Maddow: Govt. Should Terminate Elon Musk’s Contracts
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Maddow: Govt. Should Terminate Elon Musk’s Contracts

Maddow: Govt. Should Terminate Elon Musk’s Contracts

“But even if Trump doesn’t win, the Defense Department and NASA are going to need a new arrangement for all their rockets and for all the multi-billion dollar contracts Elon Musk’s companies have with the U.S. government.”

Ah, yes. “Remember, remember the 5th of November.”

Also: “People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be AFRAID OF THEIR PEOPLE.”

This clip from Rachel Maddow would fit perfectly in V for Vendetta, and it’s a great watch today.

Maddow’s rant:

Security disaster and one that President Harris is going to have to clean up. And quickly. I mean you really can’t have the head of a company that is the primary rocket launcher for the defense department and NASA. You can’t have the head of that company in secret communications with America’s worst enemy, while America’s enemy is actively waging a war against one of our allies, especially once you learn that he’s using his businesses to help the other side to help Russia in that war and apparently to do secret favors for China against our other allies, like Taiwan.

I mean, that can’t be. Also, just for what it’s worth, presumably a guy who’s reported to have regularly used ketamine plus LSD, cocaine, ecstasy, and shrooms. And who smokes weed on a national podcast. Presumably he can’t even have a security clearance, a personal security clearance.

But you definitely can’t have a security clearance, let alone that much, leverage over American national security if you are doing anti-American diplomatic favors. For dictators with whom you are in secret communication.

But even if Trump doesn’t win, the Defense Department and NASA are going to need a new arrangement for all their rockets and for all the multi-billion dollar contracts Elon Musk’s companies have with the U.S. government.

The U.S. Government is going to have to either unwind from those contracts or Elon Musk’s companies will have to unwind from him. This is an untenable reality in national security terms now that we know what we now about Elon Musk.


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TV is a business and she’s got an audience that wants this particular fantasy to live in. It’s like complaining about fiction plots that people like. I think science fiction is stupid but people buy it.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to rhhardin. | November 5, 2024 at 11:48 am

    You might be confusing hard Sci-Fi with soft, the soft stuff is pulp, much like romance novels and Affirmative – DEI stuff, Hard Sci-Fi based on hard science, I think it does a pretty good job of teaching how to think outside the box.

    It did a pretty good job of predicting technological advances, it often inspired advances.

Talking Feds with Harry Litman will be the goto tomorrow. Leftist with crazy eyes on Trump legal matters, much better than Maddow.

“But even if Trump doesn’t win, the Defense Department and NASA are going to need a new arrangement for all their rockets and for all the multi-billion dollar contracts Elon Musk’s companies have with the U.S. government.”

Sure. Working rockets that can reliably deliver payloads to Earth orbit and elsewhere are a limitless form of green energy that naturally grows on trees, or something.

Even the Soviets and Chicoms were not dumb enough to deliberately sabotage their own space efforts the way American Communists like Maddow want to.

Good thinking! Cut off your nose to spite your face.

Get rid of qualified people and replace with DEI’s.

That’ll do the trick!

    henrybowman in reply to Paula. | November 5, 2024 at 3:12 pm

    “Maddow: Govt. Should Terminate Elon Musk’s Contracts”

    “But if Trump gets elected, he’ll go after his political enemies.”

The woman is ugly, inside and out.

Musk owns the only semi-successful EV company.
Musk remade Twitter into a more free platform.
Musk’s rocket company has learned how to catch rockets returning to earth.
Where Boeing (a DEI company) failed, Musk’s company will rescue marooned astronauts.
Maddow supposedly earned a Rhodes Scholarship.
I see no evidence that this is true, given that her monologues indicate a deep and genetic level of stupidity.

    alaskabob in reply to steves59. | November 5, 2024 at 11:26 am

    Too too many Leftists have Rhodes Scholarships … Coincidence or planned.

      henrybowman in reply to alaskabob. | November 5, 2024 at 3:16 pm

      Cecil Rhodes was a premier British colonialist, who reduced an entire nation of blacks to the status of economic (“company town”) slaves. Any liberal who flaunts a Rhodes Scholarship is a hypocrite.

    Bruce Hayden in reply to steves59. | November 5, 2024 at 1:33 pm

    He’s also got the contract to deorbit the ISS. Without him, how do they expect to bring it down without it disintegrating on the way down, shedding large pieces, too big to burn up, raining down on DC, NYC, Boston, etc at terminal velocity?

    When the military, NSA, etc have satellites they need to get into orbit, yesterday, there is only one place that they can go – to Musk and SpaceX. He’s the one popping multiple rockets into orbit a week. Everyone is launching theirs on a monthly or longer cycle.

I never read any article about her. I just look at the photo thinking how slappable her face is.

    henrybowman in reply to E Howard Hunt. | November 5, 2024 at 3:20 pm

    I wouldn’t go that far. But I would say that she’s one of the few actually defensible reasons for bringing back face masks. In her case, cinderblock and mortar.

Yeah, sure, Hunter Biden and his fake art can sit next to the Big Guy in the Situation Room.

Guy who makes green cars, space missions to save Boeing and wide network comms in disaster areas needs to be canceled.

destroycommunism | November 5, 2024 at 10:36 am

she pees standing up

I don’t think the country should have to listen to PMSDNC but here we are.

“Why do you think Elon Musk bought Twitter and rebranded it?

The man owns 80% of humanity’s orbital launch capacity. Did you think they weren’t going to try to take it from him? Did you think that he didn’t know they would?

He knew perfectly well that if society’s political discussions were carried out in forums owned by socialists, wherein they could remove any capitalist voice who proved too eloquent, too persuasive, too popular, on trumped-up charges of “racism” (noticing), then a case would be built, in public, without opposition, for robbing him. “

destroycommunism | November 5, 2024 at 10:55 am

I think she is calling for someone to do harm to musk

she said

terminate and contract

No wonder the higher-ups at Comcast are considering selling MSDNC

Is Ricki still around screeching about Russia? Wow

You might be confusing hard Sci-Fi with soft, the soft stuff is pulp, much like romance novels and Affirmative – DEI stuff, Hard Sci-Fi based on hard science, I think it does a pretty good job of teaching how to think outside the box.

It did a pretty good job of predicting technological advances, it often drove tech advances.inspired advances.

This vile twit is paid an obscene ~$30 million, annually, by MSNBC parent, Comcast. What a total disservice to shareholders.