PA Democrats Brag About Counting Illegal Ballots in Senate Race
Bucks County Commissioner: “I think we all know that precedent by a court doesn’t matter anymore in this country.”

Why is any state or county still counting ballots? I know the Pennsylvania race between incumbent Democrat Sen. Bob Casey and Republican challenger Dave McCormick had to go to a recount.
The race has already been called for McCormick. He leads Casey by 29,000 votes.
Before the election, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court told election officials that they cannot count undated absentee and mail-in ballots.
Bucks, Centre, and Montgomery counties, all blue counties, have ignored that order.
Not only that…election officials have been bragging about defying the court order:
“I think we all know that precedent by a court doesn’t matter anymore in this country,” Bucks County Commissioner Diane Ellis-Marseglia, a Democrat, said Thursday as she and other Democrats voted to reject a GOP-led challenge to ballots that should be disqualified.
“People violate laws anytime they want. So, for me, if I violate this law, it’s because I want a court to pay attention. There’s nothing more important than counting votes.”
Um, the court paid attention weeks ago. It is against the law, moron.
In Montgomery County, for example, officials deliberated for 30 minutes over whether about 180 provisional ballots without secrecy envelopes should be counted. The Inquirer reported that several of these votes came from the same precincts, suggesting an error made by poll workers.
Democratic board chair Neil Makhija voted to accept the ballots so that voters would not be disenfranchised. But other members of the board, including one Democrat and a Republican, voted to reject the ballots on the advice of county attorneys who determined the law clearly states they should not be counted.
“We’re talking about constitutional rights and I cannot take an action to throw out someone’s ballot that is validly cast, otherwise, over an issue that we know … is immaterial,” Makhija said during Thursday’s meeting. The board ultimately voted to count a total of 501 contested ballots.
🚨🚨🚨#BucksCounty Democrat Commissioners violate the rule of law and ignore PA Supreme Court ruling!
Democrat Commissioners Diane Marseglia and Bob Harvie voted today to count illegal ballots, against PA Supreme Court ruling, in an attempt to aid former Senator Bob Casey.…
— Bucks GOP (@BucksGOP) November 14, 2024
Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) said “the Senate could refuse to seat” Casey if he relied on illegal ballots to win:
“If Bob Casey doesn’t concede, Pennsylvania keeps counting illegal votes, & Casey relies on those votes to claim victory, the Senate could refuse to seat him,” Lee said in a post on X Saturday while citing Article I, Sec. 5, Cl. 1, which states that each “House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns, and Qualifications of its own Members.”
How about we go to in-person voting on Election Day. Move it to Saturday. This madness has to stop.

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Send them to prison
Is this not where the Sec of State steps in and removes them then the AG prosecutes them?
That’s what should happen, but I doubt it will.
Yes, but we have to wait until after January 20 for that to happen.
Why would the Sec of State in PA have to wait?
The Secretary of the Commonwealth, a RINO, would not have to wait. But the Attorney General’s term ends on Jan 21, and she will be replaced with a Republican. It’s far more likely that he would act than that the incumbent would.
Since that’s not going to happen, this is where the court orders them to obey its previous ruling, and if they refuse it holds them in contempt and sends court officers to arrest them.
Everything they fallaciously accused Trump of doing is what they do with regularity…and apparent impunity. There’s a better chance of seeing Bigfoot ride a moose across the Canadian border than there is of any of these people being held criminally accountable, and they all know it.
Pennsylvania has elected justices to the Supreme Court .. only vacancies are filled by appointment pending election. Currently, the Supreme Court has a Democratic majority, so I was surprised that the ruled against counting undated and improperly date ballots.
The court should find these outlaws in contempt.
First it has to order them not to count the ballots. If they defy the order, then they will be in contempt.
It does? Counting said ballots is facially illegal.
They’re violating the civil rights of voters who did things correctly, disenfranchising them by cancelling their votes out with invalid votes. The Trump DOJ should arrest and try all of them.
“Um, the court paid attention weeks ago. It is against the law, moron.”
She’s talking about “precedent,” and doesn’t understand the court’s order isn’t a “precedent” (at least not now in this situation), it was a decision and an order that she’s supposed to obey. (I’m sure I don’t have to define “precedent” for the readers here.)
Is this not contempt of court? Couldn’t this commissioner, and others like her, be arrested and brought before the court that issued the decision?
Yes. And in a functional administration, they would be.
That is the difference between the constitutional government we claim to have, and what we actually have,
“We’re talking about constitutional rights…”
Although true, voting is not a natural right, it’s a civil right. Civil rights have rules attendant to them that describe how the interaction between citizen and the state is conducted. In this situation, there are calendar deadlines and signature requirements, followed by the vast majority of citizens/voters within their respective States. These citizens who follow the rules trust that all other citizens will be held to the same rules.
Saturday? But what about the people who drink them selves into a stupor on Friday night. You expect them to get out of bed and get to a polling place before 7:00 pm. You are just trying to disenfranchise the party people. Hater!
In the good old days cheating was even more widespread, but it wasn’t rubbed in the noses of the citizenry. This is the maddening part we see repeated in every sphere of public life. Bureaucrats openly engage in wrongdoing that is seldom corrected and even more seldomly punished.
“We’re talking about constitutional rights
Which you’re violating.
and I cannot take an action to throw out someone’s ballot that is validly cast,
That’s the whole point: it is not validly cast.
otherwise, over an issue that we know … is immaterial,”
Well, no, it isn’t immaterial, as the law says those things are required. You might disagree that it should be required, but that is NOT immaterial.
I will say again, that if Shapiro wanted to become a national leader, he would have immediately arrested all those involved in voting to count those ballots, charged them with civil rights violations, then appointed a “bipartisan” committee to finish the vote counting, within the bounds of the law. The media could have stomped their feet about “See? Dems don’t allow fraud” and some nominal right-leaning folks could have said “See? He’s a mensch.” But he diddled around and he can’t get that back now.
Shapiro is an expert at ignoring guilty people and letting their cases die in silence.
I hope the Republican party in PA appeals this travesty to the PA Supreme Court, and that the Court rules that all votes counted after the illegal votes started being counted are invalid. Alternatively, it can rule that all the precinct votes are invalid because they gave been polluted with invalid votes. Alternatively, the US could take the same position and seat McCormick on that basis.
Vote fraudsters gladly play chicken with our courts, because they never overturn elections with polluted ballot pools. Indeed, the very first thing they do is to make sure it is impossible to count how many such ballots there are.
Move it to Saturday.
No. Keep it on a non-sabbath* workday.
But, move tax day to the Thursday prior to voting Tuesday. And require it paid in full, in cash or check.
(* Non-sabbath in the most generic sense of Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.)
Moslems don’t actually have a sabbath. On Fridays they are required to attend mosque, which is longer than usual, but other than that it’s a normal workday. Moslems generally do go to work on Friday, and attend mosque on their lunch break.
If this was a situation where the issue was at all in question then maybe these officials would have a reasonable basis. Here they are choosing to ignore the advice of their own legal staff to misuse their office for partisan ends by directly flouting the ruling of State Supreme CT which ruled on the question just prior to the election. Each unlawfully submitted ballot they illegally allow should constitute a separate count. Stack the charges, try and convict then run the sentences consecutively. Perhaps that will provide sufficient incentive to discourage others.
And what have they learned? They’ve learned that there’s no penalty for cheating elections, just like in 2020.
If those ballots swung Republican by 10:1 instead of Democrat, the Dem officials would have tossed them so fast that friction would have set them on fire in the trash can.
I think this woman has done great service for the country. She has thrown down the gauntlet to the courts to either enforce their laws or STFU. I know this was not her intent but that is the effect. She may have done all of a favor.
Is Milhouse ill?
This it the exact type of post that would have him out here explaining to us rubes why what the PA boards of elections is absolutely the correct thing.
And why our consternation is an example of some type of ignorance of the law.
I was going to ask him to discuss what I believe was Justice William O. Douglas’s statement that when one willingly violates the law in order to contest it and set precedent. that should the person fail, then they should accept the punishment for the violation.
These dolts are cannon fodder thinking that Mark Elias is going to save their rear ends when this does south. This is embarrassing the State Supreme Court and I expect order to be restored. That would be the normal outcome but we shall see.
I’m not sure whether there is a prescribed penalty for this violation. As I understand it the court’s decision before the election wasn’t an actual order binding on these specific people; the quickest way to resolve this is to obtain such an order, and then they have no choice but to obey it or they will personally be in deep excrement.
Liar. Go back to Hell, you literal demon.
It’s so milhouse that you call someone a ‘liar’ after you do exactly what they said you were going to do.
Where’s the lie, Dem?
The margin in this Senate race is probably too big to overcome. But the Democrats are stealing an NC Supreme Court seat right now.
This criminal idiot doesn’t know what “precedent” means. She should be jailed for that, alone.
But, seriously, aside from her evident retardation and lack of knowledge, this boasting about violating a court order should land her under arrest – immediately. Can’t the court issue a bench warrant and hold her in contempt, at the very least? If not, then the local DA is required to handcuff her and drag her away.
Committing a crime in the open is one thing, but boasting about doing it – boasting about how you are intentionally violating a court order … that should merit certain enhancements, one would think. This is the legal equivalent of the left’s 2020 insurrection lootings and arson-fests.
As I understand it there was no actual court order, binding on this woman specifically, that she was defying. It should be no problem to obtain such an order, and then she will have to obey it or be in the deepest trouble she could imagine.
Maybe AG Gaetz should send the FBI to get the cell phones and impanel a grand jury
In-person voting on Election Day would mean that I could not vote. I am working that day because I am a Poll Manager. Not that many people are willing to work that position for a stipend that is less than federal minimum wage even before set-up and close-down hours are included (depending on the election, a possible 15 hour day). I see it as my duty as a citizen. Those of us who work the polls at precincts other than our own, which I see as a safeguard, have to vote early. Besides, early voting that is not offered for excessive days can be well-policed. That’s not where the problem is. (Some states may offer better stipends for the work; I’m speaking to my experience.)
NYC’s pay for poll workers is pretty pathetic, but I think it exceeds minimum wage. The last time I did it, I think it was $250 for a work day that runs from 5:00 AM to approximately 10:30 PM, with two hours worth of breaks. I was also paid $100 for completing the mandatory annual four-hour training course and working at least one day thereafter, and I think there was a $50 bonus at the end of the year for working all the days I was assigned (including primaries and special elections).
Banana Republic. Total Corruption. Democrats.
But rather than just the people being scandalized, can’t anything be done? Citizen’s Arrest?
We had better read that SOMETHING has been done on these criminals and soon.
Definitely not citizen’s arrest. The answer is get a court order, and then she has no choice but to obey. If she doesn’t the court will send people to arrest her.
I don’t have a problem with early voting, except perhaps it shouldn’t run for an entire damned month. I do have a problem with mail in ballots for anything other than people overseas and those with a disability that prevents them from going to the polling station. This crap about “we must make it as easy as possible”… it already is easy, if you want to vote. If you need a straight ticket ballot delivered to your home by your friends at the DNC to make you vote, you probably ought to continue sitting out elections.
“I think we all know that precedent by a court doesn’t matter anymore in this country,”
“People violate laws anytime they want. So, for me, if I violate this law, it’s because I want a court to pay attention.”
Madre De Dios! WTF! Great Balls of Fire! Openly advocating anarchy. So if someone comes off the street and punches this bimbo in the face then a battery doesn’t matter because people violate laws anytime they want. Is her brain connected to her mouth at all? Throw a net over this nut and haul her off. One thing to think such things, but announce them in public.
Robert Barnes tell us that PA is our most corrupt state, and that the government there is out of control. He’s talking about the treatment of Amos Miller, the Amish farmer who is getting persecuted by PA government and courts. Well sure looks like Barnes has their number.
This is how the political class operates when it views the State judiciary as a toothless joke. So far, it looks like they may be right.
Yep, the reason this happened is because the Court Order wasn’t delivered in person by Uniformed State Troopers with orders to leave with either the illegal ballots, the election officials, or both.
“How about we go to in-person voting on Election Day. Move it to Saturday. This madness has to stop.”
That won’t happen because then the bureaucrats would actually have to work on a weekend and that ain’t happening.
I like the idea of making the first Tuesday of every November a Federal Holiday.
Making it a federal holiday only means federal employees would get off. Private employers would each make their own decision, just as they do now.
That is true.