University of Michigan Hosts a ‘Lesbian-Feminist Haunted House’

LGBT Studies

This could actually be a lot of fun if it was done accurately. Hope everyone had a great Halloween.

The College Fix reports:

‘Lesbian-feminist haunted house’ at U. Michigan scares students with ‘political indoctrinators’The University of Michigan is hosting a semester-long “Gender Euphoria” symposium featuring a “lesbian-feminist haunted house” and a drag performance by one of the public institution’s own professors.The symposium, hosted by the university’s Stamps School of Art and Design, aims to “make art and find queer joy” within a present “state of emergency” through performances, exhibitions, conversations, and provocations.On Saturday, it will feature an event called Killjoy’s Kastle Unplugged. Creators describe the performance as a “lesbian-feminist haunted house” designed to help participants “unpack, reject or critically recover” feminist history for the “queer present.” The event is free and open to the public.A description of past performances on the creators’ website says visitors, guided by a “Demented Women’s Studies Professor,” are taken through several rooms to view performers dressed as “political indoctrinators” and “lesbian avengers.”The rooms include: “The Crypt of Dead Lesbian Organizations, Businesses, and Ideas,” “The Giant Bearded Clam and Her Familiar,” “The Terrifying Tunnel of Two Adult Women in Love,” and “The Intersectional Activist Wrestling with the Crumbling Pillars of Society.”One room showcases paintings with phrases such as “Don’t slip on the pussy juice,” “Don’t trip over the severed penises,” and “Expect nudity.”People waiting in line to enter the exhibit are greeted by performers reciting from scripts encouraging them to read anti-men books before bed, according to the creators’ website.“I wrote this book, the SCUM Manifesto. Society of Cutting Up Men,” the script reads. “You should read it. Every night before bed. Also, read it to your very, very, very small children, every night–in utero is best.”The Killjoy’s Kastle project began several years ago with financial support from the Art Gallery of York University in Toronto, Canada, according to an event page on the University of Southern California website. The university hosted the exhibit in 2015.In a video from a past exhibit in Toronto, naked women with ghost masks show visitors their genitalia and performers encourage visitors to drink “witch piss.” The exhibit’s creators also sell a 13-minute video of the performance online — advertising it for “educational” purposes.

Tags: College Insurrection, Feminism, Halloween, LGBT, Michigan