Pediatric Cancer Research Funding Passed in March, But Stalled in Schumer’s Senate
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Pediatric Cancer Research Funding Passed in March, But Stalled in Schumer’s Senate

Pediatric Cancer Research Funding Passed in March, But Stalled in Schumer’s Senate

Democrats care so much about pediatric cancer research! Then how come the Democratic-controlled Senate didn’t do anything about in March?!

The Democrats have been crying over House Republicans cutting pediatric cancer research from the spending bill.

Oh, look!

In March, the Republican-controlled House passed a bill that funded pediatric cancer research for $190 million.

It went nowhere in the Democrat-controlled Senate.


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Change the name of the bill to Pay Raise for Senators and it will pass in five minutes.

Schumer… “suffer the little children until they come unto me”.

Actually, it’s the other way round. A bill that gives congressmen a raise, but titled pediatric cancer research, will pass in a heartbeat.

But not if it funds research.

Doesn’t Chuck realize that now with X available to us members of the ‘Experiment in Self Government’, we can research and read in real time just what is going on in our Government of the People and by the People?

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to Whitewall. | December 20, 2024 at 3:33 pm

    Do you think he CARES? We the People do not all live in New York. With Noo Yawk City running the state, and with the high percentage of Jews there – many of whom would vote for the devil himself as long as he was a “lantzmann”, Schumer will have that office until he chooses to leave, or dies.

    In short, he cares not one bit about what anyone thinks.

At least Schumer ensured that kids with cancer don’t have to eat unhealthy cereals. That’s an important comfort to their parents.

This is bribe bait. In short, drug companies who want to participate in this chunk of cash are expected to cough up campaign donations and various other perks such as hiring family members or ex-staffers. If sufficient cash and services are promised and delivered, and only AFTER they are, the bill goes through. Schumer and other Democrats do this all the time.

Interesting to see who is playing the fool or useful idiot for typical DC establishment shenanigans.