‘An Open Letter on 2025 Cornell Alumni Trustee Elections by the Alumni Free Speech Alliance’
“Cornell’s election rules prohibiting free speech and open debate seem designed to prevent fresh-thinking alumni candidates from addressing the university’s serious problems.”

The Alumni Free Speech Alliance asked Cornell alumni to vote for February 2025 Alumni Trustee Election candidates who would restore free speech and end hostility at the school.
They wrote in an open letter via The College Fix:
Two highly qualified Alumni Trustee candidates Cindy Crawford and Ken Davis bring hope for critically important university reform — but biased election policies recently spotlighted by National Review (“Can Cornell Alumni Steer Their University Away from Campus Madness?”) and The College Fix (“Rigged Election…Cornell Refuses To Allow Pro-Free Speech Trustee Candidates To Campaign”) must be overcome to bring these reforms to Cornell. Although we have had no contact with Ms. Crawford or Mr. Davis, their priorities described on the Cornell Alumni Trustee Election website make clear that these candidates can greatly help Cornell get back on track. Informed alumni votes in the Trustee Elections taking place February 1 to 28, 2025 can help return urgently needed common sense policies to Cornell.
Cornell’s election rules prohibiting free speech and open debate seem designed to prevent fresh-thinking alumni candidates from addressing the university’s serious problems. The administration (supposedly “the governed”) endorses only hand-selected candidates of its own choosing who lack the independence to properly “govern”. The election process stifles new ideas and debate while impeding desperately needed policy changes. The leadership of President Martha Pollack (who stated that DEI is as important to Cornell as free speech) and Provost Michael Kotlikoff has denigrated Cornell’s legacy while marching the school down the road-to-ruin by supplanting educational excellence with “woke” political activism as its primary mission. A Board composed of “rubber stamp” Trustees is not what Cornell now needs.
Cornell alumni have made major policy recommendations which the university has slowly begun to implement – but which must be moved much farther and faster. Loyal alumni can help reverse Cornell’s fall by voting during the February 1-28, 2025 election and considering independent candidates such as Ms. Crawford and Mr. Davis who wish to restore academic freedom, political neutrality, and intellectual diversity to the beautiful campus situated Far Above Cayuga’s Waters.

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to the full extent allowed by law.
I wonder if the drafter wrote “denigrated” just to trigger them?
I’ll be voting for them while feeling bad about the frustration they will experience if they win.