Yale Psychiatrist Tells MSNBC’s Joy Reid it’s Acceptable to Cut Off Family Members Who Voted for Trump
“if you are going into a situation where you have family members, where you have close friends who you know have voted in ways that are against you… it’s completely fine to not be around those people and to tell them why”

Every time Trump wins an election, the media trots out a Yale psychiatrist to say crazy things.
This time, Joy Reid of MSNBC spoke to Dr. Amanda Calhoun, who suggested it is perfectly reasonable for people on the left who are upset about the outcome of the election to cut off family members and friends who voted for Trump.
This is vindictive, divisive, and unhealthy, but I wouldn’t expect anything less from Joy Reid and MSNBC.
FOX News reports:
Yale psychiatrist calls it ‘essential’ for liberals to cut off Trump-voting loved ones during holidays
With the holiday season approaching, a prominent mental health expert told MSNBC viewers that they should feel justified in cutting ties with relatives that voted for President-elect Donald Trump.
Yale University chief psychiatry resident Dr. Amanda Calhoun spoke to MSNBC host Joy Reid on Friday night about ways liberals who are devastated with Trump’s re-election this week can cope with news, including separating from certain loved ones.
“So, if you are going into a situation where you have family members, where you have close friends who you know have voted in ways that are against you… it’s completely fine to not be around those people and to tell them why,” Calhoun told Reid…
The host then asked how these people should be interacting with those they know – including family – that voted for Trump, who she accused of being against Americans’ rights…
She added, “If you are an LGBTQ person and you know someone in your family voted essentially against your rights, or you’re a woman knowing, you know, that this man was calling people the b word. JD Vance was literally calling Kamala Harris ‘the trash.’ He said, ‘We’re going to take out the trash.’ I know a lot of Black women were incredibly triggered by that.”
Joy Reid has spent months calling Trump ‘Hitler’ but she is triggered by someone calling someone else trash. OK.
Watch the segment below:
Yale Univ.'s @AmandaJoyMD says we should put our political differences ahead of family:
"There is a societal norm that if somebody is your family that they are entitled to your time & I think the answer is absolutely not. So if you're going through a situation where you have… pic.twitter.com/LlQzoEN8Uy
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) November 9, 2024
It’s amazing that Reid still has her show. It’s not a ‘news’ program. It’s nothing more than a vehicle for Reid to carry out her personal war on Trump and anyone who dared to vote for him.
Featured image via YouTube.

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I actually needed up at a table of Harris supporters at my nephews funeral dinner
They would have supported a dead tree.
They tried, I won and that was that
I took glee at the results of the election thinking about their warped minds
Woke puritanism is the dread thought that somebody somewhere is having a good time.
Some people are so big a pain in the butt that a pill can’t reach. Evasion as an avoidance behavior to a painful stimuli…. this shrink needs help. As Dr. Michael Savage has said…liberalism is a mental disease.
No, I agree with her. They don’t have to engage with our ideas. They won’t ever come over to our side anyway. The country is just as split as it was before the election, they’ve just gone quiet.
Remember it. You don’t have to invite them either in the future. Spend holidays with like-minded people. It’s more fun!
This sort of thing is the inevitable result of our society deciding that we should coddle and ‘affirm’ people with mental illnesses.
And to think that this person is responsible for the education of people who will be given medical degrees. Yikes.
We seriously need to bring back the mental institutions.
She doesn’t look like Bandy X, but she sure sounds like her. Bat-guano insane. Maybe it’s a Yale thing?
No, she’s better than Bandy X. What did she say that’s wrong? If you can’t deal emotionally with a situation, leave it. That is good mental health advice.
And it’s good for us too. We don’t have to “embrace DEI” or any of that. We don’t have to embrace any of their stuff, or them. We can just leave it, or them.
“So, if you are going into a situation where you have family members, where you have close friends who you know have voted in ways that are against you… it’s completely fine to not be around those people and to tell them why,”
Hallelujah! After years of listening to Aunt Karen’s bitter whining we can all finally enjoy an nice Thanksgiving like the old days.
I have no problem with this, at all. I would only quibble and tell them that they don’t have to tell us anything. Just disappear and that would be perfectly fine.
Who the hell would want anyone like that around? They are just burdens on the people unlucky enough to be connected to them. Although, they are fun to mess with at dinners and parties.
I’m still hoping for hysterical paralysis to come back into vogue. That would take care of a lot of problems and annoyances.
Living a life of what you know ain’t so. They’re better off without you.
I may be off base here, but I view psychiatrists as nothing but very expensive fortune-tellers.
Soft sciences seem to attract ‘liberal’ types like a magnet.
I think it’s because there are no hard and fast answers. They can spew gibberish and as long as they believe it….
That’s my point. Same problem will yield a Freudian answer, a Jungian answer, and a variety of other things.
Psychiatry is an MD specialty so it’s not a soft science. This person needs to lose their license.
Psychiatrists know about drugs that can constrain the brain and body in various ways. That knowledge is probably correct, and for some extreme cases, it is needed.
When you get to delicate issues such as how to handle family relationships, I don’t think they have any special wisdom as a group, and drugs are not called for in any case. This person’s opinion is as good as any other’s, and frankly I think there is common sense in it. If it’s unpleasant and you might be at risk of someone else or especially yourself acting out, avoid it!
A large number of them enter the profession to try to fix themselves. Most fail in that regard.
I would agree regarding psychologists.
Psychiatrists are MD’s and primarily prescribe medicines for conditions nobody knows how to treat, so it’s got to be a difficult and agonizing job knowing that there’s a serious problem and the drugs you have also cause serious problems.
Reid and the ” psychiatrist” are both suffering from Spiritual failing. Those people who voted Trump are humans with a Soul and Holy Spirit just like they have. .
Reid and the left are soulless ghouls … to be overly charitable.
Wow you discovered you’re as good as they are! But you should own it: you are BETTER than they are. And you can let them fade away if they self-deport from your life. Stop reaching out.
I hate to say it but EVERYONE I knew in college who was in the psychiatry curriculum was nuts. Not or had an ounce of common sense and were socially inept.
Takes a nut to know a nut.
They went for psych degrees to get licenses to project.
The exception that proves the rule : I met exactly ONE mental health professional in my training years who seemed normal, sane, no agenda, no baggage, evidence based in his recommendations. If he was a loon he understood what normal means and what it took to fake it.
I agree…. I know one guy who is very rational (seeming anyhow) and very moderate in his appearance and public conversation. I have known him for years but have no idea of his political views at all. While I share Grizzly’s stereotype view as a generally correct and share inspectorudy’s experience regarding school mates, THIS GUY I would trust.
He does have one peculiarity in that he owns a classic car that is so complex and fault-prone that only a madman would own one, even as a toy. Why yes, I am a member of the same car club he’s in….so it’s pretty hard for me to criticize him for that.
A Fiat?!
Maybe a Jaguar
That’s psychology. You were not in a curriculum with psychiatrists unless you went to med school.
And yes psychology attracts the nutters.
In college there is a psychology curriculum. In medical residency, there is a psychiatry curriculum.
We’ve seen innumerable Dhimmi-crat media organs and shills/trained seals/lapdogs/stenographers denigrating supporters of #47 and conservatives, at-large, as alleged members of a “cult.” “Ultra-MAGA,” and all that, and/or, “Christian Nationalists.”
I submit that the only cult members in contemporary America are the stupid, vindictive and fanatically Maoist/Stalinist/Islamofascist Dhimmi-crats.
Last month we had a conference call with all the cousins from my father’s side. At my request, my sister, the coordinator of the call, made it clear that there would be no politics discussed.
A yellow-dog Democrat cousin texted my sister that one should not discuss “the economy, religion, facts.”
The reason I didn’t want to discuss politics with him was that in a discussion of the Big TX Freeze of 2021, he “corrected” me on a statement I had admittedly made without sourcing it– nor had he sourced his “correction.” I refuted his “correction” with a very well documented number from a federal government database.
Our yellow-dog Democrat cousin responded with the “lies, damned lies, and statistics” quip attributed to Mark Twain. I requested that he SHOW the veracity of his claim. He made no attempt to do so, but escalated with a kitchen sink of stuff unrelated to my original claim.
For my cousin, facts are facts only if they fit his narrative de jour.THAT is why I didn’t want any further politics discussions with my cousin– it would be a waste of my time.
I am tempted, if there is a subsequent discussion with my cousin, to tell him I need to end the call so I can get to the local meeting of the American Nazi Party– or was it the Klan?
Attempting to reason, argue or discuss politics and socioeconomics with a Dhimmi-crat is an ultimately fruitless, infuriating and futile endeavor. You receive more rational and civil responses by engaging a toddler, on the same issues.
It’s time we stopped trying. And when as I expect they will reach out and try to restart conversation, cut it off cleanly and refuse. We have no such obligation to them.
DEI Psychiatry: assuring people who exhibit signs of mental illness it’s they who are behaving normally.
If the line that “Trump is literally Hitler” were in any way related to reality, cutting off people who voted for him would be a reasonable reaction. But in the real world, where he’s not a bad person and has already proved he can do the job well, it’s completely deranged.
I would cut off anyone who voted for Harris. Worst candidate ever nominated, and not properly nominated. Vastly worse than Biden, who frankly might have won this election with the cheating margin still in place, and a not-terrible performance as president already .
But Harris? Phony and inauthentic, covering a nasty past. She enslaved prisoners who had finished their sentences because she wanted cheap firefighters. That’s enough for me. Disqualified for any position of responsibility, government or private. A bad soul, a travesty to vote for such a person.
See here’s the thing. Most conservatives don’t want to spend time with people who believe in killing babies, who think minorities can’t hack it without the government putting their finger on the scale, who think men should be able to compete on women’s teams, who think children should be transitioned, who think half the country are Nazis, who hate America and Americans, who hate the founding fathers and the principles America was founded on, and all the other evil nonsense liberals believe.
The only reason they put up with their liberal relatives is that social obligation they’re talking about where relatives are entitled to some of your time, the belief that family should be able to overcome political differences, and the generally Christian belief that you should forgive others. They think they’re going to punish their conservative relatives be not showing up. We don’t care if you come and will honestly be much happier if you don’t have contact with us.
Yes, it can be useful that they ended that social obligation going forward. Because they do end it.
Hate Has No Home Here
“Your steamer trunk is beautiful! Do you use it to store anything?”
“Oh, we’ve never even opened it — it didn’t come with a key!”
“Wow… the lock is SO shiny!”
Good. Cut off all relatives you deem unworthy of your high morals. Let us interact and enjoy life with the rational members of the family. And, when the time comes to read the wills, may all the estates be left to MAGA people!
This guest is still in training. She has not taken her board certification exam yet because she has not qualified yet to sit the exam.
What Joy Reid and MSNBC have done here is like inviting a journeyman tradesman to opine as if she were a master tradesman.
It’s like seeking comment from a minor league baseball player about Major League Baseball.
Joy Reid must have some kind of personal connection to this psychiatry trainee. (That’s what “fellow” means: trainee.)
Btw, child psychiatry has always been about the lowest respected specialties within medicine. There is an entire field of pediatrics — “Developmental Pediatrics” — that exists today ……. almost entirely because child psychiatric consultations were almost entirely useless. Or harmful.
………and so really the headline for this article might more accurately be something like
“Joy Reid finds a trainee in a child psychiatry to come onto her show in order to parrot a pre-agreed narrative”
But as someone outside the medical field, I don’t see anything wrong with the advice. If you have an emotionally difficult situation, you are entitled to avoid it. Or you are entitled to engage with it as normal.
She didn’t advise quitting a job or breaking the law. Just avoiding people you don’t like. And then when those people start avoiding you in return, come back and pay for more consultations.
To advocate this kind of thing is completely unethical for any branch of medicine. This would be akin to me, as an infectious diseases practitioner, telling a patient not to seek treatment for a bacterial infection because “it’ll just go away on its own”.
Yale Psychiatry seems to attract the worst bottom feeders around. The Department had to dump Bandy X. Lee because she became a liability due to the repetitive violations of the Goldwater Rule—something which would have landed the institution into an ocean of trouble. Now they have a Resident (mind you—not even a board-certed practitioner—but a resident!) telling a racist, bigmouthed MSNBC whinging cretin that it’s okay to destroy family relationships over something as petty as politics. That’s just unacceptable. Given Yale’s inability to rein in their extreme staff, I doubt anyone will do anything until long after damage has been done.
Correction: she is a fellow so she is board-certed. Even then, it is STILL unacceptable to recommend cutting off family relationships over something as petty as politics!!
Is this woman chief resident or is she a fellow? Big difference! A fellow is a trainee who has already completed a residency and is sub-specializing. A resident is completing their first level of medical specialization. From what I now read, she IS a resident and is not board-certified. Sorry for the confusion and multiple posts.
If politics is just petty, what you say makes sense to me. I’m not in the mental health field, but I’d advise giving an explanation as to why you’re not coming.
Someone at that level has already completed medical school and residency and should be reliable on many basic questions, I would think. Is there something that happens between that stage and board certification that would flip such simple advice? Is the board certification something that would root out whatever problem you think she’s showing in her professional work?
Politics is not petty when we’re approaching the level of civil war. That hasn’t changed, the left has just gone relatively quiet for a week or two. I think her advice makes perfect sense. There are some people in the family that you don’t like; that’s not uncommon.
The family and friends they intend to cut off will be all the better for it.
That cutting off of family members is a two-way street. Conservatives may well conclude that it is appropriate to remove Leftists from their invitations for Thanksgiving and Christmas. They won’t, however, because true Conservatives seek to have their opinions tested.