Chicago Mayor Kicks Public Out of City Meeting After They Trash Him Over Illegal Aliens
“He wants to pull a $40 million line of credit and put the city in even more debt. It’s your fault, because you gave half of the money to illegals.”

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson kicked out residents from the public city council meeting after they trashed him for spending too much money on illegal aliens and not doing enough to protect them.
It happened at the meeting where the city council passed Johnson’s budget. It didn’t include the $300 million proposed property tax.
But the budget didn’t do much else, including $165 million in taxes, fines, and fees.
A few aldermen expressed common sense when they noted that the plan “will necessitate even bigger tax hikes to account for even bigger deficits in the future.” I cannot believe it:
Those who remained in the “no” camp felt the reliance on fees and fines penalizes Chicago working families.
*Most of this budget is really being balanced with extra fees and taxes, and being balanced on the back of working families—and I don’t think that’s right,” Ald. Bill Conway (34th) said after the budget was passed.
Conway added that the ballooning of the city budget is bound to cause problems.
“Five years ago, this city had an $11 billion budget. Now it has a $17 billion budget, and that’s just not sustainable,” he said.
You know, I tried looking for information about the spectacle in local news outlets and…well, it’s lacking.
So I turn to Fox News:
The plan also adopts a $40 million short-term loan that allows the city to delay paying off its debt, a major point of criticism for many of the protesters.
“You caused all this money to go to illegal immigrants,” one resident told Johnson during the public comment period. “Anything that you all pass is not genuine.”
Another resident accused Johnson of failing to “protect the people of Chicago from invasion.”
“He wants to pull a $40 million line of credit and put the city in even more debt,” another resident said. “It’s your fault, because you gave half of the money to illegals.”
Look, I think the only way to save Illinois, which is governed by Chicago (let’s be realistic), is for the city to hit rock bottom. It’s too far gone.
It brightened my day to watch the below the videos, seeing people speaking up and wearing shirts that say, “Chicago Flips Red.”
Maybe, just maybe, there is hope that Chicago and Illinois will finally change for the better. I’m not getting my hopes up, though.
I also think this because the residents also blasted Johnson for hiring too many staffers and giving them sex-figure salaries.
Have people finally woken up to the corruption that has ruined the state? I hope:
Johnson also faced criticism over hiring too many staffers and paying them too much. Chicago reporter William Kelly told Fox News that Johnson has enlisted more than 100 staffers and each of them has a six-figure salary. He also argued many of the positions appear frivolous.
“The vice mayor, a guy named Alderman Burnett, convicted of bank robbery, armed robbery, spent time in jail, he’s getting paid in addition to his aldermanic salary almost half a mil to be ‘vice mayor,’ which essentially has no duties or responsibilities other than waiting to possibly become mayor if something were to happen to Mayor Johnson,” Kelly said.
It took Johnson over six weeks to pass his $17 billion spending plan. It barely passed, 27-23, on Monday.

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What else should we expect from an affirmative action hire like the Mayor?
More city-killing lefty policies?
Or, or, you could, hear me out – Cut Spending!.
I think the only way to save Illinois, which is governed by Chicago (let’s be realistic), is for the city to hit rock bottom.
I’ve said for years that the best thing for Illinois would be for an earthquake to strike Chicago and cause it to sink into Lake Michigan.
Most cities need to hit rock bottom, the best way to help them get past this stage is to give them far more illegals.
And far fewer bailouts.
…Johnson for hiring too many staffers and giving them sex-figure salaries….
No doubt they are in charge of the mayor’s extracurricular activities.
Interesting benefit package…
Standard in all Democrat employment contracts.
People are worrying needlessly. Everybody knows all the debt for these cities is never gonna be paid back.
Even if they get bailed out they’re not going to change their ways.
Best thing would be complete cooperation with the deportation program. Get rid of all of those extra expenses
Have all the illegals packed up and ready to go by Jan 20th.
“Maybe, just maybe, there is hope that Chicago and Illinois will finally change for the better.”
Not taking that bet. I put my money on something far more certain- the White Sox winning the World Series.
That the mayor is a leftist was known to all before the election.
But, hey, he’s a mayor “of color,” don’t you know. The Chicago masses must vote for a “brother” or a “sister;” personal flaws, stupidity and incompetence be damned. Tribal fealty to skin pigmentation is all that matters.
Any time a candidate includes an “and I’m one of you and I understand you” or a “who better to represent you than one of your own” lines…………TRANSLATION: “Who better to rip you off than one of your own kind?”
The Dhimmi-crat-run cities such as Chicago are manifestly beyond repair. After decades of Dhimmi-crat corruption, mismanagement, fiscal profligacy, economic impoverishment, racial agitation/incitement and criminal-coddling, restoration would be beyond the powers and abilities of even the most skilled and competent GOP mayor/administrator. It would be like attempting to clean the Augean Stables, with a broom and a dustpan.
So how did Rudy do it in New York City?
As a lifelong Illinoisan decamping to FL next year, I can assure you that the entire state will have to go down before Chicago is allowed to do so. The State legislature only has one idea of how to deal with anything: Higher taxes, fees and fines. Additionally it considers Chicago to be the pinnacle of cultural achievement and will bankrupt everything and everyone in what is an otherwise conservative State to preserve it. If it was just Chicago, no problem, let it burn; however, a lot f voery good people are going down because of it.
When I read the headline that the Mayor “Kick[ed] Public Out of City Meeting After They Trash Him Over Illegal Aliens,” my first thought was “gee….that’s odd……that would be a violation of the Open Meetings Act.”
Kicking people out of a meeting just because they are critical of politicians or policies is clearly against the law.
In reading the linked CBS article, there is this:
In that the Mayor is pro-immigration, it seems that many of the people were protesting Trump and his immigration policies he wishes to put in place, and not trashing the Mayor’s policies.
At the very least, the meeting was full of people who wanted to fight and disrupt the meeting.
Those type of people should be thrown out.
So it appears the headline and entire premise of this post is wrong. The public were not kicked out, only a few left-wing disrupters, who deserved to be kicked out.
Shockingly, you didn’t read the entire article.
Everyone got kicked out.
Even the unlettered can become economic savants when their own purses start getting raped.
Of course, all that’s necessary to flip them blue again will be to reopen the bribe faucet wide enough to wet both tribes. But that’s no longer easy.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, **and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances**.
So? How is that relevant? The public are free to submit petitions all they like. No one is stopping them. They do not have the right to disrupt a public meeting.
For that matter the first amendment doesn’t even protect a right to peacefully attend such meetings; there are states (such as IL) where the law grants such a right, but the US constitution says nothing about it.
“Johnson for hiring too many staffers and giving them sex-figure salaries.”
Dang sex-figured salaries.