Pennsylvania Senate Race Headed to Mandated Recount
Pennsylvania holds a recount if the victory margin is below 0.5%.

Many places called the Pennsylvania senate race for Republican challenger David McCormick over Democrat incumbent Sen. Bob Casey.
I knew it was a mistake because Pennsylvania law orders a required recount if the margin is below 0.5%.
Secretary of the Commonwealth Al Schmidt announced today that unofficial results in the Nov. 5 general election race for U.S. Senate have triggered a legally required statewide recount.
Senator Bob Casey and Dave McCormick have vote totals within the one-half of 1 percent margin that triggers a mandatory recount under state law.
As of today, the unofficial returns for the U.S. Senate race submitted by all 67 counties show the following results for the top two candidates:
- Robert P. Casey Jr. – 3,350,972 (48.50%)
- David H. McCormick – 3,380,310 (48.93%)
Once counties finish counting their ballots, they must begin the recount no later than Wednesday, Nov. 20. They must complete the recount by noon on Nov. 26 and must report results to the Secretary by noon on Nov. 27. Results of the recount will not be published until Nov. 27.
This is insanity. The election ended on November 5.
Pennsylvania admitted it has “60,366 uncounted provisional ballots and 20,155 uncounted mail-in and absentee ballots.”
McCormick’s Republican senate primary against Mehmet Oz in 2022 went to a recount.

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Here comes the steal.
Funny how that happens when you can ” count” for a week
If these States with inefficient election process and weak ballot security/election fraud measures don’t want to be accused of creating conditions to make it easier to engage in election shenanigans …they should tighten up the security and count the early votes before election day so there’s no overhang of ballots and no ballot dumps that keep them from expeditiously working through the provisional ballots. Other States get it done quickly b/c they had the political will to do so.
Counting early votes before election day means the Dems already know how far behind they are, and thus how many votes they need to manufacture on the day. That’s why many states don’t allow any counting until voting is over.
The early count of the early ballots ends the issue of the ballot dump b/c the early mail in ballots (the.easiest to ‘generate’) are already counted. Thus there’s no universe of ballots to dump.
Early-arriving postal ballots are no easier to generate than ones that are mailed closer to or on the day. And while they’re significantly easier to generate than the traditional fraud of on-the-day ballot-box-stuffing and other on-the-day fraud, those are still pretty easy. Early counting gives them advance notice of how much they have to generate in those ways.
Glad to see you agree about dangerous weaknesses inherent in mailed balloting. The next step is conducting purely in person voting, paper ballot, #2 pencil, scanned on site, receipt issued. Prior to that though would be cleaning up the voter registration list. I propose a birth month audit in which registrants go in person to the clerk with ID and confirm their physical residential address. Cross checks made with various databases to include SSA. Immigration, Criminal record and against other State voter registration lists.
2 urgent requirements:
The current rolls are lousy, so everyone should have to reregister and provide proof of eligibility. Including proof of citizenship.
And when you vote, in person, purple fingers. That way we know you won’t vote again.
I am against early voting for anything more than true emergencies – restricted to something like 1% of total ballots), but if there are early ballots, of any kind, then they should be required to be in … EARLY!! The state should have all early ballots and votes in its hands long before election day. The early voters have no excuse, as they have months to plan for this and carry it out and it’s all on their own schedule. A requirement that all early ballots must be submitted by two or three days before the election is more than reasonable. There should NEVER be any ridiculous joke of ballots “being found” in car trunks or trucked in at 4am. NEVER, ever ever. And this idea that any state can accept ballots trickling in in the mail for days is offensive in the extreme.
Agreed. Early in person voting as TX does is fine. The mailed out ballots are the issue. If a State.simply must have them there’s no reason not to require them back prior to election day and to count them as they arrive. Then there’s no way to create a dump from the universe of mailed out ballots b/c they’ve already been tabulated.
I always ‘vote by mail’. That is, I receive a ballot in the mail, research the candidates and issues and fill out the ballot at my leisure. I then return the ballot, in person, at the voting precinct either during early voting or on election day. I NEVER return the ballot BY mail. We know the Post Office is corrupt – not all – but enough of them.
The problem with mailed ballots is lack of control. Some jerk in the clerks office or the Post Office can toss it in the trash or dump it in the woods. Or they take your ballot and vote it themselves. If the voter registration roll is also slip shod with lots of folks still on the list who have died or moved when combined with mailed ballots it creates substantial opportunities for election fraud.
In person is the way to go, IMO, for all but Military and Overseas. Even then the list for Overseas voters must be tightly controlled and made transparent. See NC for the way to do it wrong. Lots of shenanigans about to go on with the 200K+ Overseas (not military) ballots.
Thousands of brand new ballots will be found.
Undated, unsigned. Brought in by Elias.
I lived through a Marc Elias recount – ended up with Al Franken in the Senate, Norm Coleman out. Franken won, after months by 312 votes. Mpls and St. Paul and Duluth/iron Range are known
for “finding votes.”
I hope to heaven this time the votes go unconditionally for McCormick. Elias needs to lose.
This is as predictable as Wyle Coyote and the Roadrunner or Charlie Brown and the football kick. One would think average intelligent people would see how stupid this is over and over and stop it. But not the citizens of PA.
If they take this long to make a decision, they’re fixing to screw somebody. They did it to Lake in Arizona, and if you think they won’t do it to McCormick, you’re not paying attention.
The dems will not go quietly into that good night. I already declared Schumer has been colluding with the Casey campaign to ‘find’ votes.
The margin is less than 30,000.
“Pennsylvania admitted it has “60,366 uncounted provisional ballots and 20,155 uncounted mail-in and absentee ballots.”
So 80,000 ballots
My prediction:
5,000 declared invalid
20,000 to McCormick
55,000 to Casey
Net win for Casey after official recount by 5,000 votes
Sad but the most likely outcome, in my cynical opinion.
We all know how this ends.
I don’t believe any major recount has changed a vote by 30,000.
It’s not often necessary…
Just want to find one person who voted for Trump and Casey and ask What were you thinking?
Did anyone check if Ruby Freeman moved to PA?
Butler County, PA is still counting late post marked Ballots and no post marked and no signature ballots in defiance of the PA Supreme Court and the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals,..Maybe AG Gaetz can begin the indictments
Over on Townhall, they said Bucks county was doing that also.
To ensure integrity Casey has promised a hand recount conducted by public school teachers using an abacus.
Are they union teachers? What firmware versions are in those abacuses? (Abaci?)
Reading some comments from conservative election law people, It seems like this is more about getting some kind of precedent established about the viability of ballots cast by unregistered voters than it is about stealing the seat for Casey. The theory is this is about setting the ground work to more easily steal the next election than it is about getting Casey across the line. No one believes that’s possible.
Coleman/Franken redux.
If I trusted the federal government, I would say this (and AZ) is an instance where it would be appropriate to have federal oversight of a state’s elections.
No matter how a state chooses to conduct an election, they must be transparent and verifiable. This endless counting is neither.
I remember Florida 2000 vividly.
Perhaps AG Gaetz could convene a few Grand Juries