NBC Airs Donald Trump Ad Twice After Harris SNL Debacle
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NBC Airs Donald Trump Ad Twice After Harris SNL Debacle

NBC Airs Donald Trump Ad Twice After Harris SNL Debacle

NBC made the decision after FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr blasted the network for allowing VP Kamala Harris on SNL.

Oh, look. NBC aired an ad for former President Donald Trump at the end of the NASCAR ace and Sunday Night Football.

NBC made the decision after FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr blasted the network for allowing VP Kamala Harris on SNL.

I wonder how many people saw the ad, though. The Fox article (published at The New York Post) said it aired towards the end of the race and football game.

Trump says:

Hello to our great sports fans, and I hope you’re having a fantastic time. We’re two days away from the most important election in the history of our country. We’ve got to save our country, and it needs saving. It’s in very bad shape. The worst economic numbers in generations were just announced two days ago.

We’re losing jobs. We’re losing everything, including viability. We’re going to end up in a depression based on what’s been happening. We’ve never seen anything like it, at least for the last 40 years.

We have to straighten out our country. We have to close our borders. We have to lower our taxes. We have to get rid of inflation, and we’re going to do it. Just remember, Kamala and her friends broke it. I’ll fix it.

Most important election in the history of our country. Go and vote.

Harris appeared in SNL’s cold opening with Maya Rudolph.

Carr went off on NBC on X.

Carr later told Fox: “This has all the appearances of, at least some leadership at NBC, at SNL, making clear that they wanted to weigh-in in favor of one candidate before the election. That’s exactly why, for decades, we’ve had an equal time rule on the book, is to prevent that. Because remember, broadcasters are placed in a special position of trust. They’re not just like any other person with a soapbox on the corner. They have a license from the federal government that obligates them to operate in the public interest.”


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NBC bias?? So it isn’t so. Rachel Madcow and Cuck Todd are smiling.

An ad doesn’t come across the same blatantly promoting a candidate.

    Martin in reply to Just Al. | November 4, 2024 at 9:37 am

    It doesn’t show the same approval by the Network. Putting a candidate on a non-news show is much more useful than a free ad in a bad timeslot. On the upside if you are stoned enough to think current day SNL is worth watching you probably won’t vote.

Of course they were shown at the end of the sports events when most viewers would have already changed the channel. NBC is only paying lip service.

destroycommunism | November 4, 2024 at 9:59 am

the more air time kamala gets

the more air headed she is known to be

f the left!!

At this point, who really cares? The left will cry for rain when the sun shines and pout when it rains because the sun isn’t shining.
Cheating and trickery aside, this is a Trump landslide that the left is well aware of.

destroycommunism | November 4, 2024 at 10:05 am

harris refused to answer on how she voted on prop 36 in ca

that would restore punishment for theft


    UnCivilServant in reply to destroycommunism. | November 4, 2024 at 11:36 am

    Well of course.

    There was no good answer for her to give. Supporting it would offend the Dems at large. Opposing it would confirm the pro-criminal image.

AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | November 4, 2024 at 10:43 am

The FCC should suspend NBCs broadcast license for 4 years (until the next election).

Fine them an exorbitant amount of money ($89 million dollars will just about do it) and add $4,000 per day in fines for failure to pay.

It may be overturned in court, but shutting off their broadcast will hurt them.

I know… ain’t gonna happen.

MontanaMilitant | November 4, 2024 at 1:56 pm

50 years of SNL is enough. Loren Micheals needs to be FORCED to resign and the SNL cast needs to be laid off. Call it a programming reshuffle.

    henrybowman in reply to MontanaMilitant. | November 4, 2024 at 3:21 pm

    The cast already gets shuffled every four years or so in a staggered fashion. As for Michaels, he was actually replaced once or twice in the early days (Gene or Jean Doumanian is a name I recall) and the show immediately entered Sucksville, like Apple did under John Sculley. It eventually entered Sucksville anyway, but it took a lot longer under Michaels. Having it pointed out that he’s been running the show for 50 years makes me realize he must be Biden’s age by now.