Harris Campaign’s Continued Money Woes Causing Big Headaches for Democrats
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Harris Campaign’s Continued Money Woes Causing Big Headaches for Democrats

Harris Campaign’s Continued Money Woes Causing Big Headaches for Democrats

“I want to make sure we have a conversation about, where does the money go, and why don’t we know where it goes?”

The fallout from Kamala Harris’ failed presidential campaign continues, with the “drunk” post-election video of her trying to cheer up dejected supporters falling flat and the campaign’s ongoing money woes now causing problems with the Democrat National Committee.

When we last left you on this issue, reports were swirling that her campaign was so broke that she could no longer afford to pay senior staffers.

“Internally, the apparent cash crunch is being blamed for the campaign’s decision to stop paying many senior staff as of Saturday, even those initially told they would be paid through the end of the year,” Politico reported earlier this month while noting the Democrat Party was “flooding Harris’ lucrative email donor list with near-daily appeals aimed at small-dollar donors” to help pay off her campaign debt after she blew threw the $1.5 billion raised during her short presidential run.

We also learned around that same time that some senior campaign officials called the daily email pleas to donors for money after the election “appalling” and “disgusting,” with another pointing to how they were getting inundated with angry messages from donors.

Apparently, things have only gotten tenser among Democrats on this issue, with some complaining that the veep’s fundraising emails, which sound increasingly desperate, are creating trust issues:

But the fundraising appeals have still continued, and some Democrats fear she may be compounding the party’s problems with the tone of some of her appeals — damaging relationships with online donors who have long powered the party.


“I understand that the Harris campaign is in a very difficult position with the debt that they have, and so sometimes you just have to make practical decisions,” said Mike Nellis, founder of the Democratic digital firm Authentic, whose clients include top Democratic House and Senate candidates. “But yeah, I think that stuff like that erodes trust.”

The DNC leadership race has heated up over the money issues as well, with some calling for a better accounting from candidates and their affiliated committees over how every dollar is spent:

But concerns about both the party’s approach to small-dollar fundraising and how it is spending that money are spilling into the race to lead the Democratic National Committee. Members of the party’s governing body are raising alarms about the Harris campaign’s spending choices after it burned through a staggering sum at a rapid clip. And some are calling for more oversight into the party’s disbursements as a result.


James Zogby, a longtime DNC member who is running to serve as the committee’s vice chair, said the sometimes “begging” tone of the party’s donation solicitations is not a “good look, I don’t think it sends a good message.”


Zogby is calling to create a financial oversight committee that would be elected by DNC members to give them more oversight of the party’s spending…


“I want to make sure we have a conversation about, where does the money go, and why don’t we know where it goes?” Zogby said.

I get that every presidential campaign has debt after the election is over, but having to beg upset donors for money after such an embarrassing loss and after you brought in record amounts and then spent it like water is like adding insult to injury to the whole situation.

I think it’s safe to say that Kamala Harris did not want to go out like this. Then again, she didn’t want to lose the presidential election, either, and yet here we are.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —


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Had she won (shivers) the WHOLE COUNTRY would be having money woes!

“The veep’s fundraising emails, which sound increasingly desperate, are creating trust issues…”

That’s due to the fact that she’s not trustworthy, which is one of the chief reasons that she wasn’t elected.

Harris is so awful I even disapprove of how she’s losing.

Not that we should be surprised. This clown car of a government has bankrupted this nation. What will be necessary to right the ship is far more draconian than anyone imagines right now.

$1,5 billion. 3 months. Let that sink in. Opportunity economy. For whom?

Conservative Beaner | December 1, 2024 at 2:36 pm

A complete audit of all campaign spending is a start.

Those who took money for those phoney endorsements should be investigated for possible fraud or bribery.

Trump won on one third of what Harris spent.

AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | December 1, 2024 at 2:58 pm

She should not be given the opportunity to declare bankruptcy. Her and her minions always claim “Trump bankruptcy, Trump bankruptcy, Trump not paying the people who worked for him, Trump stiffing his workers and vendors for not paying them, blah fkin blah fkin blah!”

Got that JR? Your mantra will blow up in Kamala’s face. Goose, meet gander.

    I don’t think Harris herself has to declare bankruptcy as the money was donated to her campaign. Her campaign might do it I guess but I’m not sure about that, either. Doesn’t all money donated go through the DNC? If her campaign has to declare bankruptcy over this debacle her further political asperations will be entirely dead.

E Howard Hunt | December 1, 2024 at 2:58 pm

Netflix could help by producing an original series of Kamala’s life, and then donate the money it charges subscribers not to watch it.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to E Howard Hunt. | December 1, 2024 at 10:01 pm

    Netflix couldn’t air it. It would be rated X, and they only reserve porn broadcast for 11 year old little dancing girls called “ Cuties.”

If no one wanted to confront her about anything because she would have a temper tantrum I can believe that. But if they want me to believe that when they ran her for president they expected her to be the chief accountant, executive advertising manager, and bottle washer, I don’t believe that at all

    artichoke in reply to windyfir. | December 1, 2024 at 10:10 pm

    I don’t blame her for campaign strategy or spending, just for being a terrible candidate.

    I don’t blame the campaign manager David Plouffe for campaign strategy, because he couldn’t change the candidate and did amazingly well for a couple months with what he had. But it cost massive money, and the Dems and connected donors were willing to spend it to beat Trump.

    The donors spun the wheel and they lost. Can someone get me a hankie for my crocodile tears? I am glad in retrospect that their money is reduced and they are weakened.

    They tried to force such an absolutely unacceptable candidate on us, and they only lost swing states by a few percentage points. They got their money’s worth. Now pay up, assholes.

      diver64 in reply to artichoke. | December 2, 2024 at 12:20 pm

      It was always a loser but Plouffe was paid to try and did. No sympathy for donors that plowed the billions into the campaign and lost. That’s how it works. Maybe they should have paid attention to that French Whale that won almost $100 Million betting Trump would win.

Not only the Harris campaign. Our whole government has been spending recklessly for many decades. Both parties. Trump too. Time to end the feds ability to create money out of nothing. Time to control bond issues. Back to a real gold standard. To hell with the “experts” who provide the bogus theoretical excuses for over spending. Krugman this means you and your ilk. Yes economics is the dismal science. Not a science. Ha they created a phony Nobel prize in economics. A big lie the press fell for big time.

Cut the ability to create money and we starve the beast. We only need three departments. State, Treasury and War. That’s it. All the rest is workfare for the losers. BTW we used to call “Defense” “War” which is exactly wha it is. Let’s have more truth in labeling.

I’m not optimistic we can fix the problems with the feds. So many people feeding off the Washington trough. Let’s not forget almost half the voters choose Harris, an obvious idiot. General Flynn has warned Trump, the blob will try assassination again. They will not go away quietly.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | December 1, 2024 at 3:25 pm

“I want to make sure we have a conversation about, where does the money go, and why don’t we know where it goes?”

LOL. Partly because of things like “Judge” Merchan un-Constitutionally and criminally gagging Trump so that people couldn’t hear about how the “judge”‘s daughter was making money off of the “kudge”‘s illegitimate Soviet show trial against Trump.

But the problem is not merely “where did the money go?” The big question with the Democrat party is “Where did the money come from?” ActBlue is one of the greatest money laundering schemes of all time and in violation of just about every single campaign finance law and fraud statute. It’s funny how Komrade Kamala and the dems really liked to stress, this go round – how she was getting so many small donations … but they were mostly bogus smerf money that came through ActBlue, likely foreign money (illegal, BTW) funneled through the names of unwitting dem patsies on ActBlue.

ActBlue is just the reincarnation of ACORN.

    I believe I read a story not long ago about how some in Congress are starting to ask some very serious questions about the dark money flowing into ActBlue. Look for this to be an issue the new AG looks into. I bet we are going to find a bunch of laundered Ukraine dollars.

Harris doesn’t at all like the effort it takes to earning or begging for money it seems.

Much rather confiscate it under force of law if she could.

Bring back debtors prison.

    Conservative Beaner in reply to Fred Idle. | December 1, 2024 at 4:35 pm

    No, it will only be misused by the government or some private entities.

    diver64 in reply to Fred Idle. | December 2, 2024 at 5:23 am

    For whom? People donated freely to her campaign and she blew through the cash or rather, her campaign blew through it with no apparent interest from her as to where the money was going. The people who donated have no one to blame but themselves. Candidates lose and there is no refund.

What are the odds that family members involved in her campaign became substantially enriched by donor money? That’s pretty much SOP for democrats, isn’t it?

Given the texts that are being sent say things along the lines of “We’re going to keep fighting!” with zero mention of the campaign debt problem, no wonder there are trust issues. The messages are completely disingenuous. Only those who somehow haven’t heard about the debt or have heard but are gullible think that that money they’d give in response to these text messages would be for anything other than to pay down the debt.

Maybe if they flat-out said, yes, we admit it, and this is embarrassing, we have a hole we need to dig out of. Help us do that so we can turn our efforts to battling the dastardly Trump administration.

Wait a minute… I thought all of those mega-famous and mega-wealthy celebrities were backing the Harris campaign. Has anybody asked THEM what they can do?

Maybe Oprah, and Sharpton, and Beyonce and the others can send their money back as a gesture of goodwill and their support of the DNC–and I’m sure some consultants can afford to send back some of the millions they were paid for what turned out to be extremely bad advice and product

The headline just made me laugh. I can’t imagine anything funnier than the Dems money woes after raising over a billion dollars, spend more, and still lose. LOL

I can’t believe she blew 1.5 B in such a short time. I’d like to see a comparison of average expenses per week for the last few presidential campaigns. I bet she was spending at 5x the normal rate.

    Most of the money almost certainly went to the campaign “consultants” who are attracted to every campaign about like a corpse attracts flies.

    CommoChief in reply to OldProf2. | December 1, 2024 at 5:59 pm

    Part of the reason for the high cash burn rate was the incentive structure for campaign officials to place ads…..no ad placement = no commission payout. As a result the Harris campaign was running AD buys all over the place…. including in Alabama and the FL pan handle which they had zero shot at winning. In no way could these AD buys be justified, not even to help turnout for down ballot contests.

    Paula in reply to OldProf2. | December 1, 2024 at 7:15 pm

    What did she buy with 1.5 billion dollars? Not much. It just changed hands.

    A lot of it went back to where it came from.

Hey Harris – lie on your back, put your heels up, and leave a little tin cup by your side. ROFLMAO!

Hey JR… any concerns that Harris’ money woes will push away uncommitted and independent voters?

The fiscally illiterate, profligate and irresponsible Dhimmi-crats predictably piss away and squander their campaign funds with the same flippancy and imprudence with which they mismanage municipal, state and federal finances.

Crone-harlot-dunce, Harris’s, campaign debt is only the gazillionth example of her manifest lack of qualification for any political office.

This is the election that keeps on giving.

I think y’all are being too hard on Harris. I would like to see her run again in 2028.

    diver64 in reply to Q. | December 2, 2024 at 12:23 pm

    I agree. We should all reach out to her, extend our sympathies that she was treated unfairly and encourage her to run in 2028 no matter what anyone says. I’m sure DeSantis or Vance would be equally encouraging and extend an invitation to share a debate stage with her anytime anyplace.

Kamala comes in looking a little ragged. “Well, I did it, Doug! I even exceeded our goal — I made 20 million dollars and fifty cents!”
“Awesome, babe. The DNC will be thrilled. But which John paid you fifty cents?”
“They ALL did.”