Trump Victory Pulls Us Back From The Abyss
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Trump Victory Pulls Us Back From The Abyss

Trump Victory Pulls Us Back From The Abyss

“my initial reaction is a sense that we’ve been pulled back from the edge, like we were standing on a ledge, and someone has just pulled us back and given us a second chance.”

My initial reaction to Trump’s victory.

Transcript auto-generated, may contain transcription errors

So it’s 3:30 in the morning, and Donald Trump has just won reelection. There’s a lot I want to say, and we’ll have more time later, but for now, my initial reaction is this:

I feel we’ve been pulled back from the abyss. I believe our nation was facing a permanent decline, which would have been solidified had Harris won. And now, it feels as if we’ve been saved from that trajectory. We’ve been given another chance—a chance to reverse some of the cultural rot that has taken over academia and education, the decline of our military, decline of our standing in the world.
Getting rid of the nonsense that has infiltrated the bureaucracies, especially regarding DEI and similar policies. All of that, in my opinion, was a cultural rot dragging us down, and it was becoming irreversible.

Not to mention the abysmal situation with illegal migration. I’m not sure if we can fully reverse it now, but another four years would have changed the nature of our country so fundamentally.

So, my initial reaction is a sense that we’ve been pulled back from the edge, like we were standing on a ledge, and someone has just pulled us back and given us a second chance. This is historic, with enormous implications for the country, and most of all, it really feels like we’ve been granted a second chance.


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In Totally Agreement with you.

The country may have been pulled back from the brink, but I am pretty certain that Washington, Oregon, and Kalifornia will double down on stupid starting tomorrow.

I predict that by this time next year both the budget for, and the number of, feral homeless drug addicts in Portland will be double todays number. We just need to buy them more tents. ;-(

    mailman in reply to MajorWood. | November 6, 2024 at 5:48 am

    The obvious thing as far as Washington goes, is to move Government departments out to smaller areas far, far away from DC…when I say move Government departments out…I mean whats left of them after Elon has been through them with a fine tooth comb.

    Then as far as California is concerned…maybe start passing laws setting minimum standards for federal elections, like ID required, voting in person, on paper…on a Saturday.

      Milhouse in reply to mailman. | November 6, 2024 at 6:09 am

      Saturday? Why not a Sunday?

        alaskabob in reply to Milhouse. | November 6, 2024 at 6:23 am

        Agree….but for now keep those seatbelts fastened as Democrat turbulence is coming. They just will not sulk and go sit in the corner….there is a coup to complete.

        mailman in reply to Milhouse. | November 6, 2024 at 7:02 am

        Not fussed…as long as there is a single standard set for the ENTIRE f88king country 🙂

        gonzotx in reply to Milhouse. | November 6, 2024 at 7:29 am

        Because we are a God fearing country, and Christian by our very foundation

          Milhouse in reply to gonzotx. | November 7, 2024 at 12:07 am

          The constitution explicitly says otherwise, and so did some of the leading founders.

          The first treaty the USA signed, the treaty of friendship with Morocco, says that the USA is no more a Christian country than it is a Moslem one.

        E Howard Hunt in reply to Milhouse. | November 6, 2024 at 7:31 am

        Because this is a Christian nation

          Ghostrider in reply to E Howard Hunt. | November 6, 2024 at 8:45 am

          Saturday will alienate the Jewish community

          CommoChief in reply to E Howard Hunt. | November 6, 2024 at 8:49 am

          To demonstrate the validity of your claim list out the Census population of your County. Then list out the seating capacity by fire code for each Christian Church in your County.

          If the # of people that can be accommodated in Christian Church by fire code is more than 50% of the total population of your County I will donate $1K to the LI Foundation.

        Ghostrider in reply to Milhouse. | November 6, 2024 at 8:44 am

        I think the point is to declare election day as a Federal and possibly a State Holiday so people have the day off work, school, and other forms of employment that would close the polls earlier and allow for faster results reporting. My hope is there is more focus brought on mail-in voting, voting machine systems (Cambria and Bedford Counties PA, and voter ID standards and requirements.

        George_Kaplan in reply to Milhouse. | November 7, 2024 at 1:07 am

        Sunday runs afoul of the Sabbath so doing such would appear to be a deliberate attempt to upset Evangelicals and the like, which of course Democrats hate. That could lead to legal action, and failing that, far far more early voting andor mail ballots.

          CommoChief in reply to George_Kaplan. | November 7, 2024 at 4:30 am

          FYI other Abrahamic religions observe the Sabbath on different days; some on Sunday, some on Saturday, some on Friday.

          Milhouse in reply to George_Kaplan. | November 7, 2024 at 7:54 am

          CommoChief, FYI Moslems don’t have a sabbath. Friday is a day when Mosque attendance is compulsory for men, but is otherwise a normal work day. Generally Moslems just take a longer lunch break than usual, or just skip lunch to go to Mosque.

          CommoChief in reply to George_Kaplan. | November 7, 2024 at 8:24 am

          I think you’re making a distinction without difference but ok Muslims set aside Friday, Jews set aside Saturday (along with a few Christian sects) and Christians mostly set aside Sunday as the primary/mandatory day of worship.

          I couldn’t begin to know how Muslims in NYC go about Friday religious services but in the Middle East, Africa and Kosovo the call to prayer on Friday Morning and Evening was definitely answered. The locals poured into the Mosques to overflowing especially evening. It was definitely not simply something done over a long lunch break for those guys. When I was embedded into local Islamic units as an advisor they took religious worship very seriously, far more than average Americans and I don’t think my experience was unique based on conversations with other Veterans in similar situations.

      CommoChief in reply to mailman. | November 6, 2024 at 6:47 am

      Or even a week of early voting beginning on Monday the week prior to ‘election day’….so long as voter registration rolls are cleaned up and transparent, voter ID, paper ballots/#2 pencils, immediate tabulation w receipt and ‘absentee ballots’ limited to Military/Overseas voters and emergency medical and disability concerns (got a DL v State ID means you can vote in person, got a vehicle registered to you means you can vote in person -absent a new medical emergency, verified by Physician, ballot handed in person to Clerk by Spouse, Adult Child, Adult Sibling or Parent appointed/notarized by voter w all that investegated/validated

        gonzotx in reply to CommoChief. | November 6, 2024 at 7:31 am

        Some people don’t have friends or relatives

          CommoChief in reply to gonzotx. | November 6, 2024 at 7:34 am

          They can appoint a non relative in that case, so long as they can demonstrate that there’s literally no one else. This is how getting an absentee ballot works in Alabama by the way. Needless to say, we don’t have very many absentee ballot requests.

          CommoChief in reply to gonzotx. | November 6, 2024 at 7:56 am

          Elderly, spinster, childless Cat lady shut ins who’ve managed to alienate the rest of the world? Probably not gonna pull the GoP lever.

          Hodge in reply to gonzotx. | November 6, 2024 at 9:07 am

          Hey – why are you bringing up JR in this conversation?

        Why does everyone ignore the people who have to travel to work when it comes to absentee ballots?

        The only time I’ve voted absentee (other than my years in the military) was when I had to travel from the week prior to election day to the end of the week after election day. Why should I be screwed out of my vote?

        Anyone should be allowed to do what I did: go to the registrar’s office, show my voter ID (a voter ID card back then), get my ballot, fill it out right there, seal it up, sign the envelope, and turn it back in. Done.

          CommoChief in reply to GWB. | November 6, 2024 at 2:28 pm

          Firstly I reject the premise that you ‘must’ travel b/c yoy do have the choice not to do so. For that matter you have the choice of an alternate employer or indeed an alternate career path.

          In my proposal you get an entire week of early in person voting + in person election day voting. That’s a large concession from someone like me who wants a single election day. If someone chooses not to exercise their opportunity to vote in person that’s on them not me and I reject any attempts to make feel bad (SIGN language) about setting clear but very achievable in person voting requirements.

      WTPuck in reply to mailman. | November 6, 2024 at 2:48 pm

      Tuesday is fine. Make it a national holiday.

      I sent that suggestion to PDJT after he won the first time. Break up the cabals that have formed. Severely limit travel so they can’t fly to dc for “conferences” every week. We have zoom, make that the mandatory way to attend. It’ll save a bundle.
      But be careful, the smaller rural places might just end up in trouble from the feral invaders from dc.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | November 6, 2024 at 4:36 am

We’ve been given another chance


Thank you professor you helped stear the ship in a fierce winter storm

Now there is a chance to fix thing’s. We must rid America of illegals. Law needs to change to stop the anchor baby loophole.

There are great savings to be had by downsizing government, Removing meritless people and saving money.

I am ecstatic That we now have full control, you can bet that Deep State will need very tough love and do their best to stop what is about to happen.

    That we now have full control
    Not even remotely.
    But we might have enough control to start getting some things turned around.

      CommoChief in reply to GWB. | November 6, 2024 at 2:55 pm

      Now this we definitely agree about…gonna be a very tough row to hoe to get major goals accomplished with all the barriers and resistance that is coming.

      IMO the key for DJT is not to repeat the mistake he made with signing v VETO budget bills that don’t fully fund in current year his policy objectives. He already seems to have figured out the personnel problems and looks to be finding folks that align with MAGA goals. His decision not to be hoodwinked by the bureaucracy during ‘transition’ by rejecting the GSA transition assistance has already PO the DC establishment.

Illegal migration is a sugar-coated term for invasion. We’ve been invaded, and they all must go back. All of them. Or 6-feet under, I don’t care. I’m looking for the MAGA-style implementation of Operation Wetback that Eisenhower and General Jumpin’ Joe Swing pulled off in the 1950’s. I’m looking for history to repeat itself.

Well-stated, Professor. And, I add that it’s not merely the U.S. that is being pulled back from the precipice of the Abyss, but, the free world, as well.

He still hasn’t reached 270 yet I’m waiting for the shenanigans to start

The national map of counties’ votes is fascinating, and, it reveals what I’ve been saying for a long time — despite the constant Dhimmi-crat media propagandizing, shilling and sermonizing, the plain reality is that Dhimmi-crats’ corrosive and idiotic policies and conceits — e.g., their “transgender” misogyny and child/teen-abuse; their enabling of illegal immigration; their impoverishing “green”/”climate change” diktats; etc., — are not broadly popular, and win support exclusively in urban areas. Dhimmi-crat control of counties is incredibly sparse, which indicates that this wretched Party’s platform is not popular at all, outside of major cities.

    guyjones in reply to guyjones. | November 6, 2024 at 6:00 am

    The Dhimmi-crats had better find themselves a Bill Clinton 2.o, and, move towards the political center, posthaste, or else they are going to have a tough time winning presidential elections, again. We’ll see if these radicals are capable of engaging in self-reflection and moderation of their ideological fanaticism.

      Eric R. in reply to guyjones. | November 6, 2024 at 6:51 am

      Josh Shapiro might have been a logical choice at one time, but the party is now too drowning in Jew-hatred.

        guyjones in reply to Eric R.. | November 6, 2024 at 7:01 am

        I had said at the time that Harris rejected Shapiro as her running mate, that he actually won the lottery, by not being associated with this losing ticket. Shapiro comes out of this smelling like roses and without the stench of being an election loser.

        Divine/karmic justice for Harris giving in to her wretched Party’s Jew-hate.

      MajorWood in reply to guyjones. | November 6, 2024 at 11:11 am

      Klinton was a car salesman at best. He wanted to be THE ONE and when Waco went south and he did the Black Rifle ban he started a grassroots movement which is still changing things. Imagine where we would be now without all of the concealed carry bans being revoked. The guy who wanted to grab all of the guns instead put 30M AR’s into the hands of patriots (and a few gang members). There was an Oberlin grad who ran a violence prevention organization who stated in the alumni magazine that Klinton was the best gun control advocate ever. By what metric, I ask?

      Oh, BTW, have any Dems been out in public asking to expand the SC to 15 today? I am sure that Trump could come up with 9 good names.

        guyjones in reply to MajorWood. | November 8, 2024 at 9:45 pm

        Slick Willie was obviously a flawed man and President, but, he at least had pretty decent political instincts, and, rejected the worst excesses of Dhimmi-crat radicalism and fanaticism, understanding that such attitudes and policies would hurt the Party’s prospects. Then, narcissist-incompetent-dunce, Obama, came along, and, with an utterly slavish and obsequious media’s aid, brought the Dhimmi-crats to the far left, though dishonestly cloaking his radicalism in the veneer of alleged moderacy and normalcy.

He did it.

May have momentarily “pulled back from the abyss”, but the Deep State is still pushing…

yes the deep state is pushing but
now Elon is gonna push back
department heads are trying to
justify their existence.

Any new impeachments are going to be extremely difficult

Ty Professor.
I woke up with an upset stomach, then found out.
It has taken me a full half hour to calm down.

BTW, talking heads announced Dow Futures up 3%,, about 1200 points.
More than anything, I have hope.


You forgot another important thing in that abyss that we got pulled back from – a second Holocaust due to Iran nuking Israel.

And given that Israel is widely considered to have a large nuclear arsenal, who knows where things would have ended once nukes started flying?

    DaveGinOly in reply to Eric R.. | November 6, 2024 at 11:14 am

    Rumor has it that DJT told Bibi to end the war by inauguration day. If true, this may have been a surreptitious green light to destroy as much of Iran’s war-fighting capability in the interim, so the Iran-backed forces of Hamas and Hezbollah will collapse utterly for having the rug pulled out from under them.

      MajorWood in reply to DaveGinOly. | November 6, 2024 at 12:39 pm

      I think the cause and effect here is off base a bit. Hamas/Hezbollah attacked Israel because they believed that the US would step in and restrain Israel. With trump in office, there is no longer a guarantee that the US will force a cease fire. I now see H/H themselves backing down because they can see even worse things down the pipe.

      As a comedian put it back in 1980, the only way that Iran can retaliate is to tow their disabled f14 down to the beach with a jeep and fire an air to air missile at your nuclear powered carrier 15 miles off shore. In the last 12 hrs I suspect that Iran has looked around and realized that no one else has “their” back at the moment, and in turn, has tapped H/H on the shoulder and told them to “cool it.”

        texansamurai in reply to MajorWood. | November 7, 2024 at 10:54 am

        In the last 12 hrs I suspect that Iran has looked around and realized that no one else has “their” back at the moment, and in turn, has tapped H/H on the shoulder and told them to “cool it.”

        fortunately for the world, after sustaining the oct 7 attack, the israelis have decided to proceed with ” every. last. one. ” –and whatever influence the iranians had/have on H/H was rendered irrelevant–justice is coming for the terrorists and it will be for the israelis and no one else to decide when ” enough is enough ” and we should support them in their efforts

    JohnSmith100 in reply to Eric R.. | November 6, 2024 at 1:42 pm

    Iran would end up a glass wasteland. It would be better for the Iranian people if the mullah’s and all their stooges are rooted out.

Israel has a green light to destroy Iran’s nuclear program.

    guyjones in reply to Paula. | November 6, 2024 at 8:02 am

    Just as important, peace between Saudi Arabia and Israel, under President Trump’s sponsorship/guidance, will be possible, building upon the historic and shamefully non-lauded (by the leftist media) Abraham Accords.

    President Trump will win the Nobel Peace Prize during his second term — mark my words.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to Paula. | November 6, 2024 at 1:45 pm

    It is inevitable that destroying Iran’s nuclear program will result in radiation leaks.

Good post and I agree. But as Rush used to say, the left NEVER gives up. They view electoral defeats as temporary setbacks. Not a rejection of their ideology.

    guyjones in reply to Groty. | November 6, 2024 at 8:02 am

    This is true — these reprobates are relentless.

    Hodge in reply to Groty. | November 6, 2024 at 9:14 am

    I am glad not to be the first to issue a warning that we have not yet entered paradise. There is a lot of work ahead. Last night, when the results showed Trump hitting 270 I sent a screen shot of that map, without any comment to a friend who is a Democrat. He’s an attorney, so one would presume that he’s educated and informed, but anyhow, here’s his response this morning:

    “We welcome our Christian Nationalist Overlords.

    Childless Cat Ladies not welcome.

    The forecast is for mass deportations, isolationism, trade tariffs, and settling political scores.

    Oh, and CORRUPTION at historically unprecedented levels.

    Obama Care is dead. Ukraine is totally f***ked. Israel will continue killing until they feel like it.

    Do you think DJT will finally remember Project 2025?

    Let’s see what happens to Medicare, Social Security and VA benefits.”

    It was sobering for me.

      MajorWood in reply to Hodge. | November 6, 2024 at 11:14 am

      Right now Social Security is going up at 2.5% and inflation running well north of 10. I bet most Seniors would be happy with no SS increase and inflation at 2-3%. Afterall, they went to school when math was actually taught.

        CommoChief in reply to MajorWood. | November 6, 2024 at 2:33 pm

        Fat chance. The AARP and its membership will raise bloody hell if Congress attempts to roll back the COLA, which are automatic by Federal statute. Heck they should raise hell.

      JohnSmith100 in reply to Hodge. | November 6, 2024 at 1:56 pm

      It sounds to me like your friend is worried about large numbers of Dem criminals being held accountable. It is clear that criminality is widely accepted in the Dem party. They just had their tails kicked and they still do not understand why.

      Milhouse in reply to Hodge. | November 7, 2024 at 7:59 am

      Do you think DJT will finally remember Project 2025?

      I hope so. But I’m afraid that once he distanced himself from it he’ll be hostile to it.

      And corruption?! Where is that coming from?

    DaveGinOly in reply to Groty. | November 6, 2024 at 11:18 am

    I argued earlier that the Dems would be better off not cheating (“See! We don’t cheat!”), taking the loss, “resisting” Trump for four years, then running in 2028 with the complaint that Trump didn’t do what he said he would do. The fight doesn’t end with Trump’s win.

      CommoChief in reply to DaveGinOly. | November 6, 2024 at 2:38 pm

      The legacy media and d/prog gonna do their best to pin all the problems on Trump. Then they and the bureaucracy, along with more than a few establishment GoP neocon/globalist types gonna work to undercut and frustrate any changes.

      For example the massaging of the economic numbers by the BLS to make them seem less bad is probably gonna end when Trump takes office. All the crap swept under the rug, the problems under the hood and unmentioned gonna come to center stage to add to the burden of performance for DJT and GoP to ‘solve’.

So far got the WH Senate recaptured +2 net w maybe another net +3 on top for a more comfortable margin of Senate control. The next battle is internal to choose the Senate Majority Leader hopefully the newer/younger members can overcome McConnell’s wing but that’s a big hill to climb. HoR is likely to be retained by GoP but loss of CD like Alabama 2 CD (my CD FWIW) that were ordered redrawn after the ’22 midterms makes the margin smaller. Going to be boisterous in the HoR. I hope the old guard establishment wing in the HoR and DC GoP establishment in general can now appreciate they gotta work just as hard for the 15-20 populist members votes as they do the 15-20 ‘moderate’ votes in HoR. Stiff arming the populist members and belittling them is a recipe for legislative failure as the current session demonstrated.

” comes the time, comes the man. “

I agree that something needs to be done about this election interference, but it will take an amendment to do so. The Constitution spells it out plainly that voting is the realm of the states – it took one to get blacks, women and teenagers the vote. A simple law cannot be passed to do it.

I am also overjoyed that our political prisoners will be pardoned in January!!!!!

We’re not back from the abyss just yet. Trump needs to:

1. Recess appoint his team on Inauguration Day and get every single one of Biden’s people out of the building.
2. Propose a constitutional amendment to require the legislative filibuster. If it passes, we don’t have to worry about 51 Democrats in the future turning DC and PR into states, stacking the Supreme Court and codifying vote fraud. If it doesn’t pass within a year, repeal the filibuster, and pass the entire Republican agenda on straight line party votes.
3. Reform the civil service. The civil service was never constitutional (Article II: the executive power is vested in the President of the United States)–and in the last 100 years has morphed from a “team of experts” into a coven of leftist hacks.
4. Support Israel and slap Iran around.
5. Fix the power grid–enable natural gas and nuclear–and end subsidies for windmills and solar.
6. Don’t do stupid stuff. Leave abortion to the states. Be very careful about tariffs. Don’t create new entitlements.

Most of all, the Republicans need to build on the issues that got them elected: inflation, immigration, energy, and Israel.

    I am against abortion and believe Dobbs was decided correctly. However, I think that this is a devisive national political issue that should be taken off the table. That would benefit the Republicans. I also think that given the consensus that abortion should be allowed on some basis, having a patchwork quilt of rules all over the place is dumb. I favor a Constitutional Amendment allowing it on some basis, like the rest of the world. If proposed by Trump, that could also be regarded as a “unifying” move.

      CommoChief in reply to jb4. | November 6, 2024 at 3:02 pm

      Nope. Keep the feds out of the abortion issue, keep Congress away from (other than Hyde amendment) b/c it is a damn tar baby. The Congressional delegation from States with very restrictive laws and from the States with very permissive laws re abortion will align to defeat squishy federal policy that doesn’t give ‘their’ team ….if any Federal legislation does pass it will be more permissive than whay we allow in Alabama and we worked damn hard to get it done, why sell out grassroot anti abortion activists? Nope.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to Disgusted. | November 6, 2024 at 2:11 pm

    Expulsion of all illegals should be a high priority, They are an expensive waste of resources & will greatly alter pollical power in favor of Dems. They are low skills and not beneficial. Immigration should be about is good for America.

    Mt. Fuji in reply to Disgusted. | November 6, 2024 at 7:47 pm

    1. Recess appoint his team on Inauguration Day and get every single one of Biden’s people out of the building.
    A: I learned yesterday that he has had a transition committee since June, so he is playing a different game with that issue
    2. Propose a constitutional amendment to require the legislative filibuster. If it passes, we don’t have to worry about 51 Democrats in the future turning DC and PR into states, stacking the Supreme Court and codifying vote fraud. If it doesn’t pass within a year, repeal the filibuster, and pass the entire Republican agenda on straight line party votes.
    A: Good luck with that
    3. Reform the civil service. The civil service was never constitutional (Article II: the executive power is vested in the President of the United States)–and in the last 100 years has morphed from a “team of experts” into a coven of leftist hacks.
    A: Schedule “F” should take care of the GS-14/15 crowd and the SES (Senior Executive Service) problem areas of civil service. Also ban unions from Civil service too.
    4. Support Israel and slap Iran around.
    A: Why? The Iran (Persia) issue is over 100 years old and started by the British. Hell 99% of the problems in the ME were because of the British 100 years ago
    5. Fix the power grid–enable natural gas and nuclear–and end subsidies for windmills and solar.
    A: That should have started in 1970, and will take billions of dollars and decades to realize
    6. Don’t do stupid stuff. Leave abortion to the states. Be very careful about tariffs. Don’t create new entitlements.

    Milhouse in reply to Disgusted. | November 7, 2024 at 8:02 am

    1. Recess appoint his team on Inauguration Day and get every single one of Biden’s people out of the building.

    The senate will not be in recess that day. And even with R majorities in both houses it’s not about to adjourn for a couple of weeks just to accommodate Trump.

It’s not very far back from that cliff edge, Professor.
Electing Trump will not save us or our country. Not in, and of, itself.

Now we need to do the hard work of convincing our fellow Americans of the value of the “animating contest of freedom” – with all its risks and responsibilities – over wealth or “the tranquility of servitude.” If we do not do that hard work, too many of those who crossed over to vote Trump will simply slide back into their Democrat/Progressive mold.

We also need to give Trump the backing to start (he will only be able to start) ripping out all the non-federal parts of the national gov’t, and all of the un-constitutional “multitude of offices” that “harass our people.” Otherwise, the chains will simply bear us down once again.

Hopefully General Flynn and Ivan Raiklin make it more than written in the sand…

The thing that I am most concerned about with the current voting is the literal “early release of results” in the form of statistics on how many ballots have been submitted and where. How is that not thinly veiled election interference. I am sure there is a direct line from the local county election bureau to the local dem office telling them how many ballots have been brought in from the various boxes scattered around the county. This is especially important as we have a regulation where changes to taxes require a 50% participation, so not voting can in fact overturn what could be a 70/30 passage by them not getting the minimum. As someone who religiously votes against all taxes, this is a consideration.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to MajorWood. | November 6, 2024 at 2:20 pm

    In the late 90’s I killed a $40 school millage I twice over their failure to do well for my children, I continued this when I had time ever since.

    They just lost another big one, over $50 million 🙂 🙂

    I am about to send the current administration a gloating email explaining the facts of life.

Now, let’s squander this.
All is still in jeopardy.
Our Congress blew after 2016

Blew it. Internet burning right now, interruptions.

Ok, Trump won. What is next? There are only couple of legal avenues that Trump can take as president to avoid the corrupt court system, the corrupt “ABC” agencies, the corrupt media/Hollywierd and all the other bad actors.
Who is going to be on his cabinet? What is the gameplan to “cure/heal/repair/restore” this country? How much more pain will the public go through? Are enough “awake” now? Or are we going to use more time to “wake” even more people up? How will Trump solve the debt issue? When will we see a US Treasury Note printed rather than a Federal Reserve Note? When will we see the Revenue Act of 1913 abolished? When will we see the Federal Reserve Act abolished? How will Trump deport 15+ million Illegals without a legal/physical fight? There are ALLOT of hard questions that need to be asked AND answered in order to right this sinking ship.

This is unfortunately temporary. Trump will have the entire Federal government, including the judiciary, in resistance mode to make sure none of his agenda gets done. Eventually we will foolishly elect a Democrat government again, and they will be hell bent to destroy whatever Trump does now, then double down on what Biden/Harris have done.