Hundreds at Georgia High School Tested for Tuberculosis
300 students and staff members have undergone testing.

In a recent report on the respiratory disease tuberculosis (i.e., “TB”), an incident involving an illegal Chinese immigrant with a rare form of tuberculosis sparked concern and legal action in Louisiana.
Now approximately 200 students and staff members at a Georgia high school have undergone tuberculosis testing after a possible exposure on campus.
The possible exposure occurred at Walton High School in Cobb County, Cobb & Douglas Public Health said. The health department and the Cobb County School District together determined which individuals were at risk of exposure, and each was administered a tuberculin skin test.
Approximately 200 Walton students and staff members were tested in total.Cobb & Douglas Public Health said officials will return to the school on Thursday to read and measure reactions to the tests.
Anyone with a “positive reaction” will then undergo a chest x-ray to check for active disease, according to the department. Any individuals who did not get tested on campus Tuesday are advised to visit their private physician to receive a test,Cobb & Douglas Public Health noted.
Other reports indicate testing encompassed 300 students and staff members. Public health officials in the area are attempting to allay concerns by indicating TB is treatable.
“Tuberculosis is one of the most common infectious diseases in humans worldwide. It’s really a public health concern because it’s highly transmissible, but it is treatable,” said Dr. Amy Hajari Case, a pulmonologist with Piedmont Healthcare.
Case understands that some parents are concerned but said it is important to note that the public health department is in the school trying to determine if anyone has the infection, to catch any sign of tuberculosis early.
Students and faculty were given a skin test. Health officials will be back at the school on Thursday where they will read and measure the reaction to the skin test to get the results.
However, many are unhappy that American school kids are at risk for TB infection to begin with.
Parent John Cullom reportedly agreed, but still expressed concerns over the health risk.
“I’m all for the testing, definitely do that. But it concerns me that it is in existence,” he told WSB-TV. “That’s a worry.”
Unfortunately, it appears America’s Gold Age of Public Health has come to an end as the scourge of TB is slowly returning to this country.
According to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 9,615 tuberculosis (TB) cases were reported in the United States in 2023. This represents a significant increase from previous years:
- It’s a 16% increase from the 8,320 cases reported in 2022.
- It’s the highest number of TB cases reported since 2013.
- The TB incidence rate increased to 2.9 cases per 100,000 persons in 2023, up from 2.5 per 100,000 in 2022.
- Finally, 76% of cases occurred in non-US-born residents.
Based on these projects, I think the other schools are going to eventually have to respond with TB testing of their student bodies…unless our politicians decide to control the border to better protect American public health.

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millions of invaders from 3rd world shitholes who have never seen a Dr. without any kind of screening come across an open boarder and ppl are
shocked to find out they bring all kinds of nasties with them.
blame the Dems.
Off topic,
Wasn’t there an article earlier today about a news conference in the state next to Wisconsin by a group of nationals from another country about why they were not voting for Harris?
Where did it go, along with the post on “X” that was linked?
Or was it on a comment? Either way the post on x was impressive and is now gone.
Import the third world, get third world diseases.
Meant as a stand-alone comment.
Do it for the children.
While they are doing it TO the children.
Every kid with a positive test goes home with a free sticker saying, “DIVERSITY IS OUR DIAGNOSIS!”
The US used to check for diseases before letting people enter the country. We must have stopped a long time ago.
I recall a couple of years ago that kids who got here often carried diseases Americans had eradicate decades ago.
The US used to check for diseases before letting people enter the country. We must have stopped a long time ago.
your mixing up legal and illegal immigrants, legal immigrants still have to pass a physical, my ex when I brought her from Korea had to take a physical at 121st evac hospital at yongsan and pass to get permission to enter the US
Sorry, now I see it, it was further down than i thought
But the linked X was gone, need to see if still gone.
Sorry, sorry, it is still there on X, a copy and paste mistake by me.
This was a video showing some Somali leaders claiming they felt safer with Trump. They admitted they don’t like some of his policies but they will get no help from Harris. If you search MN Somali leaders Trump – you will find a number of videos.
This link has three videos:
BTW, Ilhan has been very quiet for 3-4 weeks.
Thank you too.
My mistake originally.
The word is smoking mentholated cigarettes cures TB.
If only it had cured syphilis, the nation could have been spared a scandal.
Close the frigging border!
Walton is a giant high school and one of the best public high schools in the state, well regarded academically as well as athletically. 20-years ago, it was probably 90%+ Caucasian. Now, it’s closer to 60% because of an incredible increase in international migrants & the children they bear. But in fairness, they’ve managed to keep their test scores very, very high which is impressive particularly considering the campus seems to be in a constant state of upgrade & expansion. It’s famously where the Robinson brothers formed the Black Crowes.
In 2000, Bush carried this county by 24-points. In 2020, Trump lost it by 14-points. THAT is how much the county has changed, demographically.
I graduated from Walton. The biggest change demographically is the large influx of Indian (dot) students over the last 20 years. It’s always been viewed as the next best thing to private school in the metro Atlanta area.
That’s good information that sheds additional light on this story as India suffers from one of the highest rates of TB in the world, maybe THE highest rate.
To MDP Well there is a post about people from Somalia at the very bottom of the Home page “Somali Leaders in Minnesota Endorse Trump: ‘We Can’t Afford Anything’
Posted by Mike LaChance on November 03, 2024 28 Comments”
Yes, thanks, I missed it before.
But I tried to send the X link directly to a friend and it was no longer available on X
Unless I oopsed
Yes I made a mistake it is still there
My apologies and thanks again for correction.
Breathing air that was cleaned of harmful CO, NOX, SO² and CO² only to contaminat it with third-world diseases.
We will all be sick soon.
I recall grade school TB tests, even in an upscale school.
It was fairly common in the ’60s and into the ’70s. I think we even had one as freshmen entering high school in the late ’70s.
Imagine, if the traders in the White House had done their job and allowed the border patrol to do their jobs, this probably wouldn’t have happened.
I love it when the voice dictation decides to change words after I’ve already checked, Traders should be traitors
It’s been getting worse since Siri’s “Kareen” upgrade.
Growing prevalence of TB, among other things imported with all the illegal aliens, hitting school age children is likely to be a bigger issue than many think. The Karen ish helicopter parents gonna ‘demand to speak to the manager’ despite their wokiesta voting preferences. It’s all good when the consequences are confined border communities but definitely not ok for the same things in their children’s schools or their own communities.
omar is the pox…in any county
Omar Bradley was an outstanding General.
Gee, wonder where this came from.
>>“Tuberculosis is one of the most common infectious diseases in humans worldwide. It’s really a public health concern because it’s highly transmissible, but it is treatable,” said Dr. Amy Hajari Case, a pulmonologist with Piedmont Healthcare.<<
Unless you're unlucky enough to contract a form of drug resistant tuberculosis then you're pretty much screwed for treatment and are guaranteed to die a miserable death.
Illegal with ‘aggressive, drug-resistant’ form of TB released after making contact with ‘hundreds of detainees’, state sues
The interesting thing about Drug Resistant TB is even though it’s been around for several decades now, it’s never really been something US clinicians have had to worry about. Why? Because it’s surprisingly not really a problem in Latin America, the traditional source of most of our alien-carried diseases, driven largely by our annual illegal alien influx. But, that changed several years ago when we saw an EXPLOSION of illegal immigrants from all over the globe, begin to cross our southern border…to particularly include Asia, which not coincidentally is the part of the world that is most impacted by DRTB.