MSNBC Pivots Back to Concern About ‘Norms’ and a Weaponized DOJ Following Trump Win
“The thing about that is that it would violate five decades of norms, post-Watergate, which said that the Justice Department should be independent from the president.”

The people at MSNBC have no shame. Zero. After years of pushing Russia collusion, the Jack Smith investigation of Trump, and pretty much any anti-Trump conspiracy theory they could find, the far left network is pivoting back to a concern about preserving norms.
Now that Trump has won the 2024 election, MSNBC is suddenly and deeply worried about the prosecution of political opponents. It’s the sort of thing that’s only a problem if Trump does it after it has been done to him for years.
Teri Christoph reports at RedState:
NBC News’ “Fusion” Ken Dilanian, who is best known for being one of corporate media’s biggest teller of lies about the Russia collusion hoax, is joining a chorus of leftist voices who fear that Donald Trump will simply follow the precedent set by Joe Biden and use the DOJ for his political purposes. It’s almost too silly to contemplate that the left would go down this desperate route, but then again, they did run Kamala Harris as their presidential candidate.
Dilanian appeared on MSNBC to discuss alleged tension, as reported by The New York Times, between the “normies” and the “crazies” on the Trump transition team. One such team member, Mike Davis, whom Dilanian called a “bomb-throwing provocateur,” was singled out as likely being a “crazy” for suggesting that people like Letitia James and Jack Smith should be prosecuted for their actions against Donald Trump.
This is what MSNBC’s Ken Dilanian said, also via RedState:
The thing about that is that it would violate five decades of norms, post-Watergate, which said that the Justice Department should be independent from the president. That the president should never say “go investigate that person.” These people are suggesting that Donald Trump should be able to do that with his Justice Department.
And, as a legal matter, they’re right. We’re talking about norms here, not laws, these post-Watergate strictures. So, it’s raising a lot of questions and getting a lot of people very nervous.
Watch the clip:
NBC's @KenDilanianNBC: If the Trump Admin prosecutes NY AG @TishJames or Jack Smith, "that would violate five decades of norms post-Watergate, which said that the DoJ should be independent from the president"
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) November 11, 2024
Glenn Greenwald commented:
This is one of the funniest things. Corporate media spent 8 years salivating at the prospect of stopping Trump by imprisoning him, including in fake, bullshit Russiagate "scandals."
Now that Trump won, they are all saying: wait a minute! No prosecuting political opponents!
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) November 11, 2024
No one is buying it.
Oh we're doing the norms thing again now.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) November 11, 2024
Oh how rich, they want to talk about norms
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) November 11, 2024
Libs will try to throw you in jail and assassinate you and then demand "norms" the moment they lose an election.
Seems suspect.
— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) November 11, 2024
NBC Propagandist "Fusion Ken" Dilanian, a major pusher of the FBI's Russia collusion lie against Trump and enabler of DOJ lawfare against Biden's political enemies, says that the DOJ has a norm of not being political.
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) November 11, 2024
You can watch the entire MSNBC segment below, if you like:
These people don’t care about norms. They’re slipping right back into the same mode they were in during Trump’s first term where everything is framed as a negative about him, in spite of the precedents set over the last four years.
Featured image via YouTube.

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This go’s right up there with “let’s move on over the Covid stuff”. How about a giant NO.
Oh let’s give them norms ….the new ones the d/prog trotted out and deployed v 1/2 the Nation over the past several years. The ones where all the IRS audits and rejection of 501C3 status cut in one direction, where the DoJ uses novel theories to hound those who just happened to be political opponents of the regime. The ones where State and Federal regulations were used in an aggressive manner towards certain figures, select companies and industries but were waived, seemingly ignored or not applied to others.
Counting back to IRS issues from Obama era they’ve only got a decade and a half or so of pain coming their way to balance the scales. Elections have consequences….
The new administration needs to shutter every bank that used warfare against people who were refused access to credit, use of credit cards to purchase Guns and ammo, had their businesses destroyed.
Fine them , then close them.
Game theory says that turn-about play in response to excursions from the rules is the best remedy. Setting a good example is ineffective.
Let’s see, 5 decades post watergate of norms v. 25 decades of norms since the founding of our Country. The current administration didn’t get any media pushback for blowing up the 25 decades, so I’ll give a pass on the 5 decades.
On the other hand it would be totally in keeping with 4 years of norms created by the Democrat party.
Good News, MSNBC is on the block. I suspect the new owners will no longer subsidize crazy.
Dilanian could probably dodge prosecution of himself for colluding with the Democrats on the ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’ smear if he would turn state’s evidence against Her Majesty…no, wait…that woud just turn him prematurely dead; never mind.
Oh, we’ll go back to norms…..but only after we’ve cleaned house.
The thing is that Dems had to manufacture claims, we will not, because they are so crooked. They have good reason to be afraid. They have had their fun, now it is their turn.
You lost. FU.
We have a mandate.
So, after the hysteria and lies failed to push the election in the direction they wanted, they’ve decided to go with more hysteria and lies. Sure. Makes perfect sense.
You m3an hes going to use your rules.
The proper response is ” go screw yourself communist “
1. He won’t be prosecuting political opponents. He’ll be prosecuting criminals.
2. Payback is a Kamala.
Defund the DoJ and then move it to Cornfield, Nebraska pop (22).
Any Republican candidate who does a debate on any MSM network should never be elected.
We now have the upper hand to refuse to be abused.
Delanian is right. Letitia James and Jack Smith should not be prosecuted for their actions against Donald Trump. They should be threatened with prosecution and convinced to agree to plea bargains in exchange for their cooperation and testimony against the real movers and shakers of the lawfare against Trump.
Just posted this on X in response to Stephen Miller’s tweet:
They’ve been telling us for years that Trump is unhinged, now they’re demanding “normal” from him? No. We voted for abnormal. We demand it!
Is Trump dangerous? By God, I hope so. It’s one of the reasons I voted for him.
My heart cries out for revenge, my head tells me that would only further the descent of the United States into being a banana republic. The best revenge I think would be one of two outcomes. One is the complete evisceration of the DOJ as it currently exists followed by its reconstitution with new personnel vetted by the Trump Administration; a second alternative outcome would be its abolition and a return to the system used before its establishment during the Grant Administration. Also, a set of laws needs to be established to preclude the possibility of weaponizing the federal government against political opponent.
Does nothing to teach the MSM that they have a responsibility to the truth.
F MSNBC and the jackass who keeps riding into power on them.
What we need is a Federal Department of Internal Affairs. An agency whose sole purpose would be to prosecute malfeasance by government agencies and agents. They need to fear the consequences of abusing the power granted to them.
Isn’t that the purpose of the IGs of each Department and Agency? Just asking.
It is not. The IGs are deliberately toothless — empowered only to issue reports.
What they’re afraid of is that Trump will follow the norms of the last 16 years (including the first Trump term, when DOJ was part of the Resistance). Which he should absolutely do.
Going after your political opponents is wrong; but criminals don’t get a free pass just because they happen to be the current president’s opponents.
Still, under the normal norms, as they were until about 2008, you didn’t go on fishing expeditions on people, just because they were your opposition. Even the JFK and LBJ administrations didn’t quite do that, though they came closer than Dems like to acknowledge. But the norms have changed now, and they shouldn’t change back until the other side has learned its lesson. When they stop whining “You’re changing the norms” and start saying “We’re sorry we changed the norms, we wish we hadn’t done it, and we won’t ever do it again”, that will be the time to go back to the old norms.
The FBI has been corrupt since the get-go. Read any biography of J Edgar Hoover.
It can be argued that the FBI corruption under Hoover was more in the service of the FBI itself, and Hoover himself than political parties. I think that probably died with Hoover. Today, it is the jack booted thug arm of the Deep State.
Ken Dilanian may be “one of” corporate media’s biggest liars in respect of Russiagate, but for my money, Dilanian has nothing on Malcolm Nance. I sincerely hope that Donald Trump may serve up a steaming pile of FAFO to ole Malcolm. Sue Nance into penury, reveal him as a pretender (Nance lies and exaggerates everything about his own background), and drive him from the country to live out his days in exilte.
I do hope the new Trump administration is all “crazies” and no “normies” (RINO’s).