Democrats Are Upset About Hunter Biden Pardon Only Because They Think It Helps Trump
“They’re not angry that Joe Biden pardoned his son. They’re not angry that he lied about it for years. They’re angry that they feel that this had given an advantage to Trump.”

I appeared this morning on The Tony Katz show to talk about the Hunter Biden pardon.
I don’t have time to get it transcribed, but here’s the punch line that comes near the end:
That’s why the Democrats are angry. They’re not angry that Joe Biden pardoned his son. They’re not angry that he lied about it for years. They’re angry that they feel that this had given an advantage to Trump. That’s what the anger is about on the Democrat side, and the Never-Trump side. It’s complete anger that they feel that Joe Biden has handed Trump a potential victory, and that’s what they’re upset about.

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I think what we have here is a world record —unless someone can think of one criminal who has ever been pardoned of more crimes over a longer period of time than Hunter Biden.
What if the person who committed the crimes was cahoots with the one who pardoned him? Would any Democrat be upset about that?
Racketeering at the presidential level. Let the fun begin. Since this was motivated by greed, it would be great if all those assets could be seized.
All of the money taken by crooked democrats (but I repeat myself) should not be kept by the traitors/criminals. Ill gotten gains aren’t something they should be able to keep any more than a bank robber gets to keep the loot!
“By pardoning his son for more than a decade of potential crimes, the president is protecting himself above all..”
It was never about Hunter
The pardon will impede, but not prevent, an investigation into Joe. And will it not facilitate processes related to the acquisition of evidence from Hunter? He’ll be without a 5th Amendment claim that could otherwise be used to conceal evidence, yes?
If I’m correct, expect a second shoe to drop. Joe can’t now afford to not pardon himself and his family. Hunter is out of the fire, but in removing him from the fire, Joe may have turned up the heat on everyone else involved.
I do expect a “second shoe” of other family pardons, which might even cure some people of TDS. As to Hunter testifying without the protection of the Fifth Amendment, his substance abuse has surely made his memory exceedingly poor.
May get a whole lot poorer even, after somebody slips fentanyl into his blow.
TDS cannot be “cured”; those suffering from a massive over-exposure to lame-stream media propaganda have been thoroughly inculcated to avoid truth at any cost, even at the cost of their sanity.
After all, poor Gropey-Dopey-Joe will only pardon all of the members of his family, probably including DOCTOR Jill and himself, for the democracy- and justice-saving of the free world from the revenge of Donald Trump and his evil minions.
We’ll just have to ignore inconvenient little facts like the $24 million in bribe and influence money scattered through the dozens and dozens of small corporations they’ve set up for themselves.
Hunter is out of the fire for his past crimes, but I don’t expect him to suddenly start obeying the law.
His lawbreaking going forward will mostly be State law. He can’t sell the last 60 days of his supply of product since the pardon doesn’t cover that time period. After Jan 20 what does he have to sell? Paintings, LOL. He won’t have a ton of income going forward so tax problems should be reduced.
I was thinking the same thing. Could prosecute Joe and his brother, and there were several other family members involved in their bribery for influence grift. Hunter could be compelled to testify. Couldn’t plead the 5th. Could be prosecuted if he commits perjury.
I’d expect Hunter to develop some serious memory lapses though. Several thousand “I don’t recall” answers would get the whole syndicate through this.
Not that they’ll ever actually be prosecuted. Or that there’s any chance any “judge” or jury in the DC circuit would ever allow anything bad to happen to any prominent Democrat.
Speaking of which, Trump should reorganize the Circuit courts – abolish the DC circuit entirely. Cases that would currently be handled by DC circuit should get randomly assigned to other circuits.
Assuming that by “Trump” you mean “Congress, at Trump’s urging”, I have to ask why? The DC circuit is no more leftist than most other circuits. It has left-wing judges and right-wing ones and centrist ones, just like all the others. The balance shifts depending on who’s most recently been making appointments, but abolishing this circuit wouldn’t change that.
As for DC juries, abolishing the circuit would have no effect at all on that. Crimes alleged to have happened in DC would still have to be tried by a district court in DC, no matter what circuit it belonged to.
If any change is to be made to the circuit courts it needs to be splitting the ninth to be two circuits whose size is in line with the other circuits,
Simply because a Conservative cannot get a fair trial in DC given the Jury Pool. Much like a black man would have trouble getting a fair trial in 1950’s Selma, Alabama.
And how would redrawing the circuits change that? Once again, a crime alleged to have been committed in DC must be tried by a district court in DC. No change to the circuits (which do not even hold trials) could change that.
A creative AG can seize HB’s money under civil forfeiture and make HB prove the money is legitimate income free of fraud or theft before it is returned.
“He’ll be without a 5th Amendment claim that could otherwise be used to conceal evidence, yes?”
Am I the only one who recalls the railroading of Scooter Libby? It was arbitrarily declared that he had lied to the FBI because his memory of the conversation differed from a reporter’s — who was later found (though not charged) with being the one who lied.
Hunter can simply invoke that precedent to claim that anything he says that doesn’t “match the narrative” will be taken as criminal, and therefore the 5th applies.
“He’ll be without a 5th Amendment claim that could otherwise be used to conceal evidence, yes?”
Maybe not. When asked a question Hunter could say:
“On advice of counsel, I assert my 5A privilege and decline to answer on the grounds that it might incriminate me under STATE law.”
In invoking the privilege, the invoker does not have to specify which law might incriminate him, and Dad’s pardon only covers FEDERAl crimes.
The only way it could get funnier is if Slowy kicks the bucket tonight, before he can pardon the rest of the gang. That would leave it up to Fweedom to pardon Jill & Co.
There would be a tale of revenge well told.
Same old, same old: When republicans screw up the news is about republicans screwing up.
When democrats screw up the news is about republicans reacting to the screw up.
You may think you hate the msn, but you don’t hate them enough.
Expect Joe to have a debilitating stroke or some such ailment impeding his ability to answer questions. Dr. Jill prescribes bed rest and alone beach time
What if Jill is prosecuted?
She could be prosecuted for impersonating a federal officer (the president)–18 U.S. Code § 912.
IMO the main reason the d/prog are upset is that this action, despite repeated assurance that it wouldn’t, undercuts the moral preening and their view of themselves, their policies and party as more virtuous. This action isn’t some murky thing that can be spun b/c it’s complicated; this was a very clear act they told us wouldn’t happen, until it did.
This may cost them their phony-baloney jobs.
Can I get a harrumph.
Indeed. Not just the Biden surrogates and a few vulnerable d/prog politicians but also some legacy media figures and others who simultaneously preached ‘no one above the law’. There’s no reasonable way to spin this as anything other than the act of a liar. This simple clarity allows everything else they’ve argued for to also be called into question …and more than a few d/prog are going to do so.
If the president pardons a person who robbed a Federal Reserve bank, does the person get to keep the money?
A pardon is post conviction, forgiving the punishment. An arrest or indictment does not apply and contraband — seized upon arrest — is not returned even if you’re found not guilty.
A pardon does not need to be post conviction, or even post arrest.
Of course if the money isn’t his he doesn’t get to keep it. But first you have to prove it isn’t his.
In Hunter’s case, he didn’t steal any money, so who could claim it?
Adam Schiff in 2018 said pardoning a president’s son could be an effort to obstruct justice
Did you actually listen to what he said, or are you just repeating the caption from the tweet?
Schiff absolutely did NOT say or imply that such a pardon could be a crime. He did NOT say or imply that a president can’t grant such a pardon, or that he could face legal consequences for doing so. On the contrary, he explicitly acknowledged that the president does have the power to do so and nothing can prevent him.
All he said was that if this happens the president should face POLITICAL consequences. Congress should investigate, and publish its results. He implied that it might impeach him for it, which of course it can do. But he ruled out any legal consequences.
When does Biden find out he pardoned Hunter?
Assuming there are provable crimes, especially on the tax side, joe didn’t pardon the pals/associates of hunter.
If you’re one of the pals/associates do you run to a state or federal prosecutor to turn states evidence on the others for a plea deal?
Because sure as joe is a crook, there are young legal guns looking to make a name for themselves to be able to run for higher office.
“If you’re one of the pals/associates do you run to a state or federal prosecutor to turn states evidence on the others for a plea deal?”
Not until January 20th. It is highly likely most of the rest of the Biden crime family and associates will also be pardoned. That’s the only way to cover his tracks.
The big takeaway from Biden’s pardon is that it gives Trump more emphasis to pardon the Jan 6 defendants who got long jail terms for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Hopefully he was going to do that anyway. That’s certainly what most people who voted for him expected.
I would be very surprised if that’s not a first day thing, or even one of his first executive actions after taking the oath of office. Likely that the pardons are already written and post-dated to January 20, 2025. Just need a signature.
The pardon actually could later haunt Joe Biden. Once Hunter is pardoned, then he cannot invoke the 5th amendment upon be questioned under oath by Congress or prosecutors.
Somewhat off topic:
Some of you folks must be lawyers. Please tell me why a person can be put in jail for three or four years without a trial.
Trump was on “Meet The Press” and said that perhaps, Joe Biden should issue pardons to the House Jan-6 Committee.
The more the better, as these folks won’t be able to hide behind 5th amendment protections