White House Changed Biden’s ‘Garbage’ Comment About Trump Supporters

Biden Trump Supporters Garbage 2

The Associated Press learned from White House sources that officials altered the transcript from President Joe Biden’s Zoom call where he called Trump supporters trash.

Yes, it has to do with the apostrophe in supporters:

Biden, according to a transcript prepared by the official White House stenographers, told the Latino group on a Tuesday evening video call, “The only garbage I see floating out there is his supporters — his — his demonization of Latinos is unconscionable, and it’s un-American.”The transcript released by the White House press office, however, rendered the quote with an apostrophe, reading “supporter’s” rather than “supporters,” which aides said pointed to Biden criticizing Hinchcliffe, not the millions of Americans who are supporting Trump for president.The change was made after the press office “conferred with the president,” according to an internal email from the head of the stenographers’ office that was obtained by The AP. The authenticity of the email was confirmed by two government officials who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss internal matters.The supervisor, in the email, called the press office’s handling of the matter “a breach of protocol and spoliation of transcript integrity between the Stenography and Press Offices.”“If there is a difference in interpretation, the Press Office may choose to withhold the transcript but cannot edit it independently,” the supervisor wrote, adding, “Our Stenography Office transcript — released to our distro, which includes the National Archives — is now different than the version edited and released to the public by Press Office staff.”

We have a video. We’re not stupid.

I mean, their story isn’t much better because it negates the narrative of placing the comic’s joke on Trump.

The media spent three days harping on the joke and connecting it to Trump.

But the White House kept trying to say that Biden only meant the garbage comment towards the comedian.

So, either way, the administration screws itself.

Major props to the supervisor of the team for calling out the administration:

The supervisor, a career employee of the White House, raised the concerns about the press office action — but did not weigh in on the accuracy of the edit — in an email to White House communications director Ben LaBolt, press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and other press and communications officials.“Regardless of urgency, it is essential to our transcripts’ authenticity and legitimacy that we adhere to consistent protocol for requesting edits, approval, and release,” the supervisor wrote.

Tags: Donald Trump, Joe Biden, White House