Sen. Gillibrand Admits Democrats Waited Too Long to Address Border Crisis
She even criticized Republicans over their rhetoric. Yeah, okay. Democrats called non-leftists Nazis, fascists, and garbage. Sit down, lady.

Awwwww! Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) admitted that her party waited too long to address the border crisis and immigration problems.
Yeah, now they care since President-elect Donald Trump demolished VP Kamala Harris, the GOP retook the Senate, and Republicans kept the House majority.
Gillibrand wants to head the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC), too.
The senator spoke to Fox News. Not only did she admit about immigration, but she also said that ordinary people have concerns about the cost of living, whether it’s grocery bills or housing.
Gillibrand had to weave in typical Democrat talking points, of course:
Well, I can tell you in the Hudson Valley races, the races on Long Island, the races in Syracuse area, people really wanted to talk about the cost of things. They wanted to talk about their grocery bills going up, the fact that it’s really hard to find an affordable house, whether you’re trying to rent an apartment or rent a house or buy a house. Mortgage rates were out of reach for most people, and rental rates can continue to rise. So basic things like food and housing were really more salient, more important to people that I talk to around my state.
The second issue that really worried people was their public safety. They wanted to know that they were safe in their communities and in their schools. They wanted to make sure their kids were safe. So issues like immigration and fentanyl trafficking and gun trafficking were really important to them.
Yeah, for me, it would have been great if we could have gotten these common sense, bipartisan ideas on the table two years ago. Like, real a while ago, because the urgency has been very top of mind for certain communities in New York. I think it was leaned in by Republican candidates to divide America, which I found to be really unfortunate, demonizing such a small number of people who largely are deeply at risk and have a lot of challenges I thought was mean spirited and unnecessary.
And from my perspective, I believe we should treat each other the way we want to be treated. I believe we should love our neighbor and help make a stronger society. So picking out one group of people to demonize and to scapegoat and to be so harsh towards, I just thought was terrible and it scared people because they don’t understand it. And so it was effective politically, but I don’t think it was a great way to campaign in America. I think you just say it like it is. Just be truthful about it.
And on a lot of those issues, a lot of our state governments already take care of it. They deal with issues like student athletics. They have rules. The local organizations that monitor those sports also have their own rules, and we can figure this out, together as a community, as a family, as a school system and as a state, and to, again, demonize just a handful of people around the country is just mean.
Gary [Peters], I thought, did a great job as a DSCC chair. I really admire him, I think he worked really hard. He comes from Michigan. So again, a state that is quite purple. Sometimes red, sometimes blue. And he understands that the kitchen table issues and issues that are really so important to families about how to provide for their kids. Those have to be top of mind at all times. And Democrats worked really hard to actually govern on those issues.
Yeah…I highly doubt the Democrats didn’t learn anything. They double down on everything in 2024. They learned nothing after 2016.
It’s also precious she criticized Republicans for “demonizing” people. Democrats and leftists *literally* called anyone who didn’t prioritize their issues Nazis, fascists, garbage, racists, sexists, homophobes, etc. Democrats have no right to criticize the right’s rhetoric.
Instead of asking us why we prioritized the economy, they spewed insults at us. You ruined any chance at unity. You called my mother a Nazi and fascist. That’s unforgivable.
I don’t care if you call me names. As a libertarian, I’m used to it. But when you insult my parents, especially my mama, you’ve crossed a line, and there’s no going back.

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Address the border crisis? Hells bells woman, you and yours are responsible for it.
Did they ever actually address it? I missed that. If Harris eked through, it would continue to be an open border.
Now they will unapologetically fight any attempt to fix their “problem.”
Sure, they addressed it all the time. They kept saying there wasn’t a problem.
Had the Dems done anything about it, they would have expected a pat on the back. That would have been like the fire department torching your home, putting the fire out, and then expecting your thanks.
“Sen. Gillibrand Admits Democrats Waited Too Long to Address Border Crisis”
If by ‘Address” you mean deliberately chartering planes to fly the f*ers in.
What an idiot.
She’s not an idiot.
She just thinks we are.
Hey Gilli, remember when you sent your daughter out to campaign for you on the UES? She setup shop on a street corner and proceeded to tell people why we should vote for you again; unfortunately there were a couple of homeless people about half a block up from her. This added a nice visual example for those who are politically impaired. I pointed out to your offspring that you hadn’t been doing a very good job; I pointed out the street people to her. I asked why on earth she and her do nothing hack mother weren’t slinking away in shame. I remember.
It’s not complicated. Gillibrand is a huge leftist nothing.
Sen. Gillibrand Admits Democrats Waited Too Long to Address Border Crisis
The open border was 100% DEMOCRAT POLICY.
Democrats are treasonous scum who orchestrated an invasion of America. The only “crisis” that the democrats saw with the border is that they wanted hundreds of millions to pour through and drown America.
Democrats are traitors. Pure and simple. They hate themselves and everything that reminds them of themselves, which is why the modern Left are nihilists who are looking to destroy Western Civilization.
They are deranged scum – among the sickest people who have ever inhabited the planet. And they know it.
I blame McConnell.
SOMEONE ran against her this election, but hardly ANYONE knew about this person or even heard that someone opposed her. The same is true for Schumer’s last election.
McConnell and his cronies have refused to support Republicans in New York State. Sure, the state is blue, but forfeiting elections is no way to support Republican and conservative causes.
And case in point: Virginia. Something like 10 years ago, VA Republicans weren’t even bothering to run candidates in “hopeless” districts. It led to the bulldozer administrations of McAuliffe and Northam. Then the grassroots got involved and showed some fight. The result was Youngkin and much down=ballot improvement.
TBH that’s gonna be the solution. A more bottom up grassroots effort led not by the establishment but by ordinary Citizens fed up with complacency and feckless ‘leadership’.
From where I am standing, it looks like the opposite.
They did address it right away, on day one of Biden’s administration. Remember?
Let’s not pretend that they want to stop the invasion . They don’t. They did what they intended to do and got the results that they wanted. Except for losing the 2024 elections.
Talks cheap. The left thought replacement theory would save them.
Washington has not been nice to Gillibrand. She looks like total sh*t.
Isn’t she the same one that is shrieking about deporting the millions she and the dems let in? So they create a problem, let in millions of people then lose all 3 branches of government partially over this, admit there is a border problem but fight to keep all the illegals here anyways.
Forgive me if I don’t believe a word out of her mouth
Yep. Getting these illegal aliens out of the USA will free up housing, reduce rents, decrease demand for municipal services, decrease demand on hospitals/medical care, decrease pressure on local schools and all while increasing wages for ordinary workers.
Rational voters want their elected representatives to focus on kitchen table issues such as Biden-Harrisflation; failed/leftist-indoctrinating public schools; open borders and the illegal alien invasion; skyrocketing urban crime; etc. — as opposed to the self-indulgent, self-congratulatory, virtue-signaling obsessions of wealthy, coastal and urban Dhimmi-crat elites — enabling obnoxious and evil tranny misogyny, invasion of women’s and girls’ private spaces and sports; imposing impoverishing, idiotic, unfeasible and national security-threatening “green” and “climate change” diktats and schemes; and, gleefully supporting goose-stepping, genocidal Arab Muslim terrorists and Islamofascists.
This is shocking only to the vile, stupid and perennially out-of-touch Dhimmicrat Swamp apparatchiks.
“Waited too long to address border crisis”
Well yeah, they have yet to start!
Biden created the border crisis on day #1, but okay, whatever.