. The guy doesn’t even have a graduate degree. Good lord.
I miss Jack Horkheimer. There’s a guy who could tell you every night where the stars and planets would be, and there were never any uncomfortable surprises or hints of internment camps.
The first thing Trump should do is kill the PMF so that it can be delegitimized moving forward. I am truly sorry for worthy recipients from the past, but it’s been permanently tarnished by Biden’s vending machine dispersal.
I would call Nye an idiot, but this character got rich off of the global warming hoax, so he is a con man instead. No surprise that Biden, an actual idiot, thinks highly of Nye.
An obvious mistake, he meant to award it to Professor Proton.
Presidential Medal of Clown Shows
How many medals came in that cereal box anyway?
Does he have enough left to cover OJ, Putin, and Marshall Applewhite?
Thank heavens he didn’t make Fauci wait.
Before he leaves office he will award a posthumous medal of honor to Beau Biden who died in Iraq dozens of times the past four years.
As I remember, Nye also rejected GMO foods, including those that could save undernourished populations such as golden rice and insect-resistant corn and soybeans. Nye, the mechanical engineer, finally came around when actual health scientists convinced him that GMO foods are no different than all the other foods we’ve been modifying over the centuries.
I suspect Musk has more scientific knowldege by far and certainly done vastly more for humanity. He is not getting any medals. Biden appers to have turned them into “participation trophies”.
They’ve been participation trophies ever since their inception. Of the very first recipients was the AFL/CIO Union President, no doubt a reward for helping fix the 1960 Election for Kennedy.
Much like how the Nobel Peace Prize was rendered basically worthless when it was awarded to Obumbles for the Peace he was going to bring, not anything he had actually done.
Y’all are missing the whole reason for him receiving the award. Brandon was impressed with his crime fighting skills.
And let’s not forget this lovely episode of Bill Nye Saves the World: