Postmaster General Covers Ears as House Republican Criticizes His Tenure
Rep. McCormick: “This is the response that the postmaster just gave Congress when he doesn’t like what he hears.”

What a baby.
U.S. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy covered his ears as Rep. Rick McCormick (R-GA) pointed out how the USPS’s reputation has decreased under his tenure:
MCCORMICK: You, sir, do not get an A grade. You cannot give yourself that grade.
DEJOY: I just did.
MCCORMICK: can’t. You can’t grade your own paper, sir, I’ve been to medical school. I got my MBA. You can’t. I’m sorry. You were graded by the United States people, and they don’t use their service anymore. You bankrupt…
DEJOY: That is not true.
MCCORMICK: You bankrupt this through you reputation, through your reputation. You are responsible for the fall of the postal service and the lack of accountability.
DEJOY: Congress is responsible for…I am trying to fix the postal service.
MCCORMICK: On your what? With all the AI, all the AI with all the computer systems, you’re worse than if I took a horse and picked up the mail and delivered it 2 miles down the road.
*DeJoy covers ears*
MCCORMICK: That’s you. I hope you got that on camera.
This is the response that the postmaster just gave Congress when he doesn’t like what he hears. Literally covered his ears and gave himself the grade of A. And with that, sir, I rest.
WATCH: @RepMcCormick goes SCORCHED EARTH on Postmaster General.
“Through your reputation, YOU are responsible for the fall of the postal service…”
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) December 10, 2024

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Truth sure stings a guilt-ridden ear.
And this is who we have running our Postal “Service”. The USPS has become a joke in the last decade or two, an unfunny joke that nobody is laughing at.
Been to a post office lately and enjoyed the attitude of the people there? If you get a counter worker who has a good attitude, they won’t last long.
The fact that the postal workers union demanded and got 100% funding of their pension, something almost unheard of, just adds to the cost of using them.
In point of fact, it was Congress, several years ago, that stipulated the postal service fully fund their mandated liabilities.
This pulled an enormous amount of cash out of the system, and the PO has been struggling ever since.
That actually sounds like sound policy, making sure you have the funds to pay the bills. I wish Congress worked under the same restrictions.
The Congress demanded that USPS prefund retiree health benefits, including employees that hadn’t even been hired yet, over a period of 10 years and demanded that the USPS put billions per year into low yield treasury bonds to accomplish this task. As for the CSRS, again that was overfunded not due to the unions, but due to Congress. Once they were able to reduce Congressionally mandated payments and started making an actual profit, Congress went after them to take back any money they earned via the PAEA requirement for prefunding future retiree health benefits. All the while, Congress mandates things like below cost of delivery non-profit rates and free mailings for members of Congress. Congress set aside money to cover the cost of those programs and then claws that money back. It’s a never ending cycle.
One thing Trump could do would be to repeal or resend John f. Kennedy’s executive order allowing federal employees to unionize. But, he won’t do it.
USPS is a very bad joke, arrogant and incompetent. I have been telling suppliers I deal with to not ship USPS., if they say they they cannot ship using other carriers, I cancel the order and blackball the company.
USPS has been a joke longer than the last decade or two.
The difference is that it’s now an unfunny joke.
The USPS needs to be privatized
The USPS is actually a constitutionally authorized function of government, unlike 99% of the federal agencies we pay for today. Maybe we should privatize the IRS or the CIA or the EPA or any other of the many agencies that we spend billions of dollars on without ever expecting them to make a profit.
It’s constitutionally authorized, not mandated. There’s no reason it should exist.
Looks like he’s been drinking Biden’s love potion:
I covered my eyes
I covered my nose
I didn’t know if it was day or night
I started kissin’ everything in sight
But he’s gonna spit that sh!t out
come January 20th
then he’ll be covering his azz
Kind of how the USPS responds in general when I tell them I want it to arrive by Christmas.
You could send Christmas 2025 mail today, and you wouldn’t be guaranteed delivery.
Forget about sending checks and gift cards through the mail. We stopped using USPS because holiday and birthday cards would not be delivered. The postal thieves steal them.
Don’t get me started on voter registrations and ballots.
The Constitution mandates post roads. It does not mandate postal “workers.” We do t have road issues any more.
As @James Naught states… privatize mail delivery. If Amazon can deliver boxes, they can deliver mail.
I think FedEx was carrying a huge amount of the air mail for the postal service, at least one point. Probably at some exorbitant cost. We should just let them start offering that service directly.
Fedex got a contract to carry mail after 9/11, when the DC idiots banned shipping via airlines, as if a tray of mail was going to break open and disgorge a terrorist, Prior to that, the PO was shipping much of their 1st class and priority mail via private airlines, and providing overnight service for much of the country for pocket change.
Post offices and post roads. What do we tell people who live in areas not served by USPS or FedEx? Amazon only delivers to highly populated areas, not rural addresses. The eco-radicals and leftists already want to drive the population into cities. Why make it easier for them?
Red herring.
Post offices and post roads. Not postal workers.
As far as I give a tinker’s damn, people can go to Mr Drucker’s to pick up their mail. Or a post office. I have at least three post office buildings within easy driving distance of me.
I don’t care if my mail is delivered to a box in front of my house.
But don’t think for a minute that my previous comment had anything to do with forcing people into cities. That’s a bullshit comment not worthy of your stature and previous commentary.
That if they choose to live in such remote areas they will have to make their own arrangements for mail, just as they do for groceries and everything else. They are not owed anything.
It says “post offices and post roads”. Post offices implies workers.
But neither post offices nor roads are mandated; they’re merely authorized. Congress can establish them; it doesn’t have to. And in the 21st century there’s no need for them so it shouldn’t.
DOGE needs to terminate his employment posthaste.
WTAF? 40-days left. I pray we make it.
JFC with this guy. On a personal positive note, of all of the totally embarrassing dumbass stuff I’ve pulled in my life, I’ve never done what this jackass did. I want a damn refund!
Is this clown an adult, or a man-child?
Fire his ass today.
Look up snowflake in the dictionary and you will see a picture of the Postmaster General.
“Literally covered his ears and gave himself the grade of A.”
He looks old. His wokeness class must have been one of the earliest prototypes.
I remember a few years back when the Postal Service was explaining all their budgetary problems with the excuse that their huge contract with Amazon was letting Amazon get mail services for practically nothing, “taking advantage of” USPS. But who negotiated that contract at your end, dipwit?
Gives himself a grade (A, naturally) and covers his ears. Is this kindergarten?
Did he start chanting “lah lah lah”?
I think he was chanting, “Ooh ah ooh ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang.”
Ting tang tingah welah-min bang!
Make sure you hold your hands tightly against your ears when you chant. Or paws, as the case may be.
Last night, I came home at about 6 PM in the dark.
My mailbox was empty when I came home.
This morning, at 5:30 AM, there my mailbox is full.
I am curious about when my letter carrier came to my home.
That’s it is for us as well. We used to get our mail by 1-3 pm. Now it’s 8-10 pm
At least you get it.
At least he gets some of it. Does he know what hasn’t been delivered?
The FBI has to read it first, then redeliver.
This guy — and so many others — who are SWORN IN should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for lying under oath. Period.
Should have asked him about how ballots were handled then thrown his ass in jail immediately since he was lying.
I guess he was out of his safe zone.
A toddler is not aware of the things around or how world works, hence they can suffer from unknown fear or anxiety. Covering ears with both the hands could simply be a reaction to stop or prevent unpleasant things to happen to them. This can happen in crowd, when at an unfamiliar place or around a stranger’s company or simply while encountering any new experience like school, day care etc. In such a scenario, it is important for the parents to stay close to their toddlers to calm them down and assure them that they are safe.
Bad news. DeJoy’s institutional “parent” has dementia… bad.
We use the USPS Informed Delivery system online. We watch on a daily basis what the USPS intends to deliver to our house. I compare what gets delivered versus what was intended to be delivered.
The percentage varies depending on weather and time of year, but on average 1% to 5% of our mail is never delivered. We have no idea where it ends up, but we don’t get it.
I subscribe to the same service. I’ve only had one or two that I’ve seen in the informed delivery that never arrives. But another thing that I will note: maybe 10% of the mail that I receive is pertinent. The rest of it is advertising that is delivered at reduced rates.
At least the junk mail is handy for starting the fire pit when we want a bonfire.
That’s one area where the post office gets an A. I’ve never had any trouble receiving my junk mail.
You use it for starting a fire? I use it in the bottom of the kitchen trash bag to soak up the liquids of various viscosities I’d rather not have splashing around in there.
It seems to be an American sport to knock the post office. That being said, I’d have never had trouble with the post office up until about a year and a half ago. Now where I live. You can mail a letter and it takes over a week to get across town.
A few years back, they closed the distribution center(s) in SE Virginia. We have seven heavily populated cities down here. But now, if I want to mail something across town – something that used to take 1-2 days (depending on when I got it in to the Post Office – now takes a week or more, as it has to leave here, go all the way to Richmond to be processed, then come all the way back to be delivered. Even if it’s across the street.
Ha ha! This is the distribution scheme that got the founder of Federal Express an F on his thesis and then made him a multi-millionaire in real life. Guess the USPS took a proven strategy and failed with that, too.
They guy does not seem that bad on paper. Has pissed off the dems in the past. Not sucked in to electric vehicles..etc.
Guy owns a 10 K sq house in NC. Postmaster job is probably a step down from him.
I would put the problems at the feet of the Postal Unions and contractors. There are large check washing scams out of many of the regional centers.
Logistically it could be a gold mine for the PS with all the locations, but instead it a cost over run. Think of how much money it could make if it was the last mile of the package delivery system?
I will in no way defend the Postmaster General, but as far as the postal service itself goes, as mentioned above they must fund 100% of their retirement plan (unlike the rest of the government). They can’t jack up their prices overnight to cover operating costs like a normal business; they have to go through a couple month’s worth of congressional back-and-forth to justify raising postage rates. And yes, the carriers are out until 10PM sometimes, delivering the mail – especially this time of year. They receive no tax money; they are entirely self-funded. In this kind of environment, we really need a good businessman, and we don’t have one. I don’t think I have ever dealt with surly clerks, but I’m sure they exist (like anywhere). And I have had mail returned – two years after I sent it!
The Post Office is admittedly in a difficult position.
A first class stamp in 1988 was 25¢. Adjusted for inflation that is 67¢ today, and today’s first-class stamp costs 68¢…. so actually not too bad.
The big difference is that today’s USPS has much less business to support them. Junk mail was profitable for them – it’s almost vanished as have paper catalogs. Christmas cards are dying out. Most of our bills are handled via the internet. Packages? There are so many better options.
However their “Last Mile” costs remain “the same”, and I for one don’t have a good answer as to how you might reduce them. So far, only a human has the capacity to drive the mail van, select the mail for each address, open the mailbox, put the mail in, and then close the box.
So, I would honestly expect the day to come when -if we want to keep our mail service- we are going to have to subsidize it, either through higher postage or taxpayer dollars, In 20 years perhaps we will be at a point where they are completely obsolete, but that is not quite here yet. I don’t get a lot of mail, but I still get some.
And some things can, even to this day, only go through the mail. For example, if you want to buy an M-1 through CMP, and don’t want to drive to Alabama. You have to mail your forms in. Other things, too.
But that’s only because CMP is another hidebound government program, regulated by government weenies who consider it an embarrassment and wish it to fail.
Like medical establishments who insist that you “fax” them stuff and won’t take email. Outside of businesses, I don’t know many people who maintain landlines anymore, and fax machines don’t work on cell phones.
Point of info: a first-class stamp is $0.73 now.
My local Post Office does not sort incoming mail. They ship it 240 miles away to Atlanta. It takes 3 weeks to mail a letter across town. The pony express was faster.
I pay all of my bills online or in person. If I have to mail something I will mail the item in a neighboring town.
%90 of my mail goes right in the trash. I have a close friend worked at local PO 30+ years. He said the org. goes out of its way to hire black women as postmasters. His postmaster hired multiple friends and they wouldn’t show up for work. So the postmaster had to fill in for them if she had time. Service used to be consistent same time every day now we get mail anytime 12pm until 7pm. SW suburbs of Chicago.
One of my local post offices has a large flat screen that is supposed to run ads and services for the post office.
The screen says “unable to connect to” and then lists a usps web address.
So the thing stays on all day showing the basic incompetence of the post office and that employees don’t care.
To be fair, I’ll wager it’s because they are apathetic about keeping their local network in repair, not a national website problem.
Before resting, he should have laughed and called out to DeJoy, “Liar! Liar! Pants on fire!”