Trump Opens NYSE After Time Names Him Person of the Year
Trump made some interesting remarks in his Time interview.

Time has chosen the winner of the presidential election as its person of the year every election year.
So that’s not a surprise it chose President-elect Donald Trump. Instead, I’m going to share some nuggets from his interview with the publication. Here is the FULL transcript.
But first, here’s Trump opening the NYSE for the day!
Grocery Prices
Yet already, the President-elect is moving the goalposts on some of his pledges, like lowering the price of groceries. “It’s hard to bring things down once they’re up,” Trump says. “You know, it’s very hard.”
First of all, if you expect any candidate to stick to their campaign promises, I think less of you.
I’d honestly respect anyone who didn’t make any promises but instead talked about what they would like and try to do.
Second, the president cannot bring down prices. His administration and Congress can cut red tape to help bring down prices, though:
- The main thing: Make America Energy Independent Again. Everything runs on petroleum. Open the pipelines. Drill, baby, drill.
- Dismantle Obamacare. The Republicans have the House and Senate. No excuse not to do it this time.
- Free the markets. Go totally Javier Milei on the market!!
- More tax cuts for everyone and serious spending cuts.
If the prices of groceries don’t come down, will your presidency be a failure?
I don’t think so. Look, they got them up. I’d like to bring them down. It’s hard to bring things down once they’re up. You know, it’s very hard. But I think that they will. I think that energy is going to bring them down. I think a better supply chain is going to bring them down. You know, the supply chain is still broken. It’s broken. You see it. You go out to the docks and you see all these containers. And I own property in California, in Palos Verdes. They’re very nice. And I passed the docks, and I’ve been doing it for 20 years. I’ve never seen anything like it. You know, for 17 years, I saw containers and, you know, they’d come off and they’d be taken away—big areas, you know, you know, in that area, you know, where they have the big, the big ships coming in—big, the port. And I’d see this for years as I was out there inspecting property and things, because they own a lot in California. And I look down and I see containers that are, that are 12, 13, 14 containers. You wouldn’t believe they can hold each other. It’s like crazy. No, the supply chain is is broken. I think a very bad thing is this, what they’re doing with the cars. I think they lost also because of cars. You know, there are a lot of reasons, but the car mandate is a disaster. The electric, the EV mandate.
Trump has spoken with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during the campaign and after his victory.
Trump told Time he has stressed to Netanyahu that the war in Gaza needs to end.
Time asked Trump if he trusts Netanyahu.
“I don’t trust anybody,” replied Trump.
GOOD. Honestly, that’s probably how Trump has been so successful in his life. I don’t fully trust anyone except maybe my best friend.
I don’t want our president to trust anyone, especially foreign leaders.
J6 Pardons
Trump said he would look into J6 pardons early into his administration. Like nine minutes into it:
J6 pardons. Do you have in mind what the first 24 to 48 hours will look like?
I’ll be looking at J6 early on, maybe the first nine minutes. I’ll be looking at oil prices bringing down, you know, coming down very substantially—meaning energy, energy costs coming down. And with energy comes everything else. See, they really hurt themselves. It went away from my energy policies, totally. It was going to crash. The numbers were through the roof. And then they went back to them. They said, Okay, just let it be. That was the difference between the energy, what they did on energy, and what they did at the border. At the border, they just opened it up to the world. They didn’t stop it. You know, we had Remain in Mexico. We had—that border was in was in great shape. Not easy to do. But on that one, they just said, open it up. And they didn’t change. They just did that. With energy, they opened, you saw what was going on. The energy was going through the roof. And then they said, just go back to Trump’s policy. And they went back. Now the difference is that I would have had three times as much now. They have essentially, sort of, they tried to get to equal but if they didn’t do that, you’d have energy, you’d have you’d have inflation that would have been much worse than it is. And it already was probably the worst this country has ever had. We’ve had the inflation. They lost on inflation, they lost on immigration, they lost on—as a part of immigration, I think a very big part is the border, the border itself. You know, if you can self subdivide the word immigration. They lost on the economy. But it was a different kind of—it was the economy as it pertains to groceries and small things that are actually big things for a family.

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I will settle for Trump getting overall inflation under control and that includes oil and food. After that pare down the federal government, fire the political hacks in every branch especially the DOJ and prosecute those that broke the law then reduce regulation. Doing that, turn to getting the size of government under control, close departments like the DOE and hold people accountable. Attack the debt and deficit.
To paraphrase RWR, here’s how wars end: We win, they lose. Our common enemies (musselmans, lefties of all stripes) will always be in a war with US whether we like it or not. Doan be squishy n whatnot, dt
Trump’s 3rd term is gonna be LIT.
Notice all the chicken farms have stopped being burnt down
Poor chickens
Get the cost of oil down and everything else around us comes down with it!!
Not to mention the actual tax take increases along with economic productivity!
And then guess what else can start coming down…taxes, which are the crack cocaine of Governments!
“Dismantle Obamacare.”
You’re hoping the Republicans destroy my daughter’s good health insurance plans. I rather hope President Trump sticks with his commitment not to do that until he has something better to replace it with.
My sons Obamacare plan is horrible and extremely expensive
Like many, your son probably has an income above the band in which Obamacare has been affordable and effective.
I don’t think there is a “good” fix. With O’care, the left fully embraced economic Fascism and there’s no rolling the clock back without destroying the entire system (again).
Do you consider Medicare to be “economic Fascism”?
I lost my health insurance and can afford to replace it with nothing.
Thanks, Obama!
Does your daughter work?
Yes. She is self-employed. She also has had a debilitating chronic illness for over 20 years.
Trump has upwards of 150 years of government creep and overreach to unwind.
And it’s going to be amazing to see how far he gets. It’ll be more than we expect, and much more than we deserve.
We didn’t deserve the shit sandwich we got
Trump may have amazing successes. Nobody owns him.
And it’s only 9:30 am!
First President to open the NYSE since Reagan in 1985.
In addition to J6 pardons, criminal investigations must place blame and open doors for civil litigation against those who orchestrated this.
I would advocate a warning of 30-60 days for illegals to leave being issued fairly early. They represent a huge drain on on Americans.
As others have mentioned, petroleum is essential to bring costs down.
Downsizing government by half or more would allow us to start lowering debt.
There is so much that needs to be done, overwhelming.
The only thing that can bring down prices now would be lowering minimum wage and getting corporations to cooperate in the lowering.
Increasing our energy supply would lower almost all prices.
By thte way, the min wage here in VA is set to go up to 12.41. Youngkin was unable to stop that one.
I thought FSU was in FL.