Supercut of Numerous Times Media Saying Biden Won’t Pardon Hunter: ‘He Would Accept the Outcome’
“A current president of the United States has so much respect for the law that he said he would not pardon his son.

Tom Elliott of Grabien put together a nine-minute video of the numerous times the media swore President Joe Biden wouldn’t pardon Hunter.
All of these clips started in June 2024.
Have fun!
Corporate media: Obviously Biden would never pardon Hunter
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) December 2, 2024

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Given a choice between lying and telling the truth, Democrats in general – and Biden in particular – will lie. Every time. Every. Time.
It’s simple to explain President Alzheimers pardoning his boy: He forgot he said he wouldn’t do it.
Hurry up, 1/20/25.
Biden (speaking in his normal low creepy voice): “Hunter, my boy, how you doing today?”
Hunter (not hearing): “Pardon me?”
Biden: “Okay.”
No one is above the law except Democrats.
Oh, please. Virtually any town in America has what are called pillars of the community. Those are usually the people that have lived in town for generations, and own the police department. Their kid wraps the family car around the phone pole and they got a ride home. Meantime, one of the peasantry does the same thing and they’re sitting jail for several days. And it doesn’t matter what party they’re in.
“No one is above the law”? Sorry, that’s a typo. It should say: “No! One is above the law!” What’s his name: “Hunter.”
The “these charges would never have been brought” ruse is hollow. The left is trying to obscure the fact that the charges were originally brought because a corrupt DoJ corruptly thought they could corruptly include blanket immunuty in a corrupt pleas agreement for no jail time on these relatively minor charges. Essentially a stealth pardon but with some political cover for Biden since he could say he had nothing to do with it. The deal only blew up when the judge did due diligence and started asking questions.
No Democrat should be allowed to use that phrase in public after the lawfare brought against Donald Trump.
It’s also just not true. These charges are brought against normal people every day. There are many people currently in federal prison for doing nothing but what they now admit Hunter Biden did. If he had any shame at all, he would at least pardon them all, and order DOJ to stop prosecuting such cases for anyone.
They did the same with Clinton. First they tried to say that no one is ever prosecuted for perjury in a civil case, and then they changed it to no one is ever prosecuted for perjury about their sex lives in a civil case, but it still wasn’t true. And again Clinton didn’t even have the shame to pardon all those who were at that very moment in federal prison for doing exactly what he and the Dems claimed was not a big deal and was “never” prosecuted.
The Biden Family public corruption is, in my opinion, EASILY the worst example of federal public corruption in US history. There is credible, COMPELLING evidence that Biden not only sold influence (and who knows what else) to America’s friends, but also to America’s worst contemporary enemies, including RUSSIA and China. And now, with the stroke of a pen, Biden is effectively absolving himself of all culpability without the media even offering a whimper. This truly is how Empires die.
Without further pardons, doesn’t this increase Joe and Jim’s exposure, along with other unknown potential co-conspirators? If Hunter is subpoenaed to testify he now has absolutely zero basis for pleading the fifth. Anything less than complete candor exposes him to new obstruction/perjury charges.
There will absolutely be further pardons. He’ll wait until the last day to issue those. The only reason he issued this one now is to spare his son from ever being convicted; his sentencing was scheduled for next week. Now that he’s been pardoned before that sentencing, Hunter will never be convicted, as a technical matter of law.
This is complicated. The judge does not have to acknowledge the pardon unless Hunter brings it up it to the attention of the court.
If Hunter brings it up, he is accepting it.
If he accepts it, it is an admission of guilt, per Burdick.
Not correct. Accepting a pardon is NOT an admission of guilt. Burdick was on what to do if someone rejects a pardon. Burdick stipulated that non-acceptance of a pardon means the pardon does not take effect. Later judicial rulings stipulate that accepting a pardon is not an admission of guilt. However, acceptance of a pardon has an implied admission of guilt in the public eye.
This isn’t complicated. Biden’s lawyers have already moved for dismissal citing the pardon. The judge has no other option available to him other than to immediately dismiss the case, which will likely come sometime in the next few days, if not sooner. Something similar played out 4-years ago when Trump pardoned Gen. Flynn. The judge in that case – a crazy leftist named Emmitt Sullivan, IIRC – initially refused to dismiss the case even after Trump issued a pardon, this after he refused to dismiss the case when the prosecution moved for dismissal a month earlier, which is what necessitated the pardon. Sullivan was roundly criticized and after (roughly) two or three weeks, he eventually relented and dismissed the case before he could sentence Flynn, who had already entered a guilty plea.
“ This brings us to the differences between legislative immunity and a pardon. They are substantial. The latter carries an imputation of guilt; acceptance a confession of it.”
Petrushka, that is dicta, and is obviously false. Later courts have understood it simply to mean that accepting a pardon would be perceived by the public as a confession. But they have explicitly held that it is not a confession.
Hunter’s Lawyer Moves To Dismiss Indictment After Pardon
… judge should require a complete elocution
That was back when lawfare might take Trump out of the race. There’s no point in it now.
They aimed Me Too at Trump.
They aimed lawfare at Trump.
But like a poor marksman they keep missing the target.
Even more legendary — both the legal and physical marksmen kept HITTING the target, but failing to stop it every single time.
Once it became apparent that Hunter must face justice both trials and convictions were carefully timed and choreographed. If Harris lost, Biden himself would pardon Hunter ostensibly for the gun and tax charges. But the real intention was to pardon him for a decade’s worth of treasonous shenanigans; thus closing off any action against the Biden crime family. Joe is too old and senile to be prosecuted and going after his brother would involve the pardoned Hunter too much.
This forever forestalls the new administration from pursuing the Bidens. The gun and tax portion of the pardon was just cover for the broader pardon. These people are clever.
I believe it is likely he will pardon his brother also. Jill may not have any overt acts. Joe will probably assume that there will be little appetite to pursue charges against him directly but I would not be completely surprised by a pardon of himself.
That wouldn’t surprise me either. I’m not sure it would really be necessary because as Robert Hur pointed out, Biden is effectively non compos mentis and can’t be prosecuted or forced to testify against anyone. Personally, I think when the honest history books are finally written, Jill will finally be revealed as the wizard behind the curtain. She has PLENTY of criminal culpability here, which is why I expect her to be pardoned as well.
Hur didn’t say Biden is non compos mentis, just that he can convincingly play it.
Unfortunately the left is comprised of Masters abusing (maybe legally) the system. They seem to
always get their “criminals” off. Honestly, it was a pleasure when Elias had to stop the “recount” to keep Sen. Casey in the US Senate. Rarely does Elias lose.
Rule for thee but not for me.
Dem platform.
Why now? What is on the horizon for FJB that makes the move now?
Because this will save Hunter from ever being convicted. Like Trump, because Hunter has yet to be sentenced (one of his two sentencings is scheduled for next week), he’s not yet a convicted felon; neither the order of conviction nor the order of sentencing have been entered into the record by the judge. This is important because a pardon is NOT an expungement. Once you’re a convicted felon, that conviction remains on your record even after a pardon is issued. Most people, even a lot of lawyers, don’t understand this. But, because Biden has preempted that sentencing, Hunter will never have a conviction on his record.
Acceptance of a pardon is an admission of guilt, per Burdick.
The Judge already displayed reluctance to play games.
Reminds me of that annoying judge in the Gibsons shoplifting case who refused to accept the plea bargain which he felt was obtained under duress.
No, it isn’t an admission. Even the dicta in Burdick can be understood as referring only to public perception, not to legal reality.
But whether you understand it that way or not, it is just dicta, and as later courts have acknowledged it’s obviously false.
Consider that pardons are often issued because the president believes the person to be actually innocent; obviously accepting such a pardon can’t be an admission of guilt, and it is not so regarded by the law.
If you were completely innocent, but staring at a prison sentence or worse, would you turn down a pardon, just because it would be seen as a confession?! Of course not. No normal person would.
For that matter would you turn down a plea bargain that spared you a prison sentence?! Of course you wouldn’t. Which means even an actual plea of guilty is not an admission except in the technical legal sense. A guilty plea doesn’t mean you did it, all it means is that you consent to be treated by the law as if you did it, because maintaining your innocence would land you in prison.
Sentencing for the gun charges on December 4th.
That’s really great work by Mr Elliott. I suspect that he will soon be audited by the IRS.
After the dust settles, what will we learn today, children?
“Reward your friends, punish your enemies.”
That is the whole of politics.
The GOPe seems to not understand it because mUh pRiNciPlEs.
Hunter, drug using financial genius that he is, will no doubt commit more crimes after his dad leaves office.
It will be difficult to do real damage after Joe is out of office. The Biden family store will be out of product to sell.
He might have a little blackmail especially with his full pardon. It would allow him to testify against other Democrats without imperiling himself.
Hunter will always be Hunting for three things:
1. Money
2. Prostitutes
3. Cocaine
If a liberal mouth is moving they are lying.
Luke Skywalker: “What is white privilege?”
Wise Old Yoda: “I dunno. Ask Hunter Biden.”
Yoga knows all
Luke Skywalker: “What is privilege?”
Wise Old Yoda: “Ask Hunter Biden.”
Luke Skywalker: “What is privilege?”
Wise Old Yoda: “Hunter Biden.”
They kept going on and on about the contrast being so clear that Trump would definitely pardon his son blah blah blah. They were correct the contrast was clear Trump wouldn’t have lied and claimed he wouldn’t pardon his son.
Well, in a very real sense Joe is responsible for almost all of Hunter’s legal woes— with the gun charge being Hunter’s sole responsibility. It was obvious to anyone around him that Hunter, in addition to his drug addiction, had an insatiable appetite for an exorbitant lifestyle— house, expensive private schools, hotels, hookers, clothes and presumably cars. He clearly was on a self-destructive path.
A good father should have admonished his son and his lifestyle, encouraging him to get a job, on his own, sell the house, put the kids in public schools and learn to live within his means. Instead, Joe and Jim exploited Hunter’s addiction and lavish tastes, involving him in their lucrative influence peddling “business.” And, as is often the case with such people, no matter how much money Hunter had, it was never enough. Hence his inability to pay his taxes. This is why Hunter’s unfettered access to classified documents was so dangerous. Did Hunter peddle documents to foreign actors? Will we ever know?
Were it not for Joe and Jim, it’s unlikely Hunter would be in a legal mess of this magnitude. I have no sympathy for Hunter, of course. He’s a slimy scumbag.
Democrats will lie even when better served by the truth.
Tell the Ukranians through diplomatic back channels that the money flow will be curtailed unless they come out openly about the Bidens and influence payments.
Saddest part is how many of our fellow Americans VOTED for this senile criminal and serial bullshitter. “He’s gonna put y’all back in chains” — typical projection — and people bought it? Joe’s the Racist segregationist. The one time in her life Kamala was right, at the 2020 debate. Had him looking at his shoes unable to speak. What is the matter with them? How can they be so STUPID???
sad just sad. Depressing
So proud, No joke, My word as a Biden,
Please raise your hand if you actually believed he wouldn’t pardon Hunter!
Where the hell did all these crickets come from?