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Former President Jimmy Carter Dead at 100

Former President Jimmy Carter Dead at 100

He’s been in hospice since 2023.

Former President Jimmy Carter is dead at the age of 100.

Carter gave us the Education Department. He gave away the Panama Canal. Don’t forget the Iran Hostage Crisis.


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ThePrimordialOrderedPair | December 29, 2024 at 4:48 pm

Carter’s legacy – the 3rd worst Presidency in history, shillinjg for Hugo Chavez and then for the socialist regime after, criticizing US elections because we don’t let enough people cheat and commit fraud and being the key person to help North Korea get a nuclear weapon. All topped off by a “vote” in 2024 when he was, clearly, in a near-vegetative state (and we obviously cannot hold him responsible for that mockery of a “vote”).

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to ThePrimordialOrderedPair. | December 29, 2024 at 8:29 pm

    Only the good die young.

    Agree that Carter rates as one of the 4 worst presidents since 1900

    That being said – Two things carter got right.

    A) raising Social security retirement age to age 68, though it had a 40 year delay in implementtion
    B) The cruise missile began developement during his adminstration.

    I think long term Obama was vastly worse.
    A, The slow steady positive progress in race relations took a seriouse reversal due to Obama leadership
    B obama actively promoted woke crap that has infested the military
    C Obama actively promoted the muslim world

    Don’t forget his utterly idiotic economic policies that led to the biggest inflation in history until Drooling Joe, and his utterly pathetic weakness that let hostages languish for over 400 days while he did nothing other than a single halfhearted train wreck of a ‘rescue’ attempt, BEFORE he further cemented his status as a joke by letting himself be used as the front man for repressive tyrannical dictators.

    Jimmy was a horrible, weak leader and person, and honestly if it weren’t for Habitat For Humanity, he would have ZERO positive legacy.

      DaveGinOly in reply to Olinser. | December 30, 2024 at 2:38 am

      I believe the real story of the hostage rescue attempt has been covered up. If you recall, they were down one too many helicopters to continue the mission (having lost two to mechanical problems – if I recall correctly – a spare and one they couldn’t spare), so they were refueling the choppers for the return flight (from Desert One) when the accident (involving a chopper that was moving into position to refuel from fuel carried to Desert One in a C-130) occurred. Or at least that’s what were were told.

      The mission planners were going to leave the helos on the ground after returning the hostages to Desert One, destroying them there. Had the mission been scrubbed, they likely would have followed the protocol, as the exfiltrating helos would have been slow-moving targets for a possibly aroused Iranian air defense system. So why were they being refueled after the mission was scrubbed, rather than just left behind according to the original plan?

      I believe the mission hadn’t been scrubbed, and someone (possibly the on-the-ground commander) decided to go for it with one fewer helo than called for by the original plan. He was refueling the helos according to the original plan, to make the trip to Tehran and back. The accident then happened, totally ruining the rescue attempt. The story was covered up to protect the career of whoever made that (ballsy) decision, only to have it blow up in his face.

      I have always found the alleged “facts” concerning the mission to be suspicious because I don’t believe they would have risked the crews of those helos by flying them out. They would have stuck to the original plan and destroyed them on the ground, taking the crews back on the fixed-wing assets.

Rest in peace, Jimmy.

Nothing else need be said.

AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | December 29, 2024 at 5:11 pm

If this were a republican or conservative, this column would be flooded with hate comments from the left.


That is all.

When he left office it seemed impossible that there would ever be a worse POTUS. But Carter was just a stupid leftist, not evil. Then came Barack Obama and the ‘fundamental transformation.’ What a sick, evil c*nt. An then he was one-upped by the corrupt and treasonous Joe Biden*.

    jb4 in reply to Paul. | December 29, 2024 at 6:05 pm

    IMO Biden would never have been more than a second rate Senator if not for Obama. Obama knew exactly who Biden was and still foisted him on the country as both VP and President. Given the dementia, this was not Biden’s one term, but Obama’s third. In my opinion, “evil” beats corrupt and incompetent for the worst. Carter was neither evil nor corrupt.

Carter will be remembered as an honest but useless president, but will be praised for Habitat For Humanity. Once he adopted that organization in 1984. it blossomed into a huge housing force for working families that could not afford a standard home purchase. In my county alone, Habitat has constructed 200 new homes with the help of applicants and their extended families, and repaired another 35 destroyed by a hurricane. Habitat would never have gone viral without June and Jimmy Carter on site swinging hammers and addressing service clubs, bankers, property owners and county governments. The Carters themselves participated in the construction of over a thousand homes in the USA and internationally.

At least he got to vote for Kam Harris before shuffling off this mortal coil, and the good news is he’ll get to do it again in 2028.


Carter should have died a relatively happy person, knowing that Biden had far surpassed him as the #1 worst U.S. President in our time.

I have often referred to Jimmy Carter as “The best EX President ever.”

In fact, he could have just skipped being President and he’d be much better remembered.

May he rest….

    Eric R. in reply to Hodge. | December 29, 2024 at 6:09 pm

    He was a horrible ex-President. A frothing anti-Semite and a supporter of leftist dictators and Palestinian terrorism.

    May he RIH (Rot In Hell).

Spent my military years under his administration.
I hope he gets no rest.

I will pray for his soul. Notwithstanding Terrible pres and Even worse ex-pres if possible…..

Editorials are written with some one-off title to be replaced later for publication. More Mush from the Wimp was the most famous WSJ editorial title place-holder that unfortunately remained for publication.

“There he goes again”. And… just like that…Carter’s political career was over; just another reason to thank Ronald Reagen.

He should best be remembered as the frothing, psychotic Israel-hater/Jew-hater he became within a few years of leaving office.

May that Nazi bigot rot in hell.

    Milhouse in reply to Eric R.. | December 30, 2024 at 7:30 am

    He didn’t become it after leaving office. He just stopped bothering to hide it. Some of us remember his dismissive remark in the 1976 primary, to the effect that he saw no reason to pursue the Jewish vote since they were all going to vote for Jackson anyway.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | December 29, 2024 at 6:12 pm

To bring it all to today’s events … another “feather” in Carter’s cap is that Israel wanted to include Gaza in the Camp David Accords, to give it to Egypt. Egypt didn’t want it (no big surprise) and Carter went against Israel and shut down that issue with a hammer, thereby making Israel keep Gaza to be a festering sore on Israel for decades with no decent solution. Making Egypt take Gaza back in 78 would have saved Israel countless lives and blood and money.

    And it’s likely Egypt would have “taken care” of Gaza so none of the present misery never would have happened. Everybody in the Middle East hates the Gazans. They cause problems wherever they are.

Even in that photo he still looks better than Joe Biden.

Daily Wire writes:
“He was 100 years old. Carter’s son confirmed his father’s death in a statement but did not provide an immediate cause of death.”

I think the first sentence is sufficient to do that, how about you?

will always remember a couple of things about jimmah’s time in office

first, he authorized a rather daring rescue mission that, but for extreme weather conditions and equipment failure, might have succeeded and brought our people home

second, canadian ambassador taylor and his staff who, at the risk of their lives, sheltered and protected six of our countrymen–though he is gone now, a “thank you, friends” to him and his staff is well-earned and deserved

as far as jimmah, a man out of his depth and elected to an office above his abilities

    The failed rescue at least pointed out to his successor how hollowed out the US military had become. Only using the bare minimum assets to complete a mission only works until there’s no maintenance issues for expensive complicated equipment in adverse environments like deserts. Or you expect no damage issues in hostile actions.
    Neither of which is reasonable to expect.

    The one thing I will alway remember (with a grimace) about Carter is the time he was meeting with the Israeli and Egyptian leaders at a peace summit and he preached to them that they should consult JC (not him, the other JC) in their hearts and they’d start getting along.

    I’m assuming it worked only as much they then both looked at each other incredulously both probably thinking the same thing.
    “What an idiot”.

    I was in the Air Force, in the pacific, at the time of the rescue attempt.

    It infuriated and embarrassed those who were involved (according to the grapevine). No crewmen or mechanics even on the carriers were entrusted with information about what the planes and choppers were going to do. So, those choppers just got routine maintenance just good enough to fly around in some circles for exercises. Parts were scarce so you used whatever; they just had to go into the air for an hour or so, right? Maintenance crew were bored as shit, floating around in the ocean, staying stoned to kill the time. Torque specs? What? Whatever.

    Those air filters that clogged with sand? The crew chiefs knew how to prevent that if someone had bothered to tell them they’d be flying into a flucking desert. Oh, and what mission practice?

    Then ol’ Jimmy HAD to run every detail himself, in real time, live from ‘the White House’. No command decisions on the ground, Jimmah knows best.

    There is a famous story out there (which I can’t be assed to search right now:

    The Delta Force commander was giving his briefing, at the Pentagon, to the Secretary Of Defense, and the political gang. He later said he was doing the full commando/warrior/samurai act, and when he got to the point where his men reached the gates the prison, he said,

    “We will shoot the guards and shoot them twice to be sure…”

    He was interrupted by the Secretary Of Defense who was sitting with his head propped up on one hand. The Secretary said,

    “Do we have to kill them? Let’s just shoot them in the knee or something.”

    The Delta Force commander later said it was at that moment he knew the mission would be a failure.

I was born in 1970 so Carter is the first President that I have any real memory about. I vividly recall the Day X of the Hostage Crisis on every evening news broadcast, the decision to boycott the 1980 Olympics and the 1980 Presidential election. Disastrous as a President. His championing of Habitat was very good work.

    ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to CommoChief. | December 29, 2024 at 7:57 pm

    You forgot the fun of changing license plates (for even and odd days) and then waiting a couple of hours in line to get gas. You were probably a little young to remember that.

      The Gentle Grizzly in reply to ThePrimordialOrderedPair. | December 29, 2024 at 10:06 pm

      I remember REPUBLICAN Richard Nixon’s gas lines as well.

        ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to The Gentle Grizzly. | December 30, 2024 at 1:00 am

        Of course, the difference was that the oil crisis during Nixon was due to the arab oil embargo, which was not Nixon’s fault, while the energy crisis in 1979 was due to the disruptions from the Iranian Revolution which was, in great part, Carter’s fault since he was the one who took the Shah down and let the Ayatollah and his lunatics take Iran pretty much the same way that Biden gave Afghanistan to the Taliban with tens of billions of shiny, deadly American arms and equipment.

        Let’s not forget the Nixon decision to kill off the gold standard. When Nations couldn’t reclaim their holdings of $ for gold anymore the last real break to deter the Fed from increasing the money supply and Congress from running up big spending deficits and creating a huge debt were gone.

      Definitely too young for even/odd fuel purchases while in elementary school.

    Azathoth in reply to CommoChief. | December 30, 2024 at 11:48 am

    His glomming on to and politicization of Habitat for Humanity was not, at all, good work.

Total dweeb and failed idealist. He was Bernie lite basically.

William A. Jacobson | December 29, 2024 at 8:43 pm

Must read, as much as I remembered Carter being a nasty person and abysmal president, such as inventing the Israel Apartheid libel, it was worse than I remembered, National Review, Jimmy Carter Was a Terrible President — and an Even Worse Former President

    ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to William A. Jacobson. | December 29, 2024 at 9:23 pm

    Excellent article.

    The late 1970’s were a very tough time. I was lucky to work for a major company, which could afford to give all employees 2 or 3 extra wage increases to deal with the rampant inflation, on top of regular merit increases. The gas lines were no fun. Interest rates got to be so high that, several years later, when I bought my home in 01/1984 they had only dropped to what was then a special, discount rate mortgage at 11 7/8%. IMO Biden has been a horrible President – distinguished by bad policies, personal corruption and the dementia fraud that he was ever a candidate for higher office – but times were far worse then. I suspect that the capstone of Biden’s career will be his final pardon list when he leaves office.

Although both Biden and Carter are failed Presidents they are dissimilar is every way. Carter was a devout Christian who never used the office to enrich himself. Biden is a slimy used car salesman who pretends to be religious while using his office as a wealth generating machine.

Jimmy Carter was a good person but a horrible President. It would be great to have him as a neighbor but you wouldn’t want him running things.

Epitaph: “He meant well.”

Carter was the main reason at the tender age of 10 that I despised Democrats.

I remember the radio declaiming “It’s Day X of the Iranian hostage situation.”

I remember waiting with my family in long gas lines.

I remember both my parents working their butts off to raise the five of us.

Yes, he’s dead. But I’m not going to wax poetically about him resting in peace.

Now do the Kenyan….

In a bizarre observation, Tucker’s newsletter today:
“Carter outlasted each of his two direct successors and remained eligible for a second term until his death.”
Man… the future plans of Biden’s puppetmasters hardest hit.