Racist Graffiti Found at Rhodes College Turns Out to be a Hoax
“This matter has caused enormous pain to our community, and we are taking the appropriate steps to hold this individual accountable”

It’s ridiculous how often this happens and how schools fall for it almost every time, rushing out a statement about how ‘unacceptable’ it is.
WREG News reports:
Rhodes College says racist messages found on campus fabricated
Rhodes College says vulgar and racist messages that were found on its campus earlier this month were fabricated.
Rhodes began an investigation into the alleged hate crime with the help of Memphis Police after hateful messages were found scrawled around a plaza.
“They were vulgar,” a student told WREG. “‘F N-word, Trump Rules,’ that’s what it said.”
Rhodes said the person responsible has admitted responsibility.
“This matter has caused enormous pain to our community, and we are taking the appropriate steps to hold this individual accountable, including all legal avenues that may be available to us,” the college said in a statement.
Another FAKE race hoax
A message stating, “F*ck N****rs, Trump Rules” was found on @RhodesCollege campus. The individual who reported the message just admitted the whole thing was fabricated.
Every. Single. Time. pic.twitter.com/DjT2u5HD6x
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) December 19, 2024

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Racist graffiti on a college campus a hoax?
Where’s my shocked face?!?!
Entry #508 at fakehatecrimes.org .
we are taking the appropriate steps to hold this individual accountable
Yeah, sure you are. If you really were, he would already be under arrest and charged with his own hate crime.
Why do we not know who this person is? We want their police blotter info: name; where from…
By them not telling us who it is, we know it is a knee-greau, admitted under race-normed test scores, has a student loan debt “up to here”, and is taking a “studies” or some other Styrofoam, excuse me, “stereofome” major. If female, shops in the aisle labeled “to-the-power-of-ten” sizes because “plus sizes” don’t fit.
Grizz, you’re a genius. I’m trademarking “Magnitude” for a line of women’s clothing. Our company tagline will be, “Make an order of Magnitude today!”
I want in on the new Magnitude line of clothing. Trademark that name immediately.
Not dispositive at all… but if you chase the news report chain, I’d be looking really hard at “Lauren Roberts, a [black] student and a member of the National Pan-Hellenic Council”, who appears to have gotten the lion’s share of the media face time about this incident. The news report clearly says that the original complainant was also the perp, so that’s my WAG.
Maybe Jussie Smollett could enroll.
Whenever racist graffiti appears (especially on campus), it’s important to ask “Whose objectives does this serve?”
And the answer is nearly always “Leftist activists and agitators.”
That’s where you should look for the perpetrators.