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Trump Nominates Pro-Mask Dr. Janette Nesheiwat for Surgeon General

Trump Nominates Pro-Mask Dr. Janette Nesheiwat for Surgeon General

“During the COVID-19 pandemic, she worked on the front lines in New York City treating thousands of Americans and helped patients in the aftermath of President Donald Trump’s Historic Operation Warp Speed that saved hundreds of millions of lives.”

President-elect Donald Trump nominated Dr. Janette Nesheiwat to serve as U.S. Surgeon General.

Trump said:

Dr. Nesheiwat is a double board-certified Medical Doctor with an unwavering commitment to saving and treating thousands of American lives.

Dr. Nesheiwat is a fierce advocate and strong communicator for preventive medicine and public health. She is committed to ensuring that Americans have access to affordable, quality healthcare, and believes in empowering individuals to take charge of their health to live longer, healthier lives.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, she worked on the front lines in New York City treating thousands of Americans and helped patients in the aftermath of President Donald Trump’s Historic Operation Warp Speed that saved hundreds of millions of lives.

Dr. Nesheiwat is (or at least was) pro-mask during the pandemic and called the COVID vaccines “a gift from God.”

Maybe she’s changed her mind. I hope she has.

But Dr. Nesheiwat has an impressive medical history:

Her expertise and leadership have been pivotal during some of the most challenging Healthcare crises of our time. Dr. Janette provided on-the-ground medical treatment to Americans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and the Joplin tornadoes. She is also a member of Samaritan’s Purse Disaster Assistance, Relief Team, and has provided lifesaving care during crises in Morocco, Haiti, and Poland.

A proud graduate of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Dr. Nesheiwat’s journey began with humble roots as one of five children raised by a widowed immigrant mother who worked as a nurse. Inspired by her mother’s resilience and compassion, Dr. Nesheiwat pursued a life of service, transforming her deep-seated desire to help others into a distinguished medical career.


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Better than the alternative but I don’t think we’ll get that new broom. What’s with all the babe appointees: is this Fox News or something?

Looks to me like another unforced error.

    alaskabob in reply to Q. | November 22, 2024 at 9:38 pm

    Anyone pushing masks is just slightly more modern than bleeding to cure disease.

    MattMusson in reply to Q. | November 23, 2024 at 4:30 am

    More than likely, Trump’s HHS pick Kennedy had a significant role in this pick and in choosing the head of the FDA.

    JR in reply to Q. | November 23, 2024 at 5:19 pm

    No, this was a forced error. Remember, Trump destroyed thousands of small businesses when he enforced the Covid 19 restrictions and masks. And he praised Fauci, and then awarded him with a Presidential Accommodation. What else would you expect from Trump?

What an unbelievably miserable pick. She’s a card carrying Covidiot. I don’t know where she stands on mutilating kids at the alter of the Trans Gods. But, if her Covid history is any indication, I’m not hopeful.

Dolce Far Niente | November 22, 2024 at 9:24 pm

Since the Surgeon General is of very little significance politically and of no consequence when it comes to draining the Swamp…


But I don’t see how one can be said to have an “impressive” background if you consumed the covid propaganda wholesale and without any effort to see whether or not those so called preventative measures actually worked, or that the morbidity an mortality figures were accurate.

    I’m not sure I would say the position has ‘very little significance to draining the swamp.’ The federal public health corps is a reasonably large bureaucracy in itself and the Surgeon General leads it. The medical profession writ large is failing. One of the largest drivers of policies/best practices in that industry is the public health corps, particularly on the larger medical institutions, public and private. This of course is in addition to the significant Bully Pulpit enjoyed by the SG. There’s a reason Democrats put EXTREME progressives in that role, without fail (remember Jocelyn Elders?). It can really shape the broader medical system in the country over a 4-year period.

Does anyone actually care who he picked, with respect to her family. She will be a familiar face and that is a head start.

Pfizer lied to everyone about the vaccine. Naomi Wolf’s new book, “Crime of the Century” provides the facts about Pfizer mRNA. It’s reviewed by Bruce Bawer here:

Trump may have lucked out. It was under Biden that the vaccine was imposed on the public, and the lies of the government (except for Fauci) became legend.

Watch this again and you’ll see the culprits, funny if it wasn’t so sad.

Let’s not forget that the Covid panicdemic was without precedent. The best medical minds we had/have were simply making educated guesses about what to do and how to do it. The closest analog we had was the influenza epidemic that peaked in the 1910’s but even that didn’t bear a close resemblance to what we had a century later. Nobody knew what to do then, either. Thank you, China.

So before we all-knowing lay people get too wrapped up in tossing bombs, let’s keep that in mind. We’re working from the experience. They didn’t have any, and the fact that we had Fauci compounding the problem made it worse. Let’s remember what he did, too.

    DaveGinOly in reply to DSHornet. | November 22, 2024 at 11:11 pm

    No. They were not “making educated guesses.” Guessing would have resulted in getting some things wrong and some things right. A homeless dementia patient would have had a better record by flipping a coin. The “experts” literally (and I mean that literally) got everything wrong. They weren’t guessing (in any manner). They were not following the science (the science changed rapidly, while the experts never deviated from the initial attempt instill panic, they kept the panic pedal to the metal). They were lying to us.

    gonzotx in reply to DSHornet. | November 23, 2024 at 2:05 am

    Many Drs knew the vaccine as BS and dangerous, many lost prestigious positions and their income to stand up for the truth
    This is Trump refusing to acknowledge the vaccine he was so proud of, was really a tool to undermine him and murder its citizens

    ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to DSHornet. | November 23, 2024 at 5:37 am

    Let’s not forget that the Covid panicdemic was without precedent.

    Nothing could be further from the truth. Mankind has lived with pandemics since the beginning of time.

    CommoChief in reply to DSHornet. | November 23, 2024 at 7:14 am

    Nope. The data on ineffective masks already existed and was ignored. The 6ft social distancing was made up with zero scientific basis. Shutting down religious worship, attending funerals, weddings or just bedside of a dying relative. They shut down small businesses in favor of big box companies. Shut down schools. Called for firing folks won’t didn’t want their ineffective Jab.

    That was all done maliciously and without any scientific basis. It didn’t take a PhD or an MD to understand Covid policy stupidity.

      kak185ttx in reply to CommoChief. | November 23, 2024 at 1:46 pm

      Yep. Anyone with basic knowledge of the size of viruses and the design of masks would know they would be ineffective. And with common sense – knowing that masks would inhibit air flow making it more difficult to breath would be obvious that you this was not a solution . And as you mentioned lots of prior literature on this

    Evil Otto in reply to DSHornet. | November 23, 2024 at 7:51 am

    Government officials (whether state, local, or federal) were EAGER to implement whatever bullshit rules scientists recommended no matter how much they interfered with basic liberties.

    Oh? Have a look at the Great Barrington Declaration.

    Dolce Far Niente in reply to DSHornet. | November 23, 2024 at 12:40 pm

    Very early on in the pandemic, the cruise ship Diamond Princess was the ideal study of what this pathogen would actually do and delivered data that was irrefutable..

    It was a closed system, thousands of participants, ,a largely older population. The morbidity and mortality data from the Diamond Princess was IGNORED, because it didn’t suit the purposes of the PTB in Big Pharma and Big Med..

    They knew, and chose to ignore the realities of covid-19.

    Instead, we were treated to hysterical videos of non-existent crises (remember the images of Chinese people dropping dead in the streets? the Italian ER film that ran endlessly as though from different countries? The body bags and refrigerated trucks for the thousands of expected dead? The people being buried in mass graves?) and recommendations that were nothing but silly guesses and flat out lies. And not for a short learning period, but for years.
    Unforgivable to a profession that pretend it is science-based is the way they manipulated the death figures to inflate the mortality rate of the pathogen.

    And this is entirely apart from issues surrounding the vaccine.

    The medical establishment acted very, very poorly.
    God help us if we actually had a dangerous pandemic.

      Thank you for reminding those with severe memory loss (the everyday guy in the street) ie’ TV dementia that we had an actual instance of COVID exposure.
      You might also notice that the screaming meemies hollering the loudest were those whose immune systems were most at risk – for one reason or another

        CommoChief in reply to paracelsus. | November 23, 2024 at 3:14 pm

        Absolutely on point; lots of scary cat obese folks with bad hearts from no exercise and eating too many fatty cakes, among other bad health choices, demanding the rest of us pay for their mistakes. Eff that. Never again.

    paracelsus in reply to DSHornet. | November 23, 2024 at 3:00 pm

    I’m not one to disagree (be disagreeable) but I’m sorry to say that we did have very recent precedent of government intrusion into science in the midst of a “pandemic”:
    please recall/review/re-examine the government skewed statistics and very strong recommendations regarding the HIV/AIDS problem in the ’80s and ’90s.

Unforced error for the covid issue (she was very clearly in the wrong).

Where does she stand on trans? Animal research that fails to get any usable results for humans? Sending money to foreign labs to do research that is illegal in this country?

The devil is in the details and we should at least wait to learn what her stances on current issues.

I guess it’s wait and see, what does she have to say for herself?

2 bad picks in one day

Did Fauci decline?

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | November 23, 2024 at 5:35 am

The Surgeon General is just a plastic position that does absolutely nothing. Nesheiwat was wrong about pretty everything regarding COVID … but she’s kind of hot so who cares. It’s not as if she is going to be doing anything as surgeon general. She can run around the White House in a lab coat.

    Victoria’s Secret under a lab coat. That would be ok considering Biden had guys doing the nasty in Congressional spaces and trannys flashing fake boobs on the lawn.

      ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to diver64. | November 23, 2024 at 12:44 pm

      Evidently, she had turned serious skeptic on the COVID shots and corrected her mistakes pretty well. It is a truly admirable quality that someone in public life can admit they’re wrong and reverse course, in public. And, on top of that … she’s still hot.

This is Trumps first truly horrible pick. At least the S.G. has no power to do much of anything.

Ty Mary.

Hopefully she is unburndened by what was.

Personally, I think the good guys turned the appointment down.

Masks and distancing work for some illnesses but not COVID. I think everyone here that knows me knows I disagreeed with vax mandates but not necessarily trying a vaccine.

Wasn’t this one of the people that helped refute the Cuomo lies?

    CommoChief in reply to healthguyfsu. | November 23, 2024 at 8:09 am

    Yeah. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 as Ultimate Covid Karen Boss and a 1 as the Covid version of Florida Man lashing himself to a tree to ride out a hurricane she began as a 7 then worked her way back towards a 3 or a 4.

    I’ve been as critical of how public health community and govt handled Covid as anyone but I am OK with her nomination to be Surgeon General. Call it cautious optimism.

    inspectorudy in reply to healthguyfsu. | November 23, 2024 at 9:17 am

    I think many here deliberately disremember what happened when the virus first appeared. Fauci led the way with his lies and exaggerations and was considered to be the expert on pandemics. I remember looking up the value of wearing masks and there were many different studies that were opposite from another.

Victor Immature | November 23, 2024 at 7:37 am

Kind of looks like Marisa Tomei

Jerome Adams 2.0. Let’s hope the ChiComs don’t unleash another bug. There were zero consequences last time.

Honestly it’s not enough to have NOT Democrats in the WH and Congress.

This admin had better do stuff that improves MY life.

DOGE is crap to me if my taxes don’t go down and my liberties don’t increase as a result.

“A proud graduate of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences,…”
“She graduated from the American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine.[9] and then completed the family medicine residency program at University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in 2009.[”
I think we’re being fed cow flop – for a change

The group born prior to 1960, the over-sixtyfivers, was hit the worst, more than anyone else, during the Biden regime; it was almost as if they were being targeted specifically.
No longer wanted in the job market, they’ve come to live on their rapidly diminishing assets they’ve accrued over a 45 year year lifetime; rapidly-dimishing due to extreme inflation (a “nickel candy bar” of the early ’60s now the size of a dime, a can of Campbell’s Tomato Soup now 1/3 smaller and four times the price).
The media has become aware of the high suicide rate among veterans with PTSD; have they noticed a similar, if not far greater problem among the “elderly” or are they that busy trying to keep their families fed that they don’t even notice.

A masker and a denialist re the horrible miscarriage causing mRNA vaccines.

BigRosieGreenbaum | November 23, 2024 at 2:25 pm

Pro masks=no way.

Before you guys start throwing rocks… (looks at comments) Oh, too late. Anyway, if Trump had nominated *anybody* to the SG position who was even slightly to the right, the left would have gone (and probably still will go) into full screaming mode about how she’s going to mandate ivermectin for the common cold and kill all of our children, and the Senate leftists would just amplify the screeching until it filled every minute of the mainstream news. Trump trusts this nominee, so I’m giving her a certain degree of trust in return, hoping that she balances out in the end.