Elizabeth Warren Ratioed Twice in Two Days on X for Attacks on Pete Hegseth, Trump
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Elizabeth Warren Ratioed Twice in Two Days on X for Attacks on Pete Hegseth, Trump

Elizabeth Warren Ratioed Twice in Two Days on X for Attacks on Pete Hegseth, Trump

“Lady, you’re from the party that spied on an incoming president. If I were you, I would have several seats and not even mention the word corruption.”

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) was stunned by President-elect Donald Trump’s pick of Fox News host Pete Hegseth to be his Secretary of Defense. She immediately took to X to express her disapproval.

Warren wrote, “A Fox & Friends weekend co-host is not qualified to be the Secretary of Defense. I lead the Senate military personnel panel. All three of my brothers served in uniform. I respect every one of our service members. Donald Trump’s pick will make us less safe and must be rejected.”

Apparently, the senator was unaware that Hegseth served in the military for 20 years, during which he deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. He also received two bronze star medals, which the military awards to soldiers who have distinguished themselves “by heroic or meritorious achievement or service … while engaged in an action against an enemy of the United States.”

She also didn’t know that he holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Princeton University and a Master of Public Policy degree from Harvard University. Or that, during his time at Fox, he’s been a strong advocate for the veteran community.

Warren’s remark received the swift, sharp rebuke it deserved.

Sean Davis, co-founder of The Federalist, pointed out Hegseth’s impressive resume and reminded Warren, “You falsely claimed to be an Indian to get a job you couldn’t get on the merits. Sit down, Pocahontas.”

Davis was, of course, referencing Warren’s claims of Native American heritage on employment forms in the 1990s. She had misrepresented herself in the hopes that her “minority status” would boost her career prospects.

The Boston Herald broke the story during her first run for the Senate in 2012. Warren claimed that her parents had often told her she had Cherokee blood. This sorry little saga ended in humiliating fashion for the senator when, challenged by then-President Trump, she took a DNA test in 2018 which showed she had less Native American ancestry than the average African American.

Others quickly piled on.

The following post might be the best argument for a Hegseth confirmation yet.

And on it went. Reply after brutal reply.

To be fair, Warren wasn’t the only Democrat to disparage Hegseth’s qualifications. Don Lemon, Colorado Rep. Jason Crow, Watergate relic Carl Bernstein, and former Illinois Rep. Adam Kinzinger, a Republican in name only, joined the meltdown.

Still, it was surprising that she would put herself out there after having been slammed so hard on X just the day before. She wrote: “Donald Trump and his transition team are already breaking the law. I would know because I wrote the law. Incoming presidents are required to prevent conflicts of interest and sign an ethics agreement. This is what illegal corruption looks like.”

Warren was simply employing that time-honored tactic that comes so naturally to Democrats: accusing their enemies of what they themselves are doing. This strategy was handed down to them decades ago from the late community organizer and communist Saul Alinsky.

Unfortunately for Warren, after a decade of the Democratic Party’s ever more brazen and corrupt schemes to destroy Trump, thousands of users recognized her hypocrisy and struck back.

Warren doesn’t realize that Trump’s resounding victory shows the majority of voters are on to them by now. Democrats, drunk with power and craving even more, played the game too long. The party jumped the shark when they decided to use law fare against Trump.

And, while they are free to pretend otherwise, the election showed they’ve already run afoul of another Alinsky rule: “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag. ‘Don’t become old news.’”

Elizabeth writes commentary for The Washington Examiner. She is an academy fellow at The Heritage Foundation and a member of the Editorial Board at The Sixteenth Council, a London think tank. Please follow Elizabeth on X or LinkedIn.


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I want to see Pelosi held accountable for J6, criminal conviction, followed by her wealth taken with civil litigation.

    I’m quite curious as are a number of people as to how Pelosi amassed a net worth north of $300,000,000 on a government salary or how her husband has a better stock market record than Goldman Sachs or Warren Buffet.

      docduracoat in reply to diver64. | November 14, 2024 at 11:30 am

      The main objection I see from Liberals on X is that Hegseth has no experience running a large organization like the Pentagon.

      In my opinion, that is a positive as he is not part of the DC swamp

    hbrown7332 in reply to JohnSmith100. | November 14, 2024 at 10:36 am

    Really unfortunate that LI’s otherwise excellent coverage on this is polluted by its institutional knee-jerk reflex of false accusations against Saul Alinsky. Calling him a communist is simply laughable – based on what evidence? Name-calling should be below LI’s standards. Further the practice of projecting your sins on your enemies, is what politicians do, isn’t it? It hardly originated with Alinsky.

      tdiinva in reply to hbrown7332. | November 14, 2024 at 6:00 pm

      I can attest to the fact that Alinsky was a communist. My Grandfather was a Party member and knew Alinsky. Alinsky was as red as you can get.

Warren is a disgusting cancer.

Truth is like kryptonite to them.

Action novels are full of men earning all sorts of battle honors being dropped by wives, girlfriends or other women. It’s the role of women. It avoids having to keep them in following episodes.

Sean Davis nailed it. She is a shameless hypocrite, and fits perfectly in the Dem Party.

Ben Shapiro

Wait so your qualification is that you have siblings who served…but he’s not qualified despite the fact that he is an Army Major who served in both Iraq and Afghanistan and was awarded the Bronze Star twice?

    WTPuck in reply to 4fun. | November 14, 2024 at 10:36 am

    Yup. My first thought was that someone else’s service doesn’t qualify you for anything. Every member of my family who has served would agree.

I’m betting Warren wrote her criticism before Hegseth was nominated. She was merely waiting for his name.

Ron Coleman:
Is it true what I’ve been told – that you really were a respectable academic before you became a shameless political whore?

Not really. She was respected, but never respectable. And the only reason she was respected is because the people doing the respecting liked her findings, so they never bothered inquiring into the quality of her scholarship.

Lucifer Morningstar | November 14, 2024 at 7:57 am

>>Donald Trump’s pick will make us less safe and must be rejected.<<

You mean like the current Sec. Of Defense, Lloyd Austin, has made the military more safe with his woke, DEI recruitment and retention policies?

Incoming Presidents are required by law only to take the oath of office as written in Article II Section 1. What the hell is she talking about?

    Lucifer Morningstar in reply to George S. | November 14, 2024 at 10:13 am

    Warren is talking about the Presidential Transition Act (1963) as amended which purports to govern the manner in which the presidential transition of power will take place.

    Presidential Transition Act (1963) [PDF]

      It gives the incoming President certain benefits, if he signs. Quid pro quo, which is how they get around the Constitutional requirement. It is justified under the Constitution’s Spending Power. But it has to be voluntary to work. By now, with the states, that is fairly well established – to bind the states, they have to voluntarily accept a benefit from federal government. It’s very unlikely to be any different with the incoming President.

      Why might Trump not sign the agreement? Because last time around, GSA acted like a part of the Obama Administration, which they, of course, were, and put their loyalty to Obama over their loyalty to Trump. And part of that included spying on Trump and his Transition team.

Somehow I can never see eye-to-eye with her.

It was a much better world over the past period of time when we weren’t subjected to hate filled rants from Pocahontas. Who let her off the reservation? I guess we’ll hear her more often now that she’s in the minority party.

Serial pathological liar ranting. Anyone care?

Exactly. The notion that one Congress/President can pass a law imposing additional requirements on a future president is crazy. For this very reason, I believe that the Civil Service Act is unconstitutional because it impairs the elected President’s ability to exercise “executive power” (i.e., the right to hire and fire his own team at any time for any reason).

Too many mention the two bronze stars (as I understand it, neither with V device) and too few the CIB.

Lucifer Morningstar | November 14, 2024 at 10:06 am

The Constitution of the United States provide for three requirements to be president of the United States.

1. That the person be at least 35 years of age.
2. Be a natural born citizen.
3. Have been a resident within the United States for 14 years.

Along with the oath of office they swear to when assuming office.

There are no other qualifications. There are no requirements for signing an “ethics statement”. There are no requirements for the incoming president to sign any “transition agreements”. The three requirements for office plus the oath are the only thing the incoming president needs to satisfy. Nothing else.

And I would argue that the Presidential Transition Act (1963) only applies during the presidential transition. Once the person is sworn in as president and the transition has ended then all agreements signed/made under the Act are null and void unless reaffirmed by the President and his Executive staff.

irishgladiator63 | November 14, 2024 at 5:28 pm

Are we sure her brothers were actually in the military? She’s lied about family members being Indians before, so anything she says regarding family is suspect.