EPA Special Advisor Admits to Giving Out Grants to Trump-Proof Biden’s ‘Green New Deal’
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EPA Special Advisor Admits to Giving Out Grants to Trump-Proof Biden’s ‘Green New Deal’

EPA Special Advisor Admits to Giving Out Grants to Trump-Proof Biden’s ‘Green New Deal’

Brent Efron even admits he could end up with a cushy job at one of the non-profits the EPA lavished billions to fund in grants.

Legal Insurrection readers may recall that back in August, I reported that one intriguing sign that eco-activists in Washington, DC, anticipated a different political climate after the November election was the number of massive grants being given to “climate crisis” projects.

Team Biden was flooding eco-activist organizations with billions from the public coffers.

Now Project Veritas has released an incredible video confirming my suspicions that the $50 billion giveaway was designed to “Trump-Proof” Biden’s “Green New Deal’.

Brent Efron, an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) special advisor implementing Biden’s climate agenda, made many controversial statements during an undercover video about the agency’s actions in anticipation of a potential Trump administration.

Efron reportedly told Project Veritas that the EPA is rapidly distributing billions of dollars in grants to nonprofits as an “insurance policy” against Trump winning the election. He described the situation as “throwing gold bars off the Titanic,” referring to the urgency with which the agency allocates funds.

“Now it’s how to get the money out as fast as possible before they come in … it’s like we’re on the Titanic and we’re throwing gold bars off the edge.”

The move is every bit as cynical and self-serving as it is insidious.

Efron even admits that the EPA is scrambling to push money out the door for projects originally designed for a Kamala Harris presidency.

So committed are these staffers, Efron confesses, that they plan to work right up until the final moments on inauguration day, rushing to ensure that every possible tax-payer dollar is disbursed before a Republican administration can turn off the spigot.

…Efron openly admits how the EPA uses nonprofits as a political buffer against Republican administrations—and reveals how he could later reap personal rewards with a cushy job at one of the nonprofits he helped fund during his tenure.

The EPA team of grifters plundered the treasury with the efficiency of Viking raiders, rewarding woke non-profits.

For example, some of those gold bars went to Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change grants. This funding totaled $325 million for 21 selected applications to ‘tackle environmental and climate justice challenges’. The frightening aspect of this particular deal is that it was part of a larger $2 billion program, the single largest investment in environmental justice in history.

A staggering amount of money to solve climate and racial problems that don’t exist in reality. Certainly, there is a better use for this funding….such as helping the people of North Carolina recover from the hurricane damage.

Interestingly, recent reports suggest that only about 6% of federal workers are showing up to work in person on a full-time basis. This figure comes from a Senate report indicating that while 3% of the federal workforce worked from home daily before the COVID-19 pandemic, now approximately one-third work fully remotely.

Musk shared a new report from Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, the chair of the Senate DOGE caucus, which claimed only 6% of federal workers show up in person to work on a full-time basis. Many others work from home part-time, and roughly one-third work from home full-time, according to the report.

“If you exclude security guards & maintenance personnel, the number of government workers who show up in person and do 40 hours of work a week is closer to 1%! Almost no one,” Musk posted in response to the report.

If Efron is an example of a federal worker, perhaps we should be grateful for the limited work effort.

Hopefully, the Trump administration and the next Congress can claw back some of the money that went to these non-profits.

One positive consequence: The EPA has totally lost its credibility and protection of the natural environment. The only environment its employees will protect is the political one.


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angrywebmaster | December 8, 2024 at 6:27 pm

I wonder if the Trump Administration can do “Claw backs” on these funds? I also wonder if what these people are doing could be illegal and they can be indicted?

I can assure fellow readers that the U.S. Border Patrol is part of the 6% of Government workers not at home in their pajamas!

I can’t wait for DOGE!

thalesofmiletus | December 8, 2024 at 7:04 pm

“We’re stuffing our suitcases with as much cash as possible!” Shameless.

2smartforlibs | December 8, 2024 at 7:04 pm

Time Congress got off their backsides. They gave to much power to bureaucracies.

I regard this as money-laundering, where donations from these groups receiving money will subsequently make it into the pockets of favored individuals or political campaigns. My question is whether these are actual checks going out the door or just contract awards. If the latter, there would be a lot of public support to fight funding them.

End funding of any kind, to include grants or contracts for services for ALL NGO and ‘charities’. There’s too much room for shenanigans, kickbacks, payola and feather bedding. That puts an end to it and saves taxpayer dollars. Anyone who wishes to make voluntary contributions can always do so if they want to make that particular cause/issue their priority but leave the rest of us and our taxes out of it.

    ChrisPeters in reply to CommoChief. | December 9, 2024 at 1:10 am

    End the EPA altogether.

      CommoChief in reply to ChrisPeters. | December 9, 2024 at 6:14 am

      There are some useful functions EPA carries out and/or should be doing, Super fund clean up is one, assisting/advising States is another. By all means let’s downsize it in power and scope to accommodate recent SCOTUS decisions, get rid of 2/3 to 3/4 of the staffing, demote it from cabinet level and stick it under Dept of Interior. Then have Congress require it and every other Dept/Agency to submit new proposed regulations to Congress for up/down vote on approval. Do that and the ideological bureaucracy loses most of their sting and puts Congress and thus Citizen/voters back in charge.

        ChrisPeters in reply to CommoChief. | December 9, 2024 at 8:11 am

        Point taken. What should happen to the EPA and ALL the other administrations and agencies is an elimination of their rule/law-making abilities. These organizations should have no authority to govern whatsoever.

The Biden admin may be beyond reach here, but what about those receiving the funds? Could the Trump transition team ask a court to order all recipients of these funds to freeze their movement, because Trump intends to demand the money back?

    Milhouse in reply to DaveGinOly. | December 8, 2024 at 9:23 pm

    No, because what he intends to do is irrelevant. Right now he holds no office, and no standing on anything. He doesn’t speak for the United States, and won’t for the next 43 days. He hasn’t even been elected yet, though we all know he will be; that won’t happen until the 17th.

    And when he does take office, if he does demand the money back they’re going to fight it, and they’ll likely win. A court certainly can’t just assume he’ll be entitled to get it back in that hypothetical future.

“I’m shocked — shocked — to find that grifting is going on in here!”

smalltownoklahoman | December 8, 2024 at 9:23 pm

Looks like someone is making a fair argument for the EPA to be one of the agencies Musk & Ramaswamay push hard to have shuttered.

Suburban Farm Guy | December 8, 2024 at 10:47 pm

We have seen other examples of DC people ‘Trump-proofing’ stuff. Sounds like an insurrection. A billion times worse than Jan 6. Obstructing a duly elected President. Sounds like they don’t believe in democracy.. Bent on overthrowing the will of the people. And corruptly enriching themselves in the process.

Grants can be cancelled. I remember when Reagan took office and immediately cancelled many solar energy grants. I was a pagan fool at the time and was livid about it. I have repented.

As a side note, notice how this thief keeps referring to Biden’s “Inflation Reduction Act” as his “Green Energy Act.”

We all knew it, it’s just nice to see the crooks admit it out loud.

I would think anything done after 5 November is going to be highly suspicious and rife for clawbacks/cancellation from the adults coming in to office on the 20th of Jan.

Those who made the grants will have their names all over the paper work so I would expect life for them come Jan 20 will also become very uncomfortable in the new year.

Cultural Marxists trying to break the monetary system..
EPA is a bureaucracy that needs to be broken up.

Won’t have the intended effect. Grant recipients will spend it all quickly. By then, Trump will be in office. Efron might be criminally liable, though. That will need to be investigated.

Theoretically, Trump can appoint a fellow traveler as IRS Commissioner who then can “investigate” and revoke tax exempt status to these organizations and then hit them with back taxes for the grant amount.

Brent isn’t getting laid by his PV “date” tonight.
But I bet he’s going to get pegged good and hard in about a month.