In The Final Stretch of the Campaign, Democrats Weaponize White Women’s Tears
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In The Final Stretch of the Campaign, Democrats Weaponize White Women’s Tears

In The Final Stretch of the Campaign, Democrats Weaponize White Women’s Tears

Now that DEI fever has broken, the first woman of color presidential nominee needs white women’s tears to rescue her crumbling campaign.

It was probably to ward off the setting atmosphere of despair that the Kamala Harris campaign released a new ad alleging the existence of a certain anti-Trump voter not picked up by the pollsters. This voter is a white housewife too frightened to challenge her misogynist husband, so she won’t tell anyone that she is not voting with him. Never mind that Donald Trump outperformed the polls in both 2016 and 2020, so if this subset of the population didn’t exist, then why would it now?

The ad, narrated by the Reagan/Bush era bombshell Julia Roberts, shows a middle age blonde, vaguely reminiscent of Carmella Soprano, in a baseball cap bejeweled with Old Glory escorted to the polling place by her creepy, dwarfish redneck husband. She is about to vote for Trump when she locks her clear blue eyes with another middle age white woman who happens to be voting across from her. The two smile at each other and she fills in the bubble for Kamala. “Your vote is private,” announces Roberts as the two affix the I VOTED stickers to their chests, exchanging another knowing glance.

In a Depression era classic film, a giant gorilla picked up a leggy fair maiden and swayed her over New York skyline. Some say that King Kong was informed by the fear of black masculinity, that it was a signal for men to protect their women. By contrast, today’s damsel in distress is haunted by her controlling hick of a husband — girl, you can do better! It’s a signal to women to coerce her to do what’s socially acceptable.

She sold herself short. Maybe she’s not very smart and she certainly is tacky, but luckily she has sisterhood looking out for her. The second woman in the commercial is a brunette — big brains! At a later date they can have a conversation about that husband of hers.

White womanhood has been under attack since the inception of Black Lives Matter. In that demographic, Americans learned, feminism alone is not enough to claim proper woke credentials. White women have been booted from movement leadership, sometimes even replaced with hijabis, and instructed to switch to intersectional feminists.

In her frankly genocidal work White Tears/Brown Scars, the Australian Arab academic Ruby Hamad criticized white women for existing. Even if marginalized by their men, Hamad reasoned, white women are responsible for perpetuating the white race, and for that reason, they can’t claim victimhood. Racial redemption is out of reach unless they wholly subordinate their interests to those of brown women like herself.

It’s not enough that white women exist — they also have feelings. Sometimes they feel bullied and may even cry. Because of its potential to humanize and generate sympathy, Hamad finds the act of crying most problematic. She whined:

Trauma assails brown and black women from all directions. […] there is a type of trauma inflicted on women of colour that many of us find among the hardest to disclose, the one that few seem willing to admit […]is the trauma caused by the tactic many white women employ to muster sympathy and avoid accountability, by turning the tables and accusing their accuser.

Matt Walsh’s recently released film Am I Racist? includes a scene in which motivational speakers Saira Rao and Regina Jackson rather sadistically promised their white female clients that they would make them cry during a dinner conversation. Rao and Jackson then admonished the women to go away and weep in solitude so that their tears don’t take the spotlight away from them.

Why ban solidarity and compassion? A Motivational speaker who goes by Awesomely Luvvie explained:

White women tears are especially potent and extra salty because they are attached to the symbol of femininity. These tears are pouring out from the eyes of the one chosen to be the prototype of womanhood; the woman who has been painted as helpless against the whims of the world. The one who gets the most protection in a world that does a shitty job overall of cherishing women. The mothers, sisters, daughters and aunties of the world’s biggest bullies (white men).

But the truth is, white women have been bullies themselves because they’ve been the shadows behind the white men who get all the blame.

The feeling of jealousy directed towards the “prototype of womanhood” might be “hard to admit,” but it‘s impossible to hide. The accusations of bullying are pure projection, warped inside projections. And of course none of it  helped to advance their movement.

Woke feminists did what they did because they could. For a good part of the decade, too many white women internalized the oppression. They bought into the idea that they somehow “weaponized” their tears against minority women. They accepted that their proper place is to be blended into a wall.

Now that DEI fever has broken, the first woman of color presidential nominee needs white women’s tears to rescue her crumbling campaign. Harris herself is a machine candidate who had everything — from law school admission to the presidential nomination — handed to her on a silver platter. Since being gifted that nomination, she revealed herself to be the least competent major party nominee in American history.

Democrat women conjured up the hidden Kamala voter that fits the worst female stereotype. They can’t bring themselves to believe that a woman can voluntarily choose to be pro-life or to vote for Trump. The hidden Kamala voter is another kind of damsel in distress — presumably a battered wife, paralyzed with fear and too scared to speak up.

This orgy of feminist pity is also their last hope. In their minds, the dumb blonde needs to be liberated from the comical mafioso, but in reality it’s the overpromoted Kamala who requires an assist.

The all-white sisterhood is relevant again. White women’s emotional lives matter. Presidential contests are won and lost in the suburbs, where they are a key demographic. At the very least, they need to be reassured that victory is possible. With Election Day a week away, there is no time to play intersectional games, so Democrats filmed an unimaginative King Kong remake.




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The irony of the ad with the two women looking at each other and giving one of them the “strength” to vote for Kamala is that it could easily be flipped to show two women voting for Trump. There are plenty of places in this country where a woman publicly saying she’s a Trump voter would risk her and her children getting socially ostracized or worse by other women, particularly in blue state white suburbia.

    diver64 in reply to p. | November 2, 2024 at 1:21 pm

    The biggest irony is that the Dems didn’t complete the stereotypical trifecta and have an out of control redhead beating her husband with a purse screaming “I’ll vote for who I want and you better vote for her too if you ever want to get any again”

What a state American womanhood is in. Young men, import your brides from Eastern Europe. What a mess!

    nordic prince in reply to E Howard Hunt. | November 2, 2024 at 1:26 pm

    Maybe, just maybe, “American womanhood” is in the state it’s in because American fathers and husbands abdicated their responsibilty as head of the household.

    Nature abhors a vacuum, and when men don’t step up, the women must… with generally disastrous consequences. Look no further than the deterioration of the black family since the implementation of Johnson’s “Great Society” to see how things shake out when the men check out and the women are forced to try and hold things together.

      Dathurtz in reply to nordic prince. | November 2, 2024 at 2:24 pm

      Blaming men for this one is an interesting choice.

      CommoChief in reply to nordic prince. | November 2, 2024 at 3:33 pm

      Bruh…no. Women initiate roughly 75% of divorce proceedings choosing to wreck their own home instead of sticking to their vows and the overwhelming majority of those are filed as ‘no fault’.

      I suspect things would be different in the absence of a bloated welfare state and outdated alimony and child support laws. Remove the incentives for women to behave selfishly and the behavior will change. Lets start with mandatory paternity tests at birth.

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to nordic prince. | November 2, 2024 at 3:35 pm

      I disagree. Men did not abdicate anything. It was taken away from them.

      In a series of events, the government took on the role of provider for women through a series of monetary support that made men obsolete.

      Uncle Sugar was a more dependable provider of money, who didn’t have ups and downs in life, didn’t “demand” sex, didn’t snore, and gave women the freedom to not have a cling-on.

      It started with blacks, and spread like fire.

      Then came the benefit of no fault divorce, and voila! the man had to surrender at least half of everything.

      Then men are demonized as abusers, misogynistic, followed by mass drug abuse of young boys with Ritalin because they couldn’t sit still in school like the good little girls did.

      I am glad I have a traditional wife who believes she and I are partners in our family success.

      So if she votes for Harris, I’ll kick her ass.

    Ironclaw in reply to E Howard Hunt. | November 2, 2024 at 3:37 pm

    I did…

    sestamibi in reply to E Howard Hunt. | November 3, 2024 at 11:19 am

    From what I’ve been reading, they’re not any better.

I see her commercials in two groups. The first is the blatant lies being told about Trump. The other is condescending to the voters. I don’t count athlete’s or actor’s views as worthwhile.

Julia Roberts what demographic are they going for ? I mean the 40 to 50 years olds and older , we are not stupid nor naive enough to buy this nonsense. My husband and I have been voting differently for years and sometimes we vote the same. It’s called being married you don’t turn into clones of each other ; but since Jules keeps get married and divorced over and over again maybe she has t figured that out yet? Your vote is private says the party that wants no political privacy and demands you confront people wherever they are and bully them into virtue signaling. No thanks Julia, stick to what you are good at : looking good in designer clothing and making romance movies with Richard Gere.

    diver64 in reply to schmuul. | November 2, 2024 at 1:22 pm

    I thought that modern Pygmalion take was actually not bad.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to schmuul. | November 2, 2024 at 3:37 pm

    Jules played a prostitute in the movie that made her famous. She’s the PERFECT tool to support Cumalot.

    Both got where they are in the end because of generous and rich men.

      Every woman I’ve ever known loves that movie. I find it delusional. Some street walking LA prostitute is gonna convince her ‘trick’ (the tall, rich handsome guy who picked her up in a Ferrari and brings her to his Beverly Hills penthouse) to overlook not just her promiscuity but her commercially based promiscuity she willingly entered into and fall in love with her giving her a long term committed relationship and/or marriage? GTFOH. It’s cope for unmarried women entering their late twenties and thirties that, no matter what mistakes they make, ‘their’ dream guy/the one is gonna come along if they pay attention to their astrology charts, crystals and manifest it into being.

The stated assumption that white men, particularly Republican men, are misogynists, that white women, particularly Republican women are stupid enough and cowardly enough to have to vote for Harris “on the sly,” is both insulting and ignorant. But I expect little more from Democrats.

I believe that the Democrats are projecting yet again.

    schmuul in reply to Dimsdale. | November 2, 2024 at 1:23 pm

    You hit the nail on the head , it’s Trump voters who have to hide ; and our forced into secret eye signals over their vote ; not the “hate has no home here “ yard sign people. They have been broadcasting their hate for us for so long while the rest of us have to tiptoe.

Seems like the blue haired man haters in the Harris campaign are emoting again. I’ve never met a woman that would vote the way someone told them too present wife included. I would have no respect for them if they did.

If you want to eliminate female tears (gender, imagine that!) perhaps they should focus on islamic countries.

destroycommunism | November 2, 2024 at 1:53 pm

so in reality,,ONCE AGAIN,, its the left who is telling women they not only are not strong enough to vote IN SECRECY but to violate TRUST

sounds like the left is against male and females loving each other

they must not be allowed to consecrate that!

destroycommunism | November 2, 2024 at 1:55 pm

A “male by birth” would be more AFRAID to tell anyone they voted for harris

    nordic prince in reply to destroycommunism. | November 3, 2024 at 12:32 am

    When fathers let the schools indoctrinate their children, be they girls or boys, it’s part of that abdication.

    Teach your kids what it means to be a real man or a real woman, and a lot of the leftist nonsense won’t take root.

    nordic prince in reply to destroycommunism. | November 3, 2024 at 12:34 am

    That reply was intended for AF_Chief_Master_Sgt. Phones are not meant for typing.

BigRosieGreenbaum | November 2, 2024 at 3:04 pm

I wonder if Julia thought that that hair color most closely matched the redneck aesthetic and that would make her more relatable. If this election is about our democracy (according to them), meaning incredibly important, why aren’t these women discussing import subjects with their husbands? If you have to lie about the big things, you don’t have much of a marriage. Did they watch that episode of All In The Family where Archie wasn’t registered and wants Edith to cast the family vote, which is his favored candidate, but she votes for the other guy instead? Maybe that’s where they got the idea for their little play?
I think we need a national divorce.

It’s so nice to be needed.

AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | November 2, 2024 at 3:42 pm

Vote Harris Walz, because both have tits.

Weaponize tears?

Why not? They have already weaponized lies, falsehoods, innuendoes, twisting of the truth and every form of hatred known to humanity.

Before Tuesday, I expect to see Kamala weaponize her own tears on TV. She’s really got nothing else left to try at this point.